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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Six
"Isn't Casche with you?" Annie asked Clu.
"Nope... I think she ran off into some room..."
"Which one?"
"That one," Cluett Bell said pointing a room.
Annie walked into the room Clu pointed out.
"Hi Annie," Casche managed to whisper between sobs.
"You really like Carey, don't you?"
"Yeah..." sob. "I..." sob. "Do..." sob.
"I was talking to Quinn-" Hearing the muses name, Casche immediately stopped crying and sat up.
"Quinn? You were talking to Quinn?"
"Yeah. Don't get mad. He told me why you were so mad at him..."
"He doesn't know the real reason."
"What is it?"
"I bet he also didn't tell you the whole story, either!"
"Well, what is it?"
"He never can tell the truth well..."
"CASCHE!" Annie yelled. "Just tell me the story!!"
"Okay, okay, don't have a hydra!"
Annie just rolled her eyes.
"Anyway... In the Renaissance, I passed a new law to do something, I can't remember it though... Anyways, I made it look like the king had passed the law, 'cause I didn't want people to know I was the Casche. And the night after I passed the law, a supposed "prince" from a "far away place", he said, stayed at the palace. The night he showed up, he wasn't at dinner. I saw him, with a bow and arrow, up in the corridor that peeks down at the room we eat in. He got ready to shoot the king, so I used my powers to knock down his fork. He bent down to pick it up, Quinn shot the arrow, it missed the king, but my guard was behind him. It struck him square in the heart..."
"Why did you care so much about your guard?"
"Well... He was kinda like Leo..."
"You mean, you were dating him?"
"Well, no... I was fond of him... But he wouldn't, he said it was betraying the king, and the kingdom... But I still liked him, not as much as Carey or anything, but he was cute..."
"I guess you never knew that Quinn was fond of you too..."
"It's so obvious. Didn't you know?"