Important Dates in Wisconsin History

1634-Landing of Jean Nicolet on shores of Green Bay

1669-Arrival of Father Jaque Marquette at Chequamegon Bay

1673-Discovery of upper Mississippi River by Louis Joliet and Father Marquette

1763-Wisconsin and other parts of New France ceded to Britian

1787-Nortwest Ordinance passed by Congress. Wisconsin now part of Nortwest Territory

1800-Territory of Indiana, including Wisconsin, created by Congress

1809-Territory of Illinois, which included Wisconsin, created by congress

1832-Black Hawk War

1836-Territory of Wisconsin created by Congress

1837-Construction of first Capitol started at Madison

1846-First Constitutional Convention opened at madison

1848-State constitution adopted. Wisconsin admitted to the Union as the 30th state

1854-State Republican Party founded at Ripon

1901-Robert M. La Follette, first native-born Governor inaugurated

1905-La Follette elected to the United States Senate

1917-Complettion of new state Capitol

1925-Senator La Follette died in Washington and honored by place in National Hall of Fame

1932-Albert G. Schmedeman elected first Democratic Governor since 1895

1948-Wisconsin holds centennial celebration

1959-St. Lawrence Seaway opened for traffic

1964-Ice Age National Scientific Reserve established by Congress

Short Summary

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