This original page is just too long, so it's been rebooted.

19 November, 1998
Never being one satisfied with my first version of just about anything, my Babylon 5-inspired stories are now known as
"The Babylon Project: Legacy"
The premiere episode of "Star Trek: Starfleet Academy", "Ex Astris, Scientia" Part One is finished.
11 September, 1998
Heh-- did I say more frequent updates?
It was a good summer on the Great White Way, with new stuff on the Broadway page.
You'll find two brand new sections of fan fiction, each with a new spin on storytelling.  The first is my virtual TV series, 
"Star Trek: Starfleet Academy"
and the other is the ongoing saga of
"The Babylon Project: Legacy" (fka
"Babylon 5: Between the Candle and the Star")
Also just up is the third chapter of TRAJQ's "The Big Goodbye", and, believe it or not... the finale to YJQ's "Debut"!!
Also, you'll notice that I've jazzed up the menus for nearly every section on this site (ain't JavaScript great?)
15 July, 1998
Yay!  I'm continuing stories!  Here're the new chapters of TRAJQ stories "The Big Goodbye" and "Blood Money".  Also the next part of "Between the Candle and the Star", my Babylon 5 story.
(11 Sept - above links fixed)
13 June, 1998
Don't hate me, but I started yet _another_ couple of stories.  The TRAJQ one is another era-spanner entitled "The Big Goodbye".  The other one's based in the world of "Babylon 5" and is called "Between the Candle and the Star" (now known as "The Babylon Project: Legacy")
6 June, 1998
"The best laid plans of mice and men go oft awry."-- Burns
Let me tell you that being a senior year engineer leaves you exactly ZERO time to do extracurricular stuff like writing, drawing, maintaining a web page... In any case, there's finally something to put up!  There are two new stories begun: TRAJQ now has my new "Future Past" story, "Meeting of the Minds".  There's also the first part to "Dream Catcher", featuring none other than "Tomb Raider"'s Lara Croft herself!  Also, the long-awaited continuation to YJK's "Debut" has been posted.
The last new thing is a big ol' page of brand new ballroom pictures from this school year.
Look for much more frequent updates (shouldn't be hard) this summer.
18 February, 1998
It's the middle of the month!  The recent three-day weekend gave me the time to catch up on some writing.  First up, I've added another chapter to YJK's "Debut".  Better yet, I've finally begun working a story around the dream I had (those of you who are regulars know what I mean).  So, you can now read the first and last chapters of "The Neverending Story: The Quest".
28 January, 1998
Well, it took me long enough, huh?
New this year-- new chapters of YJK's "Debut", TRAJQ's "Blood Money", and the Hercules story "The Eighth Labor".  Also new are the conlcusion to the Robin/Batgirl story "A Night On the Town" is finished, and the new TRAJQ short "Property of A Lady".
20 December, 1997
Three updates?!  Well, now you can find one of my actually completed stories (one of my favorties, too), TRAJQ's "On Broadway".
15 December, 1997
Could it be?  One month, two updates?  You bet it is-- I've added the first chapter (seems like I'm adding a lot of first chapters, and nothing else, doesn't it?) of my Hercules: The Legendary Journeys story, "The Eighth Labor".
3 December, 1997
Continuing my new tradition of about one update per month, but boy, what an update! 
Added a new chapter to TRAJQ's "Blood Money" and to YJK's "Debut"
Added a new chapter to my Mission: Impossible fic, "The Lady and The Tiger".
1 November, 1997
Added the first parts (sorry for the delay) of two new TRAJQ Fanfics, "Blood Money" and "On Broadway"
8 October, 1997
Added Winnie Lim's "Where Do You Start"Series to TRAJQ Fanfic
Added an International Style Syllabus to my Ballroom pages
Updated my Resume
1 October, 1997
Added my first Mission: Impossible Fanfic,"The Lady and The Tiger"
Finally added TRAJQ - "Madagascar"
28 September, 1997
New Ballroom pages - one about Dancesport
and two about good dance music.
Added the epilogue to YJK - "Captured"
24 September, 1997
Well, duh!  Look around you-- I've framed up almost the entire site!  No actual additions yet, but they're coming.  Until then, enjoy the new look!
19 September, 1997
Joined The Young Jedi Knights Webring 
and Added third chapter of YJK - "Debut"
14 September, 1997
Added all four chapters of YJK - "Captured" 
and the first two chapters of YJK - "Debut"
15 August, 1997
Added new picture to Pen and Paper.
Added last chapter of TRAJQ - "Fortune's Wind"
Added prologue to YJK - "Captured"
14 August, 1997
Added the Guestbook.
Added the What's New Page.
Added my art page, Pen and Paper.
Added the Young Jedi Knights
Fan Fiction Page.