My Very Dearest Friends

Alaskan Man-view pic-My first real friend online. Be good and stop letting me pick on you so much. It's getting too easy.*S*

Below-0- view pic-My "almost" son in real life. You are a good guy and have helped me out a lot with my computer. You will accomplish a lot in life if you keep that positive attitude.

Cougar-view pic here or here-Husband of Sneakers. You are truly one great friend to me. I enjoy talking with you and solving or trying to solve "life's little headaches".

Deacon-view pic-My wonderful Christian friend. Though we don't often chat, we share the same burdens.

DreamStar(M)-view pic-One of the nicest guys you will find anywhere. I'm really glad we met. Thank you so much for your kindness and your friendship. You are a real sweetheart. And thank you for all the little suprises you give me.*S* I love everyone of them and will use them all.

Fireweed- view pic.-My Alaskan friend. It seems we have a lot in common. Husbands and teens seem to do that to a woman.*L* I'm glad we met on the net and I look foreward to a long friendship.*S*

Franky_the_Lazy- view pic-A real great guy From France. Sweet, charming and very much the gentleman. He will never be on our WAD list*L*.

ICEMAN-view pic-A good friend from the Dakotas. Hard working, smart, good looking, and single , girls*S* And he's a great guy too. Thanks for being a good friend.*S*

Myst- The "hyper" girl who thinks I know a lot. Thanks, Honey, you are really good for my ego. Page me anytime!

Night Wolf-view pic.-My new friend. A great young man in the Navy. I'm here for you when you need to talk. Stay just like you are and take care of those little ones*S*

Otello-A classy guy from Holland. A true friend who really shows he cares.

Plastic Star-view pic -My one and only "cyber daughter". A great lady with a witty mind and charm to go with it. Don't break too many hearts, Hon.*S*

PoohButt-My new "buddy". In a short time I've seen a side of you few have seen.*L* Your a great friend. Stay sweet. Things will work out for you.*S*

Seneca-view pic .-My Friend. Sweet, sensitive, smart and single. The ideal friend and an all around great guy. Thanks for listening to me when i needed to talk and thanks for trusting me with your confidence.

Sneakers-view pic here or here- Wife to Cougar. Together we are the "evil twin sisters" and partners in crime..Armed with hot wax and an epilady, the cruelst device known to man, we are unstoppable. Maybe together we can solve our continuing problems*S*.

-Heart- and his new wife, 2Hearts- view pic- Mike is a great guy, although still a brat! (ask Juanita). They are a lovely couple who live in Canada. We share a facination for a certain addicting online game! Congrats on the new life together. Take care of one another and that good looking young man in the pic with his dad.*S*

Willy or Magnetman - view pic-"Mr. Perfect as I like to call him. A Long Island transplant from Switzerland. A classy guy with wit and charm. My upline and mentor! Always the gentleman and my favorite confidant. With European flair and ideas, you accept me as a friend no matter what my mood.

It is here that I would like to list all the wonderful people I have met and talk to from time to time. If I forget anyone, I will come back and add you.*sorry*
|Slash/Dryve| |skeeycs| |yim| | 2Dogs| | Iron| | Stargazer| | Carrie| |redcap1| | La Nora| |Chardonnay| |corkscrew| |Gentleman Kev| |ljl| |beartrap| |IceMan| |Me(f)| | Gone Fishin| |Southern Kitty| |Maddad| | glistening eyes| |lil one| |Alamo| | Grace| |Stormy|

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