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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Nine
Quinn followed Casche through the hotel.
"Casche, where are we going?"
"Trust me," she answered.
Casche stopped at a hallway. She closed her eyes for a second, then continued down the hallway.
"Carey, what's the matter?"
"I feel Casche, she's close." Carey answered, then opened the door. He saw Casche, started to run to her, then stopped himself. Callie stepped up in front of him.
"He doesn't want to speak to you."
"Why don't you let him speak for himself?!?" Casche retorted.
"Casche," Carey whispered. "Go..." Then he disappeared back into his hotel room.
Callie just smirked at Casche. "I'm a siren, Casche, you're just a goddess!"
"You're just getting me back for not letting you have Hercules!"
"So, what if I am. He's mine, Casche."
"Maybe he's with you right now, but the real answer is does he love you?"
"Of course he does!"
"I can't see any love here!"
"You wouldn't know love, you've never experienced it! Now, shouldn't you go practice for you little show..."
Casche glared at Callie. Callie answered by saying, "He doesn't want you, you can read it, it's in his heart." Then she also went into the hotel room.
Casche shook her head, then started sobbing.
"Casche..." Quinn tried to soothe her.
"Clu," his mom said.
"Yeah, Mom?"
"Why don't you go find Carey and Casche, and tell them pizza's here."
"K." He said. Then he started out the door.
Soon, he came to a cleaning lady. "Hi, I'm with the Phillips-Bell party. Have you seen Casche around here?"
"Yah," she said, in a Mexican accent. "5th floor."
Quinn was still trying to soothe Casche when she looked up. She saw a familar shadow going past the hallway.
"Clu!!" She called. He turned and started toward Quinn and Casche.
"Casche," Clu asked. "Are you alright?"
"I'm I alright? I'm crying! Of course I'm not alright!!" She said, and continued to cry.
"Okay... How mad are you?"
She answered by punching the wall. It created a gigantic hole in the wall.
"Um... I don't think the hotel manager's gonna like that!"
"Don't worry!" Casche said. She put her hand up to the wall, and a blue light started to surround both Casche's hand and the wall. Then, in a bright flash, the wall looked as if nothing had happened.
"Huh?" Clu asked, clueless. (hehe :) had to add that!)
"Ask Annie, I don't have time to go into this." Casche answered, starting to cheer up. "We need to go."