Since I love to write, here is an ode to my friends in the chathouse:

I love to chat, I must admit
When I can't get in I have a fit,
My friends are there, I must go too
Sometimes I cry and go askew

Oh yes! I'm in and get to talk,
but someone says "go take a walk"
what did I do to take such abuse
"Go stick your head into a noose"

He's gone and look I see my friends
Plastic Star the living end
Oh there's the Taxman, Vipre, too
What did they do let out the zoo?

They're crazy and zany, a good looking crew
If someone attacks me they take him on too
They're rough and gruff and sweet as pie
Such wonderful friends, Oh lucky am I

Willy,the gentleman and Dorian Grey too
they're charmers and talkers and handsome too
Sneakers my buddy and Alaskan Man my friend
My broken spirit they help me to mend.

I'm happy to have them, the whole motely crew,
Such wonderful people, I really love you,
You're good and you're friendly, a wonderful group
I hug you and squeeze you, Now that's quite a scoop!

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