The Original Realm Of Terror Hi-Graphics


Diablo 2 Logo


Diablo 2 Release Date: Q1 1999

Andar (Contact Me)

New European Consumer Trade Show - Next Friday, September 4, Blizzard to promote Diablo II. For more information. Check the news.

Sexy RogueThe Sexy Rogue Picture at right is an artwork by Artist Andreas Rocha. A very impressive artwork on Diablo's female hero !!! He made her a true beauty, but brave enough to face the terrors of HELL

The Full-size Picture Please Do not use on your own website without Permission from Andreas!!!

Andreas Rochas Homepage

Portraits From Hell

Channel coming soon

This is the game Infomation so far 50% done! (Screen Shots)

Diablo Not Animated

Realm of


page last updated on 09/01/98

Diablo Is Back & Badder than ever

Animated Bloodline Pic

Mortal. you better get the right kind of browser & Tools! Or you will be sorry.

My pages are best viewed with

Internet Explorer 4


Fan Interaction

Diablo 2 News Exclusive

new.gif (634 bytes) I am still adding the new information that was on the sneak peak Diablo II - A class by itself by

I have added some information regarding chatrooms.

Next Friday, September 4, Blizzard to promote Diablo II at E.C.T.S, European Consumer Trade Show. For more, check the news.

ACT II - More new pictures, screenshoots and information. New detailed information on the Paladin and Sorceress. Check the news.

Check out the Official Diablo 2 site! It's updated and improved!

The Second, and the best Diablo 2 trailer yet is now released!!! It's a great movie! Please Check it out!

An European Diablo demo came out right after E3. It is pretty cool. It shows someone playing the actual game, but it's JUST a video!!!

Checkout the Realaudio 5's great Background soundtrack for this page.

I have been messing with this great tool called ICQ. And with it's help I come up with my own Clan! Please Join my clan.

See my Diablo 2 news for more Information Please!



Diablo 2 Wishlist


Diablo 2 The Story

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clan.jpg (6229 bytes)

Monsters of Diablo 2
Diablo 2 Characters
Diablo II Weapons
4 Towns in Diablo 2 ? Wow!
Screen Shot From The Hot Game


Diablo 2 the Devilish Links


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Soul to visit Realm of Terror since Mar 9 1998!!!

Copyright � 1998 Realm of Terror. All rights reserved.

Reproduction in whole or to use my art designs without my permission  is prohibited. Pictures, screenshots are courtesy of  Blizzard, Sierra, Gamespot, Computer Gaming World and other respective owners.   Sound bytes from Diablo are courtesy of Blizzard. Used for not-profit entertaining purposes only!