Feelings From My Heart

I'm not a professional poet.*S* As you will see from these, I write what I feel and if it rhymes I call it a poem. So just enjoy the feelings from my heart.

Being a mom and a wife have a lot of rewards. But sometimes it's nice to just sit and do nothing..hear nothing.. see nothing. enjoy*S*


As I sit on the porch at the end of the day,
I listen in wonder to what the night has to say.

The wind how it whistles and rustles the leaves
The noise of the crickets rubbing their knees

The owl in the barn gives a loud owlish hoot
The mice run and scurry, they really do scoot

But the sound I love best is no sound at all
The silence of darkness no children to call.

Asleep in their beds on a warm summer night
The stars shine and sparkle, their light twinkling bright.

It's peaceful and quiet, still and serene
Heavenly peaceful, with beautiful scene.

I sit here and gaze at the quiet darkend hue,
It's heavenly sitting with nothing to do.

Sometimes we forget to say the things that we need to say daily. This is for my husband, Chop Chop. Luv ya, hon.

If We Had Never Met

If we had never met, I would have lost so much,
The sound of your voice,the beat of your heart,
your warm and gentle touch.

The smiles that you give me that light up your face,
The warmth that you show me with your tender embrace,

The children that we share,the feeling of care,
It had to be fate that made us a pair.

I love you, Honey, with all my heart.
No one can split us or tear us apart.
I pledge to you this very day,
I'm here and I'm yours, and I'm here to stay.

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