Dawn Realms


Game Information

Player Killers

Character Info


Dawn Societies

Player Killer Issue

      Folks question whether or not players will be willing to risk their lives to protect items for a cause. With everything I understand about human nature, the risks will only prove more enticing and addicting. People surely fight and defend with fever for items in their real-lives, even at times with fatal results. Likewise, when in character, your family and friends will be the most important thing to you in your life. Otherwise, I would assume you are not making a very valid attempt to role-play the aforementioned character. OOC is not welcome in Dawn. You will encounter evil characters expected to do evil things and you will find characters wishing to only be friendly and helpful. As long as you stay in character you pretty much do as you wish; free will is a strongly stressed aspect of Dawn.

     Murder will not be taken lightly, and therefore should be an uncommon occurrence. Many people have expressed their concern for how Pk's will be controlled and how abusive problems will be prevented. Knowing you do not want to hear this, more than ever the players will be able to "police" themselves. It is not only having power and friends to assist in your journeys, there is the formidable thought for every PC that death is real and lasting in Dawn. Not to mention that most acts of abuse would take some type of planning. And with no way to recognize player stats by sight, it might prove thorny attacking "nameless" and "level-less" players.
     Look at it this way, in real life there are many people that are evil to say the least, but you never know who is out there that might harm you. Plus you can't expect a GM to come to the rescue if your getting harassed,  it just happens that way. You can't expect everyone you meet to be Mr. Nice Guy, besides that PK's might not be to zealous to kill others especially it the don't know how tough you are.
     There will be people out there that will kill others till they are dead them selves and just as well they might keep doing that over and over because they think it fun.