Final Notes

Just before you step into the portal, there are a few reminders we need to give you. Remember:

‘ Be courteous when using a scryphone in public places.

‘ The words Fubbick, ‘Klusky‘ and all klusk- and klusk-related phrases are considered vulgar. No one is sure why, or where it came from. But it‘s bad, so please refrain from repeating it should you hear it.

‘ Keep track of the various currencies. To be safe always carry twenty Elaran bucks (bills) or five Dannan pounds (coins). They are the most widely used form of currency on Nemedia.

‘ Be especially careful if going to Greylan, the Pentar Federation, the Ariman desert or the Northern wastes.

‘ Keep your eyes on the Kenders. Always.

‘ There is a small saurian colony which overlaps where Anwyn, New Cymru and Kobam meet. Both wyverns (two legs, two wings) and dragons (four legs, two wings) inhabit this sparsely populated region. Please be careful

‘ Tell all your friends to buy Warcraft 3.

‘ Never spit into the wind.

‘ Appreciate obscure running gags

‘ Respect the barkeeps. Just about every barkeep is a member of the barkeeper‘s association. You screw up, and word will get around. Fast

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
[email protected]

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