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Part Eleven
Clu and Casche were still eating the "breakfast" pizza, while Jack sat on the couch, remote
in hand, channel surfing.
"As always on a Sunday morning, there is nothing on TV!"
"Well," Casche answered. "It's 9:30 so we could listen to 'Rick D's and the Weekly Top
"Okay," Jack said as he turned the knobs of the hotel alarm clock.
"At number 7, here's Molly Phillips with 'More Like a River'"
Meanwhile, in another hotel room....
"I'm turning on the radio!" Carey screamed to Callie, who was in the bathroom brushing
her hair.
"Okay," she answered.
"Hey," Carey exclaimed. "It's Molly's song, at number seven!"
"Which one?" Callie asked, not being able to hear the radio through the bathroom door.
"More.... Like a River...."
"What's wrong?" Callie could tell he was troubled by the way he spoke.
"Nothing, it's just...."
"This was the first song I ever heard Casche sing...."
"Oh, her. Forget her, she's nothing to you anymore...."
"No, you don't understand..."
"I do...."
"I, I..."
"You what?"
Then a new song came on. Callie got really excited, it was her favorite. But Carey looked
"What's wrong now?" she asked.
"This song...."
"Yeah, it's by Lifehouse... What's wrong with it?"
"It was the first song I ever sang to Casche..."
"You sang... To *her*?" Callie asked, stunned. "You never sang to me...."
"That's because... I didn't.... I didn't.... I gotta go!" Carey said, then ran out of the room.
Back in the Bell's hotel room....
The songs changed. Casche started to look more pitiful than before.
"What's wrong?" Clu asked the goddess.
Casche opened her mouth, then shut it again, and ran to the room next door, the one she
was staying in.
Tears were running down her face. She looked in the mirror.
"Why... First Rade, then Leo, then Carey, now Carey, again.... What's wrong with me?"
The door opened, then shut, but Casche didn't notice.
"Maybe it's them," she heard a voice say.
"Carey...." she whispered, then turned around. "Why'd you come back?"
"For you..." He stood in front of her and pulled Casche to her feet.
"You're gonna break up with me. I know it, I knew it, I-" He put his finger to her lips.
"No... I realized, Casche... I realized that I love you...."
"What?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.
"I love you.. I love you, Casche, Goddess of Nature..."
"You do?" She asked, then kissed him. "I love you, too!" She exclaimed then kissed him
again. Then she took his hand and went running into the room next to her.
Once they all heard what had happened, all the Bell's, the Phillips and Annie all were glad
that the whole fiasco was over.
"To tell you the truth," Jack whispered to Casche. "I never really like Callie much."
Casche smiled as Quinn appeared in the room.
"Casche.." He sighed. She smiled at him, then kissed him. First on each cheek, then on the
"I know how much you must like me if you tried to get me and Carey back together. That
must have been hard, I mean you liking me, me liking him, ya know...."
"Casche, anything to make you happy!"
She smiled at him. "You have a good heart, Muse, remember that." Then Quinn
The muse reappeared at Muse Headquarters. Aphrodite was there waiting for him.
"Hey, Cutie," the Goddess of Love said. He weakly smiled back. "It took a lot of courage
to help the girl you love reunite with the man *she* loves. Especially when it's a mortal
over an immortal."
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"I asked Zeus, and he was willing to do this. I want you to become the God of Lost Love,
if you're willing, of course...."
"I don't know what to say.... I, I, I will!"
"Cool!" Aphrodite exclaimed, then did her squeal-laugh thing.
"So..." Carey asked. "Are you excited about your first big concert with Mrs. P?"
"Yeah... I can't wait! I know something major will happen!"
Carey smiled at her, then whispered to himself, "She doesn't know how right she is...."