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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part One
"Are ya'll ready to par-tay?" asked the Annoncer-dude.
"YES!!"the audience shouted.
"Well! We have a show for you! First up, a beautiful young woman all the way from Greece!"
The crowd cheers.
"Here's Casche!!"
"Hey! As many of you know, this is my first performance in the States! As my first song, I will sing an orginal
song I created for one of my best friends!"
"So," Molly asked, backstage. "Casche's birthday is coming up. What are we gonna do?"
"Well," answered Annie. "Donna said we could have a big surprise party at her house, 'cause she wants to meet a Greek
"Ya mean 'Crown Princess of Athens'!" Jack corrected.
"How old is Casche turning, anyway?" asked Ned.
"Oh, 3,5- I mean, 18." Annie answered.
Ned, Irene and Molly just stared, then shrugged it off.
"Fine. It'll be this Friday, since that's Casche's exact birthday!" said Irene. "After the concert, Carey can take Casche some place and we can start calling people and stuff."
"Right!" said Annie. "This will be so neat! I just know nothing will go wrong!"
Meanwhile, at a Train Station also in Hope Springs, Colorado....
"Hey, Sweetheart! Looking for a real man?"
"Yeah, ya big garbage pile," a woman said. Her eyes flashed yellow. "I'm looking for a boy-man, he goes by the name Carey Bell."