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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Five
"Can you use your powers to find him?" Annie asked the muse.
He thought about then said, "Uh-no, I-uh-can't...."
Annie, who couldn't tell he was lying said, "Well, I bet Casche can."
"Yeah, I'll go get her!"
"No," Annie said. "She didn't seem to fond of you..."
"Man! She's still mad about that whole killing-her-guard thing!?!"
"Well, in the Renaissance, while I was training to become a muse, I took an extra job as a servant to the Waxchi, they're a secret society. Well, they got kinda mad when the man Casche payed off to be the king seemed to make up this new law."
"Is this going anywhere?" Annie asked, obviously annoyed.
"Well, get on with it!"
"Fine, anyway, the "King" made some rule the Waxchi didn't like, so they used me as an assassin. I shot... And missed, and accidently killed Casche's personal guard..."
"And that's why she's mad at you?"
"Whatever... Let me go get Casche, you stay here."