State of the Planet:
The Nations and Nature of Nemedia

There are a total of 18 sovereign nations on Nemedia. Using the map, you can see each nation's name, form of government, capital city, and a brief paragraph describing it. The four continents are as follows:






New Cymru
Lha Deva
Pentar Federation Northern Waste


Nation: Tirdannan-Copper
Capital City: Tara
Form of Government: Confederate Monarchy
Geography: Deep Needleleaf forests in the northern half and along the Wundercairn mountain range on the west coast. Thick broadleaf forests in southern third half. Scattered heaths and moors throughout.
Paragraph: One of the most powerful nations in Nemedia, Tirdannan was one of the first nations to be founded after the Exodus. Home of the Druids and Bards, Tirdannan is known for its mystic innovations.


Nation: Elvanar-Light Green
Capital City: Mantherion
Form of Government: Liberal Class System/Triumvirate
Geography: Carefully maintained and harvested broadleaf forests. Woodland and shrub along the east coast. Needleleaf along west coast, Wundercairn mountain range
Paragraph: Typically considered the homeland of the Elven people, Elvanar is a haven for those studying geology, ecology, and other earth and life sciences.


Nation: Greylan/Greyn Territories-Dark Green
Capital City: Dresburg
Form of Government: Militaristic Parliament
Geography: Needleleaf forest. Located in the midst of Wundercairn mountain range
Paragraph: Founded by the Elvanar tyrant Grey, Greylan was formed after his unsuccessful conquest of the Babyl continent. The descendents of his supporters continue to live by the Grey's isolastionalist and borderline-racist code. Also home of the Warlock form of magic. Brittle peace agreement between Greylan and Selark
Journeys to Greylan are not reccomended!


Nation: Selark-Orange
Capital City: Fort Wallace
Form of Government: Militaristic Congress
Geography: Needleleaf forest. Located within the Wundercairns.
Paragraph: Seceded from Elara after complaining that nothing was being done to stop Greyn raids. While nowhere near as militaristic as Greylan, it is still a harsh place. However, they are willing to welcome strangers-as long as they are not supporters of Greylan.


Nation: Elara-Yellow Orange
Capital City: Cadyllyr
Form of Government: Federal Monarchy
Geography: Needleleaf forest along the Wundercairn mountain range. Plains and farmland to the east. Savana to the south.
Paragraph: A large nation known for its diversity, and its maple syrup. Home of the Paladins (Order of the Steel and the Order of Pearl) and the recently opened Inter-Magic Institute.


Nation: Shabah-Manilla
Capital City: Medin
Form of Government: Monarchy (Sultan)
Geography: Savana in the northern quarter. The rest is predominately desert with scattered oasis'.
Paragraph: Being one of the few known locations for oil has made Shabah a wealthy nation, with a majority of its citizens living better than those of other nations. One of the leading developers of technology.


Nation: Kampos-Sea Green
Capital City: Nurzel
Form of Government: Matriarchy
Geography: Two-thirds desert, with the southern third a combination of savanna and grasslands, and tropical woodland along the major river.
Paragraph: Despite its mostly-desert nature, Kompos is home to some of the largest shipping fleets in Nemedia, as well as its largest navy. Salt mines are scattered throughout the desert region. Home of the only Matriarch-based government. Males may or may not consider going here, due to cultural reasons.


Nation: Anwyn-Blue Violet
Capital City: Moytura
Form of Government: Monarchy (Balor System)
Geography: A mix of hills, forests and moors.
Paragraph: Anwyn was one of the first nations founded outside of the primary continent, Babyl.


Nation: New Cymru-Sky Blue
Capital City: Caerdyddin
Form of Government: Parliament
Geography: Lots of hills. A few forests, but mostly hills full of grass and rock.
Paragraph: A strange land for a strange people. Enter at your own risk.


Nation: Kobam-Yellow
Capital City: Torg
Form of Government: Monarchy
Geography: Hills and moors and plains.
Paragraph: A nation with an agrarian-based economy. Nothing much to see.


Nation: Kobalos-Light Green
Capital City: Ulru
Form of Government: Tribal Confederacy
Geography: Swamps, moors, and hills, with tropical forests in the southern half.
Paragraph: A somewhat poor nation, Kobalos does possess several resources which are owned by overseas companies. This has led to various periods of political strife, especially towards its southern neighbor, Tolk. Also one of the premiere locations for studying and understanding shamanic magic.


Nation: Tolk-Blue
Capital City: Midgar
Form of Government: Parliment
Geography: Mountains with numerous fertile valleys
Paragraph: Tolk is considered the home of the mystechnology movement on Nemedia. It is also home of one of the largest iron ore concentrations. It's many rivers flow north into Kobalos. Both nations are extremely hostile towards each other.


Nation: Sidhe-Violet
Capital City: Vinfarra
Form of Government: Plutocracy
Geography: Hilly with scattered moors, some tropical forests near the Kobalos border.
Paragraph: Founded by Dannans exiled due to political reasons, it has become known for its neutrality in all regards save that of Tirdannan.


Nation: Lha Deva-Lavender
Capital City: Deo
Form of Government: Strict Caste System
Geography: Bordering alongside the Dooku mountain range. Lush tropical woodlands and forests all the way to the coast.
Paragraph: While open to foreigners, Lha Deva is a strict land with strict laws for its own inhabitants, primarily trolls. Primarily agrarian based and poor.


Nation: Piroko-Yellow
Capital City: Largo
Form of Government: Parliament
Geography: tropical rain forests with scattered mountains.
Paragraph: Another proponent of mytechnology, Piroko is a land caught in a peaceful tug-of-war between tradition and modern technology. Hint: "Shiny things" are winning.


Nation: Tranta-Red
Capital City: Hue
Form of Government: Imperial
Geography: A mix of mountainous tropical rainforest and light tropical woods to the north, with marshes and tropical woodland in the southern half.
Paragraph: Tranta is known for its renowned institutes teaching the art of Chi, a form of magic that is only now being studied by traditional mages.


Nation: Daolutia-Magenta
Capital City: Jian Lao
Form of Government: Bueracracy (Federal).
Geography: Tropical woodland and grasslands
Paragraph: A small trading nation whose dense bureaucracy can baffle even the longest lived of natives. But don't worry. While it may be confusing, it is honest and just. As just as any government can be, graft notwithstanding.


Nation: Pentar Federation
Capital City: Manticore City, Mosag Island
Form of Government: Confederation of loosely affiliated island-nations. Or so they say....
Geography: Islands of varying sizes and shapes north of Kobalos.
Paragraph: A beautiful chain of islands that would serve as a wonderful place to vacation if it wasn't for the near-anarchy that exists there. It is suspected that the islands are a haven for pirates, cutthroats, sum and outlaws.
Journeys to the Pentar Federation are not recommended!


Nation: Northern Wastes
Capital City: N/A-Mount Azubah
Form of Government: N/A
Geography: Permanent ice cover, with a single large, barren mountain somewhere near the north pole.
Paragraph: The northern wastes can be a beautiful but dangerous land. It is believed that the Wardens of Light devised a way to emulate the unique "burn-out" from Earth. As such, the further inland a mystically-based entity journeys, the weaker they become until they enter a region devoid of any magic, and unable to support any. Eventually they would die. In the middle of this dead continent is Mount Azubah, the gateway to the Shadowlands. Attempts to visit or reach the mountain are strictly prohibited.
REPEAT: Mount Azubah is FORBIDDEN!


There are numerous small islands throughout Nemedia's two large oceans. However, due to size they do not possess portals, and many of them may be uninhabited. Feel free to take the time to explore them, as well as the many wonders of Nemedia!

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
[email protected]

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