Dawn Realms

Site Updates


Game Information

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Dawn Realms Updates

Last Updated (06-02-01)

(06-02-01) More graphics have been added, so check them out click here to see them

(06-01-01) I have added more things to the website and even though that Glitchless has not started beta as of yet, I am still going to kep adding stuff that they update.

(05-31-01) Well the big surprise is here and you all thought the beta would be here now. Trust me it will be, I mean the end of spring is not till JUNE 21......so I've been told
Anyhow keep the faith in Dawn/Dusk and I hope to see you all there.

(05-12-01)   Hail all today I was reading  (more like refreshing my memory =P) tha pages on the glitchless web site and I noticed that there was a new pic on there. So I added it to my site to let you all see the Dragon Picture and here it is
Aint she a butte =)
Dragons of Dawn
(click to enlarge)

(05-02-01) Well it been awhile and I thought I might let you know that Glitchless has finally updated their site. Even better news is that they said that Dawn should be out by the end of May at the latest.

(04-07-01) Not much going on in the realms of Dawn latley. I just did a small update on the Dragon Knights of Dawn. Other than that I have nothing to report to you.

(04-02-01)  Finished the portrait pages today, they van be veiwed here. Other than that, there's not much else to tell you...Oh yeah almost forgot I added a new link called "Dawn of Ideas". It's an interesting site, so check it out on my links page.

(04-01-01) Hail all fellow RP'ers, I finnaly finnished with making a page  (well actualy several pages =P) for the Dragon Knights of Dawn I hope you all visit there and hopefully join the ranks of our newly build allegience =), currently there a some people that have joined and hope to see more of you people join too.

(03-27-01) Hey all, just thought I'd let you know about this littler update that I have done....... I added some more information about variuos thing that you will notice. The home page of this web site is quite shorter. I just move it to the game infromation page where you'll still find all the info you need.

(03-26-01) Well toda I added some concept art work ( provided by Glitchless ) to the Character races. Oviously that not what the characters will look like but what the heck, it addes some color to the page. Also I am working on an allegience page for my unnamed realm that some friends and I will be working on, and if you would like to join the Dragon Knight of Dawn, then click here.

(03-23-01) Nothing much going on around here, just adding a few things here and there....which you will notice. I probably will add a link to DragonsRage Network as well, a bunch of cool thing to see there as well. Hope to see you all in the world of Dawn

(03-15-01) Hail all, well this is the first day of this web site and I hope  all you players of Dawn use it frequently.....if not for the informatoin that can be found here, then I hope all of you people will use the message boards I made. Well until we meet again, I abid you adue and my your journey's bring you prosparity

(03-14-01)  Hail all,........ three forums have been added to this web site. They are as     follows: The Knights Inn (A RPG Message Board), Game Information (for information  about Dawn), and  General Discussion (Talk about the game or whatever you feel like)

(03-10-01) Hay all of you who read this, I just started this page last night. just thought that I would keep updates here so that you might want to know about what goes on here.
Well, untill the next post...cya all later =)