Dawn Realms


Game Information


Character Info


Dawn Societies


               Magic in the world of Dawn will be item based. Where a ranger may get a better bow or skill with her bow, mages will receive new wands or rings. You can equip up to ten rings at a time. "The idea is to give both melee and casters the same fun in loot." Allowing you a larger variety of magic and preventing 'super" beings, Dawn's magic will be divided into differing disciplines. Diversity will make it very difficult to specialize in certain combinations of magic. Currently these disciplines exist:

                Magic and combat both will operate in an improved and seemingly realistic fashion for a MMORPG. Targeting is expected to resemble the "sniping" method used by FPSs. However, Glitchless has adamantly stated that latency will not be problem due to their "excellent client side prediction." Instead of selecting a target and auto-attacking you must aim and fire with your target in site. Implementing the need for aiming allows players more imagination during battle. For instance, by hiding behind structures or walls you are actually making yourself a smaller target. Also, shields will have a realistic effect by not just adding to your armor bonus but also actually absorbing most of the effect. You can expect to see visually striking magic as well as unique combat moves. You character will as unsurprisingly perform different maneuvers each with their own animations and sounds. With the included ability of using your weight and most objects being usable during a fight you can attempt to push and move opponents.
           After much deliberation we've decided to make the magic in the game item based. This will provide a closer loot parallel between melee and magic users by making it enjoyable for casters to adventure and to collect new and better items. Much like a warrior can get a better sword, a mage will be able to get a better wand or a better ring which will allow them to cast a more powerful spell. Our no-maintenance item policy will stay in tact of course, warriors swords will not decay or rust or break nor will casters items have set amount of charges. The most common spells will be found on rings of which you can equip up to 10. Other items will have spells as well but only equipped or held items can use their effect.
     Magic will be divided into disciplines. Certain disciplines will conflict with each other at varying degrees making it extremely difficult to efficiently train in both. Training efficiency is a very important factor considering there are no caps or limits on skills or disciplines. In other words you won't be able to 'max out' one area then work on another until you are some super being - a concern some of you expressed on the message boards.
The current disciplines are as follows:
Anarchation -Elemental Damage
Conjuration - Creature Summoning
Alteration - Effects Magic
Abjuration - Defensive Magic
Sanation - Healing, Life Regen
Necromancy - Drains, Life Transfer
As well, you will be allowed resists for piercing, crushing, slashing, heat, cold, magic, and poison.


I'm using this section to create a database of spells that are linked to the items. If Possible, I will list the names of the spells, what the spell does, which classes or tradeskills it is compatible with, and if any spells are linked to a certain level, then I will list at what level a person can use the spell. When the information becomes available, please send me all the information that you know about the spell.