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Prolouge   |   Part One   |   Part Two   |   Part Three   |   Part Four   |   Part Five   |   Part Six   |   Part Seven   |   Part Eight   |   Part Nine   |   Part Ten   |   Part Eleven
Part Eight
"Quinn, you should have told me. I would have forgiven you, eventually... You led me to believe that you meant to kill the king, it backfired, so you ran."
"I know, I know. I just got scared... I didn't relize you were, well, you until I noticed you use your powers, I wasn't gonna kill him anyway. I liked you, yeah, but I wasn't a *murder*! The only reason I did it was to save *my* life. If I didn't kill the king, the Waxchi would kill *me*."
"Why didn't they kill you when they found out you missed?"
"They couldn't find me, I ran."
"Why didn't you just run in the first place?"
"Don't you think I would have tried? They sent people to assist me to the palace. If I tried to get away, I would die. They didn't let me out of their sight untill I went into the room to shoot. Then they left, assuming I would do the job."
"Oh," Casche softly said.
"Casche, I'm sorry... I know it's hard for you to forgive me, but-"
"I forgive you!"
"But, I said I was sorry, so you-What? You've forgiven me?"
"Yes," Casche said, obviously starting to get annoyed.
"Thank you Casche!" Quinn glanced at his watch. It read "1:24 AM". "Casche, why don't we get you back to you're hotel room. It's late, Donna's parents have been kind enough as it is!"
Casche agreed. Casche zapped her and Annie back to their hotel room, for Clu, Jack, Molly, Ned, and Irene had already driven there.
As soon as they arrived, they both fell into their beds and went fast to sleep.
Quinn started shaking Casche.
"Ah, whatizit?" Casche groggily asked. "It's only 1:30..."
"No, it's 8:30. And I just saw Carey and Callie walk into this very hotel!"
"What?!?!" Casche was totally awake by the time he finished his sentence. She closed her eyes, then, after a few seconds, said, "I know where he is!"