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Part Seven
"Huh? Huh? What?"
"I thought you knew!!"
"No.... Huh?"
"Stay here," Annie ordered Casche. Then she walked out of the room.
"I thought you were gonna go get Casche."
"I understand it now. You like Casche, you really weren't gonna shoot the king
'cause you thought he really was Casche's father, you couldn't kill him, so you missed on purpose,
but accidently shot the guard. Who Casche liked...."
"What? She liked him? I had no clue..."
"*That* was obvious!"
"If I had known it was going to strike the guard she liked, I would have let the Waxchi come after me, I never meant to hurt her..."
"But you did. Did you ever try to *explain* what happened to her?"
"Well, no..."
"Then do it!"
"Go in there and tell her the truth!"
"Go away!"
"No! Go!!" Casche ordered.
"Let me explain what happened..."
"Okay, shoot."