mom and daughter

A Child's Point of View

(You and Your Child)

You thought you were happily smiling at your child from a hard
stadium seat or a hot packed auditorium,
But your child looked at your face and saw approval of him and
joy in what he was doing.
You thought that you were just patting him on the back or on
the head, or just ruffling his hair,
But your child cherished the warm loving touch and his heart
was brightened.

You thought you were reading a bedtime story with all the
funny and scary voices,
But your child enjoyed the fact you read every word even
though he had heard them a hundred times before.

You thought you were letting your child help paint the house
even though the paint got kind of runny and drippy in places,
But your child knew that you were working together as a family
and felt a sense of accomplishment as a family.

You thought you were singing silly songs or counting the cows
on a long boring trip,
But your child learned that it was fun being together no
matter where you were.

You thought you were spending a few minutes of your time by
throwing a ball in the back yard or baking some cookies,
But your child, who realized that your time is precious, knew
you were investing it in him.

You thought that you asked your child's opinion about
something that wasn't too important,
But your child thought you asked because his opinions and
thoughts were important.

You thought you were being a
good host by inviting your child's
friends in for a cool snack on a warm summer day,
But your child knew that his friends were important to you and
always welcome in your home.

You thought the tears in you eyes went unnoticed when your
child accomplished an important goal in his life,
But your child knew that he was deeply imbedded in your heart
and you sensed his accomplishment.

You thought that the refrigerator
was as good of a place as any
for hanging all the art work and "well done"
papers that came home from school,
But your child felt important when he came home from school
each day with something to show you and tack up in his
personal hall of fame.

You thought you gave your child some simple chore or job to do
and told him, "Well done.", with a smile when he did it,
But your child learned responsibility and began to realize he
could tackle even tougher things.

You thought you were helping a troubled restless child get some
sleep by fixing a cup of hot cocoa,
But your child felt that you were opening your heart around a
kitchen table and making all the problems a lot smaller.

You thought the vacation wasn't much of a success because
the fish didn't bite and the sun didn't shine,
But your child still remembers everything that happened and he
still laughs at all of the funny parts.

You thought you were just giving him a quick hug at a special
moment or "just because",
But your child carried it with him for a long time, because
what you really said was,
"I'm proud of you!", or "I love you!"

You thought you were just giving him a little kiss on the cheek
to tell him good bye as he left for school,
But your child felt warm and loved because he knew there would
be another one waiting for him when he got home.

Come to think of it, there are a
lot of times when parents really are misunderstood!

Tina's infancy | Tina's adolescence "SPECIAL" | Tina's Young Adulthood (looking for love) | Tina's search begins | Tina and Ginger's Reunion | Struggles in our relationship | Tina's working on healing | Healthy Mother Daughter Relationship | Birthmother Ginger's Story | Ginger's Childhood | Ginger at the Group and Foster Homes | Rock-a-bye-bye-baby | Home for UnWed Mothers | Empty Arms - Empty Soul | Ginger's Empty Cradle | Ginger's Recovery | Hello? I am looking for my mother. | Getting to know you | The Seperation | Real Love Never Dies |

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