Virtual Kiss

Sent your sweetheart or lover a virtual kiss. This is a fun site. They have a kissing booth, kissing store, and lots more. Tis the perfect place for lovers.

Virtual Flowers

Send that special someone a virtual bouquet. This site has many virtual flowers and real ones too. A must stop on your way to that date with someone special.

Mail A Meal

This is a fun site. Ever have someone complain about being hungry. Well here is your solution. Virtual meal delivered immediately. Check it out!

Electronic Greetings

This is one of my favorite sites. It has a wide variety of cards to choose from. Musical and animated to brighten your day. They have special interest cards as well.

Awesome Cyber Cards

Another great site for cards., postcards,awards center and a site for all ages. Be sure to visit. You will bookmark it and use it again and again.

Best Flowers

This was a new site for me. They feature Free Postcards and have catalogs, contests, flowers and even a chatroom.


This site also features free greeting cards. They have a wide variety and also specialty cards

Best Flowers

This is a new site to me also. They feature flowers, digital postcards, catalogs and have a quarterly newsletter.

Byte Ranger Enterprises

Byte Ranger has outdone himself. His Gallery is filled with great pictures that he has done himself. Be sure to enter the gallery and take a look. He has turned them into electronic greeting cards for our pleasure and also has a brain teaser riddle page. Its a must. Take time to browse and brighten your day.

The Cream of the Crop

This is a great site. Check it out. Shosh works as an Internet Tech Support. XLSF, The Cream Of The Crop offers Free Banners, Backgrounds, Tech Support and E-cards. Be sure to check out the shift awards and if you think your site has what it takes, you can apply for her award too.

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