Tribute To My Family


Chop Chop- My husband and my friend, the love of my life. You please me in every way. Thank You for choosing me to love.

Sweetshel-My daughter, firstborn. You were the "experiment. You've been through a lot and come out on top. You've accomplished more than any other young woman I know. Take care of yourself and those babies.

way2cute- The "middle girl". You hold the same spot as I did in my family. You're beautiful and smart and the world is at your feet. Don't be afraid to reach out and grab it.

Swapa- My oldest son. The 'perfect" child. You've never given me a minute of grief. You're kind and loyal and my pride and joy. Smart and talented and will make some lucky lady a great husband some day.

Charity-My "baby girl". The independent one. Tough as nails and sweet as pie. You're the heartbreaker. Keep those standards high. You will accomplish whatever you want in life. I have faith in you.

Littlechop- My youngest son. My baby. The bonus I received in my later years. Smart, sweet and very much loved..Spoiled rotten but still dear to my heart. Take care of Mom when she is old, ok?

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