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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Three
"Carey..." Callie whispered in his ear. Then she started singing.
"Come on, Carey, let's leave..."
"No! I'm with Casche!"
Carey and Callie looked at Casche, who was still dancing with Clu.
"Can't you tell she likes him?"
"What?" yelled Carey.
"Yes, I mean, look at the way she's dancing with him!"
"Ya know, she used to dance with me that way!!"
"I bet she was just using you to get to Clu!"
"Yes, I bet that's it!"
"Then, Carey, come with me..."
"Man! This is soo much fun! Clu, you're a great.... dancer?" Casche started, but then saw Carey leave with Callie.
"What are you looking at?" Clu asked, then saw Carey.
"Ya know, that looks like Cal-"
"One of Carey's old girl...."
"I bet it's just a female-friend..."
"Yeah, I have lots of male-friends... I bet-" Then, a man came up to her.
"Quinn! What are you doing here?" Casche angrily asked.
"Quinn?" Annie said, walking up to them.
"You know each other?" Casche and Quinn asked at the same time.
"Yeah... Casche is dating Carey, and Quinn thought he was Molly's muse."
"Ha! They actually let you on a job!! They must have hit their head or something!!"
"Well," Quinn said as he made a face. "I just came to tell you Carey left with Callie."
"Callie? You mean, Callie?"
"Yeah, the siren."
Casche started crying.
"Casche, if I-" Quinn started.
Annie stopped him. "You should go."
"Okay," Quinn said, then vanished.