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My husband and I live in a small community in southwest Wisconsin. Its a rural type of comunity. Although we don't farm, we still have the country flair. I like to kid around and say that we live in Hicksville,USA, but I don't know if I would be happy anywhere else. The streets are safe, there are no gangs and the police wave and call you by name as they pass.

Big thanks goes to my good friend, Dreamstar(m) for making this plate and many other little gifs for me.*S* Your're a sweetheart.

So I would like to give you a little tour of our part of wisconsin. Please bear with me as I have to gather much information yet. But I hope when I'm done you will have enjoyed your visit.

Below you will see a picture of the "Big M". This is a favorite place of my children and other children in the area. It can be seen from my backyard, but is about 9 miles away. This shows you that there isn't much to block the view for a long way.

The "M" is made up of rocks and stones that the University of Wisconsin- Platteville engineering students have collected and painted. They maintain the M..which by the way stands for Miners. Every year they have a party and a fun time as they repaint and realign the stones. There is a picnic area there and a nice road around the M that is used for jogging. The children love to climb the hill and see if they can reach the top. There are many trails and a couple of creeks where they catch toads. I will have a better history on this later.

In order for the pictures to load faster I have put this on several pages. Click on the link below to continue.

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