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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Four
Quinn reappeared in the local Burger King.
Then, Callie and Carey walked in. "You go sit down," said Carey. "I'll go get food. Ya want anything?"
"No... I'm fine."
Carey walked up to the register, and Quinn made sure he took his order.
"Um.. I want a...."
"Hey! Aren't you Carey Bell?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"Well, I saw you with your other girlfriend, Casche. Ya'll look so happy together. Why aren't ya'll together?"
"Never mind that. I want-"
"I know, I know.. But I personally think Casche was prettier, and more talented, and prettier..."
"Then why don't *you* ask her out?!? No, wait, you can't. She's in love with my brother!"
"No! You have no idea what pain you've put her through!"
"How would you know?!?! Never mind. C'mon, Cal, we're out of here!"
Once they left, Quinn vanished once again.
"Quinn? I thought I told-" Annie started.
"Listen. I know why Carey-"
"Okay, okay..."
"Carey said he thought Casche loved Clu, which is why he left with Callie." Quinn said.
"And I remember Casche and you saying something about her being a siren..."
"Right! So Callie..."
"Must have casted a spell on Carey..."
"Yeah! We need to find Carey!"