Welcome to Nemedia

Greetings, and Welcome to Nemedia. Whether you're here as a diplomat a tourist, a businessperson or one of the few immigrants allowed during this inter-world transit test period, you'll find our world to be beautiful, vibrant, and endlessly fascinating.

In order to make your stay here a comfortable one, the United Nemedian Council has provided this guide to help you acquaint yourself with the unique nature of our planet. We hope that you'll read through it, and learn as much as possible.


A Glance into the Past: The Founding of Nemedia

A Modern World: A Look at Nemedian Civilization

State of the Planet: The Nations and Nature of Nemedia

The Art: Nemedian Magic and its Practitioners

Final Notes

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
[email protected]

Copyright© 1999-2002. R. Sa-Fantasy Fiction World. All Rights Reserved.