Dawn Realms

Dawn Realms


Game Information


Character Info


Dawn Societies

     Significantly, your actions will affect your life in Dawn, both with other PCs and NPCs. "Factions will be sight based and spread by word of mouth." In addition, they will be both individual and race based. "Keep in mind, however, just because an NPC dislikes you doesn't mean he is going to kill you. He may tell you to piss off, he may smack you around, he may imprison you, but an NPC will have to REALLY hate you in order to end your life."
Because factions will affect your life the need of additional identification measures become practical. In Dawn players are able to customize the appearance of many different objects.   "During item creation you can alter the shade and color of the object. Then via carving/drawing/painting skills you can add template patterns to objects sort of in the way you would add bumper stickers to a car. You'll first have to design (or have someone else design) the symbol you want created with the user interface provided in the game, then you'll be able to position the symbol on the object." Also mentioned that there would most likely be a limit on the number of symbols you can put on each object.
in·ven·tion [in vénshn ] noun
1. created thing: a thing that somebody has created, especially a device or process
2. act of creating: the creation of something new
3. creative ability: the talent to create new things
As of right now I can't find exact information that Glitchless has put out. So until I do, I will put the information that I remember.

Alot of things in the game will have to be invented. The exact process is still unknown. However, from the information that has been put out by Glitchless, it will go something like this.
Inventor - Will come up with and design the plans for the invention.
Engineer - Will take the plans made by the inventor and make the final product.

I'm still unsure if a person can be both the inventor and the engineer. Glitchless has said that some tradeskills will effect other tradeskills in a negative manner, but some tradeskills will work together. To me it seems logical that an Inventor and an Engineer will be compatible tradeskills.

This section is going to be used for the more complex inventions. Though items such as clothing and jewelry will have to be invented, they are in their own category. I intend for this section to be a "how to" section detailing instructions on how to make the different devices.