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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Two
"Casche, come on, Donna wants to met you.... Come on!" Carey said as he dragged Casche to Donna's house.
"Carey, it looks dark in there, are you sure she's here?"
"Yeah... Come on!"
As soon as Casche turned on the light, everyone popped out.
Casche started laughing.
"What?" asked Annie.
"Well, I kinda knew about it!"
"I'm a goddess, hun! I heard ya'll talking about it at the concert!"
"But, it'll still be fun!"
"Excuse me," asked the siren to the clerk at the Stop-N-Go.
"Do you know of a Carey Bell?"
"Yeah.. He took his girlfriend to her surprise birthday party."
"His... girlfriend?"
"Yeah... I believe it's at Donna Write's house. Are you his friend?"
"Yeah... You could say that..."
"Well, then, I'll give you directions!"
"Casche! Let me introduce you to my brother Clu!"
"Hi," said Clu.
"Nice to metcha!"
"Yeah! Ya wanna dance?"
As Clu was leading Casche to the dance floor, Callie the Siren entered.