The Rest of Both Worlds Online
Marillion Oxford Zodiac 24-7 July Fish Chigwell Maypole 9 April Feast of Hope 29 May
All that plus a lot of very silly humour! FISH MAKES PACT WITH SATANPETE TREWAVAS WINS ANNUAL BAND PUNCH-UPFISH'S KETTLE RETURNED - EX LEAD VOCALIST'S JOY AT REUNION WITH LONG LOST KITCHEN EQUIPMENT.And don't forget The Lizard:"Many of you may be unaware of the fact that the name Marillion is actually taken from the stories of Mary the Lion, a famous adventurer during the Spanish Civil war. Mary Il Leon was a young peasant girl, who grew up to command the elite troops of Franco's army. In between, she had many interesting adventures, and our interviewer asked the various members of the band which were their favourites."