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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Ten
"Well," Clu started. "If the only reason Carey loves Callie is because of a spell, we have to
break it!"
"Yeah, but I've never heard of anyone breaking a siren's spell. And you know, I've been
around, I know my sirens!"
"Casche, you're a goddess, can't you do *something*?"
"I don't know..."
"Couldn't you try? I don't like my brother this way!"
"I don't know what to do. He'll either fall out of love himself, or he'll drown swimming to
"Huh?" Clu asked.
"It's what sirens used to do, I didn't mean it literally, of course, it's entirely possible!"
"Oh, I'm hoping for the first option."
"Me, too," Casche giggled.
"Casche," said Quinn, coming out of his "dormant/just listening/starring at Casche" mode.
"You said something about Hercules earlier, what happened with him?"
"Oh, I almost forgot to tell ya'll! A while back, me and Herc went on this quest, I can't remember what it was for-"
"You don't remember a lot of details do you?" Clu asked.
"Well, do ya blame me? I mean I've been alive for 3,000 years! And I don't just have the body of an eighteen-year-old!"
"Okay, okay!"
"Anyway, me, Herc, and the sailors of the ship went by an island. A dolphin passing by told me there was a siren on the island-"
"Who was Callie, right?" Clu again asked the goddess.
"I didn't know she was so old, she doesn't look it!"
"Well, you don't look like you could have been alive in the Renaissance, and I don't look like I could have been alive in the ancient Greek era, now do I?" Casche snapped back at the muse. "Anyway, I came prepared. I had enough bee wax for everyone's ears, except mine and Herc's. I was a woman, so the siren song didn't effect me. I thought Herc was strong enough to fight it, but he wasn't. I saw him about to jump out of the boat, so I started singing. It snapped him out of his trance and we made it through. I guess Callie really wanted to see Hercules die."
"Or she wanted him for herself," Quinn added.
"Right. Now let's go eat pizza." Clu said.
"Pizza?" Quinn asked.
"It's breakfast time!" said Casche.
"Yeah, well it's breakfast pizza! Just come on!" Clu exclaimed, then went into Clu's mom and dad's room with Casche and Quinn following.