Nemedian Civilization Continued

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You will be arriving through one of several World-Portals located throughout Nemedia. The World-Portal system has been in use for almost 100 years. There are several dozen small portal stations scattered throughout the planet, capable of opening portals between every portal station in Nemedia. In addition there are 28 portals capable of teleportation to locations outside of Nemedia. Of course, these portals are rather expensive to use for travel, and are under strict control as they are generated and maintained by numerous mages, primarily magicians.

The portal system is an amazing feat of mass-transit. Let's use an example to better illustrate how the system works. Portal Station A is preparing to open a portal to Station B. Each portal consists of two large iron pillars about nine feet apart, in the middle of a large stone circle. The mages cast the initial teleportal spell, causing mystic bolts of energy to shoot between the two pillars at both stations.

The engineers at portal B verify that the portal is legitimate. This is done by several methods, including scryphone, ID verification systems, and other undisclosed methods. The portal system uses a strict schedule in terms of when portals are opened. Once verification takes place, the energy bolts increase in number until a portal, encompassing the space between the two pillars is formed.

Passengers enter the circle. A shield is enacted around the circle, and the passengers are ferried through. Once all of the passengers and cargo have passed through, the portals are closed, and the shields are dropped. In case something happens to the engineers, the portals are equipped with several mystech batteries which allows five minutes of uninterrupted power to the portals, enabling anyone currently in the middle of transport to finish going through the portal. Since this recent innovation, accidental portal closings have stopped completely.

Of course, there is more to Nemedia than Mystech. While there are some areas of political unrest, there have been no real military conflicts for several years, the most recent exception being a trade dispute between Elara and Kolbalos.

You'll find Nemedia civilization to filled with a large number of varied societies, ranging from industrious Tolk to mystic Tirdannan to isolationist Greyn. It is impossible to describe even one society with any accuracy within a small pamphlet such as this. Nevertheless we will address some facts about Nemedian nations in the next section.


This is just a sample of the amazing things you will discover in Nemedia, much of which cannot be explained nearly as successfully unless they are experienced. We're at the dawn of a whole new world, and you are lucky enough to be a witness.

[ Welcome to Nemedia | The Founding of Nemedia | A Look at Nemedian Civilization ]
The Nations and Nature of Nemedia | Nemedian Magic and its Practicioners | Final Notes ]

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Updated August 16 2002
By Moderator/Group Owner Senidel -
[email protected]

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