More about Wisconsin

Below you will see a typical scene in Wisconsin during the summer. It is not uncommon in South West Wisconsin to cut and bale hay three times in one season. The weather in June, July, and August is hot and humid..We have lots of sun and lots of rain. It makes for a very green place to live. We had friends visit us from Kansas. They live very near the Oklahoma panhandle and the Texas border. They were real impressed with the number of trees in the area and we take them for granted. It makes us think about how fortunate we are to live here.

The tractor in the picture is a John Deere Tractor. That is a common sight also. They are the biggest manufacturing company around here. Located in Dubuque, Iowa. It is about 25 miles from here and many of the people in our town work there, including my husband. The plant in Dubuque manufactures the big industrial equipment. The plant in Moline makes the agricultural equipment. The picture below is my husband at work at Deere and Company.

This is my husband ChopChop at work. The picture is the last "d" series backhoe that will be made in Dubuque. His friend and co worker, Donnie is on the left and he is the taller man on the right.

Wildlife in Wisconsin

|Wisconsin| | More about Wisconsin| |Wildlife in Wisconsin| | Climate and Vegetation| |Sites Worth Seeing| | Famous Wisconsin Figures| | Important Dates in Wisconsin History| | Short Summary|

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