Short Summary


STATE NAME-badgers
STATE MOTTO-"Foreward"
STATE TREE-Sugar Maple
STATE SONG-"On Wisconsin"

The Capitol lies in Madison. We were the 30th state admitted to the Union in 1848. We have 2 Representatives in the State and 10 Representatives in the House.

The state is large in area. 54,704 square miles of land and 1,449 square miles of water.

The mineral resources are varied. In Grant (where I live), Iowa, and Lafayette Counties, there are good deposits of zinc. The lead that was in the area is now depleted. We also have limited amounts of limestone, cement rock, talc, pyrite,and barite. Stone gravel, sand, and clay are plentiful.

Wisconsin is the host state of the Green Bay Packers located, of course, in Green Bay. But we also host the Summer Training Camp of the Chicago Bears. It's a great rivalry, especially here where we live only 9 miles from the Bears camp and have met many of them. (Go Bears!)


I hope you have enjoyed this mini tour of Wisconsin. I wall be adding to it as I go along with pictures of the Mississippi River and some personal shots of my hometown. Stop back and visit. We will be happy to see you.

|Wisconsin| | More about Wisconsin| |Wildlife in Wisconsin| | Climate and Vegetation| |Sites Worth Seeing| | Famous Wisconsin Figures| | Important Dates in Wisconsin History| | Short Summary|

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