Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Season 3 |
A Dax love story, and not a very good one at that. The problem is that she meet a guy, spends a few days with him... and is willing to give up everything to be with him for the rest of her life!
He must have had some very strong persuasive arguments to make her want to abbandon her friends, family, and career for a simple existence as a non-corporeal being.
Thankfully this does not happen.. and she cries bitter tears. (boo-bloody-hoo!) It does deserve some merit for having Jeffrey Combs in it.
Wow, it's fantastic to see Johnathan Frakes on DS9! And rather interesting what they decided to do with Thomas Riker. It would have
been even better if Sisko and Dukat would have contacted his good old Will to help them negotiate with his evil "twin". I found it very interesting to know that Dukat has children too, sort of adds even more depth to one of the most complicated characters in Star Trek
Love is in the air. Everyone is acting more than a little out of character here. But it's all very funny and it's good to see Lwaxanna Troi again. A very silly premisis for an episode, though.
It's worth the watch alone to see Odo dance.
Bajoran politics and medical ethics. Somewhat interesting the problem Bashir has with just how far he will go in keeping Bereil alive. Other than that it's sort of dull.
Once again Kira's is left with a bleeding heart. Oh, the anguish the poor woman must go through. But anyway, The Bajorans make peace with the Cardassians!
A very good character develloping story for Odo. He gives a very emotional performance and we learn more about his past.
Already a giant leap from the menacing "Who the hell are you?!" Odo from Season 1. It is around this point that Odo becomes one of my favourite characters on DS9.
Another irrellevant and horribly unfunny Ferengi show. Nothing good comes out of this, except Rom proves he is low
enough to embezzle latinum from The Grand Nagus himself. Shamelessly pointless.
Time travel, Romulan plots, Klingon agents, DS9 litterally exploding on screen! This episode
has everything going for it. One insignificant little nitpick from me; when they discover the "cloaked" sigularity
orbiting the station, they really should have figured out that it must have been a Romulan ship. Starfleet learned that they
use an artificial singularity as propulsion in TNG's "Timescape". Why doesn't anyone know this? O'Brien was there! Sisko and Dax really should have know this too.
I'm not sure why this is one of my favourite DS9 episodes. It just has a certain mood to it,
and Alexander Siddig is brilliant. For the first time in all of Star Trek
the well know "rapid aging" effect (whatever the cause) is done convincingly; both the make-up and acting.
Garak's part in it is also delightful. And that Lethean is just eeeevil.
The lives of Dax explored miraculously through all the regular actors. Trill science (mysticism) never ceases to amaze me.
Avery Brooks almost over-does his part as the evil Joran. Odo/Curzon is a fun character and Jadzia's internal
conflict helps to futher devellop her as a character. But we all could have done without the scene with Leeta. The only character
I HATE on Deep Space Nine.
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