Dawn Realms


Game Information

Supreme Beings

Character Info


Dawn Societies

Supreme Beings

     Additionally, there are rumors of powerful goddesses [i.e. gods] that shall receive prayers from the populace of Dawn. With little to no information on Deity -- It is  presume it will be sensible. Go ahead and fantasize.  With a struggle between good and evil on every level of our existence,
Truthfully, with as much as I expect Dawn to parallel life, I doubt we will be seeing many goddesses or gods. I will be able to pray my ass off to her. She may even hear me; but I am not certain how often I will see her or be aware of any acknowledgments. However, do not mistake, I do believe they will exist and be the most powerful constant in the game. Besides the celestial protection of your goddess, you will also be able to command certain creatures' total loyalty with the combined ability to control them using "psionics."

     Psionics allows the player to enter the "pets" bodies and acquire complete control. There will be both "followers" and "pets" in Dawn. Followers are permanently bound to you. Psionics will only apply to infant followers and you must equip and level them. A pet is a summoned, completely loyal creature dependent on its caster's strength and spell type. Pets can not wield equipment nor will they advance in level. You may summon multiple pets granted you have the magical power to do so.

More on gods and goddeses will be reveiled as time permitts in the realms of Dawn