My Picture Links Page

My Family's Pictures

This project turned out to be huge! I have compiled all the pictures that my family has put on pages somewhere out here in cyberspace. So for your enjoyment (or whatever) you may view them at your leisure from one spot! I have added descriptions so that it will be easier to decide which, if any, you care to see. Have fun.

Click on the link below to view the desired picture.


Three Pictures
1. My three daughters and myself
2. Eldon, Norm, Sam, Ryan, Caleb,Chelsea
3. Sam, Eldon, Charity at the pool in vegas.

Three More pictures
1. Sam at Vegas
2. Michelle at Happy Joes at my birthday party
3. Chelsea and Ryan at her kindergarten graduation party


|Alaskan-Man| |Wildfire/f and Cougar| |Cougar and Sneakers| |Deacon| |.ICEMAN| |Night Wolf| |wildfire/f and sneakers| |Willy| |Franky_the_Lazy | |Fireweed| |Forget-Me- Not| |Below-O |

Charity's Pictures:

Charity sky coasting (3 pix)
1. Suiting up
2. 150 ft. up
3. Soaring


Caleb's Picture Gallery:

|caleb || Mom and Caleb 6 months| | Neice Chelsea and Uncle Caleb| | Sam and Caleb Wrestling| Tweety Power-The Winner| | Sam and Caleb| Funny Faces| Wizkid| |Fore! | | The Family| | Becky, Sam, Caleb| Caleb and Lassie|
| Michelle and Friend, Lassie, Caleb| |Eldon, Caleb, and Charity in Vegas| |At Treasure Island| |Pirate Fight | |Pool at Excalibur| |View from Hotel Window| | Caleb, Chairy at the Excalubur| |Caesar's Palace| |Sharon, Charity, Caleb, entrance to Luxor| |Eldon Charity, Caleb, walkway at Luxor| |Eldon, Charity, Caleb at Luxor| | The Excalubur| | Caleb at Wildwood| | Catfount| |Caleb and Sparky| |In the Atlantic| |Sunken Concrete Ship WW1| |Liberty Bell| |Becky on the rocks at the Atlantic| |View of Atlantic| |Eldon at Karate Banquet| |Sharon at Karate Banquet| |Eldon in a Torunament| |First Form, Eldon|


Eldon's Pictures:

ChopChop and Wildfire

ChopChops Wedding Pictures
First Wedding Pictures Page
|Bride and Father||Bride and Bride's Maids||Groom and Groom's Men|

Second Wedding Pictures Page
|Miniature Bride and Groom||Bride, Groom, Parents||Bride, Groom, Pastor|

Third Wedding Pictures Page
|Bride, Groom, Wedding Cake||Bride and Groom||Bride|

Chopchop's Stretched out family
|1. Conehead and Ventura| |Saddlebags| |I got the point| |Hercules with bony knees|

Stretched out Family page 2
|Spock Here| |Chin Grins| |Bonehead, Meathead, Conehead| |alien|

Eldon's Navy Pictures
|In uniform||At Subic Bay||Sleeping Quarters||Berth at Pearl Harbour||USS Nicholas DD449|

2nd Navy Page
3 pictures of the DD449

Eldon's Wisconsin Pictures
Page one of Wisconsin Pics
|Greetings||Grazing Deer||Farm Scene|

Page 2 of Wisconsin Pics
|John Deere Tractor in the Field||The Big M||Farm and Field|

Chopchop at work

Eldon's Hawaii Pictures

Page one of Hawaii pics
|Bellows Beach||Another of Bellows||Blow Hole||Chopchop in Hawaii-1967|

Page two of Hawaii pics
|International Marketplace||Pearl Harbor||Waikiki||Big Island of Hawaii|

Eldon's Vietnam Pictures

Vietnam Pics Page 1
|Plane||Sharon and Eldon at Airport||Eldon in uniform||Ship's Compartment|

Vietnam Pics Page 2
|ship at Pearl Harbor||Ship's Gun||smoke screen||Back of the Ship|

Vietnam Pics Page 3
|Mechanism to control the Hilo||Radio controlled Helicopter||Ship's Bridge||Sub in Nam|

Memorial Day Parade

Ceremony at Cemetary


Michelle's Pictures:

Michelle, Chelsea, and Ryan


Becky's Pictures:

Becky's graduation pic (way2cute)

3 pictures:
1. Michelle and Becky dancing
2. Becky at the beach
3. Becky at the Montreal Inn on the Beach at Cape May, NJ


Sam's Pictures:

1. Sam, Eldon, Charity
2. Caleb with a trophy


Chelsea's Pictures:

Two Pictures
1. Chelsea and Ryan (kidergarten graduation)
2. Chelsea and Lassie


Ryans Pics.

(not available quite yet but soon!)


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