Dawn Realms


Game Information


Character Info


Dawn Societies


(According to Glitchless)
There has been a major change in the way we plan to have players erect structures in Dawn. Previously we had stated that players would select from a list of pre-made structures and that the list would grow as the player became better at building. Not only would this ultimately limit the amount of different structures you could create, but it would be extremely boring spending your time doing nothing but hammering away at an enormous castle that takes you and your 100 friends 10 hours to construct. We didn't like this idea from the start and have been attempting new methods of player-based structure creation and have finally developed a system that will work in real-time. The new system allows player to actually create their own structures, piece by piece. Using sheets of metal, slabs of rock, and logs of wood (all of varying qualities and types) players will be able to create completely customized structures. Using this system you will be able to build very simple, yet very functional structures. We will still have a list of pre-constructed structures for players to choose from for things that have moving parts or are simply too complex. Things such as catapults, drawbridges, doors, ovens, forges, and boats will be pre-constructed, but all will be compatible with the generic building components so that you can create a seamless wall with a drawbridge in the center that lay over the moat you've dug.


This will be a database of both images and floorplans of different structures that are built in Dawn, that you can use to create your own homes. If you would like to contribute to this database, please send me your floorplans and instructions, and if possible an image after Beta begins.