Golden Enclave Roster:

Inner Circle Members
The Golden Enclave is a conclave of wizards from across the Forgotten Realms and the many worlds of the Planescape Campaign setting.

Inner Circle Members

Areala Othglar
Arkon Zutat, Owner and propietor of the Silver Shanty of Suzail, Transmuter of Great Renown
Draven Lahar, The Stone Elf
Jordon "Piper" Silverblade
Kala Ravensclaw, Death Mistress
Lionesse Blueleaf
Mythrien Moonstar
Talina "Phoenix" Faynevon
Tannus Blade, The Black Unicorn
Yazston DeVir
Zeke, Mage of Worthy Note

The Members Golden

The normal members of the Golden Enclave stand to gain the most from their membership, as they have access to over 400 spells and a large number of rare and unique magics.

Jarid of Sembia
Jaylyn of Damara, Supreme Conjurer of the Cold Wastes
Rizzen DeVir
Solarn of Westgate
Taj Majhellic, The SILVER MAGE
Uthegen'ryld Ghaun
Vendralen Spelltwister
Vixen, The Sorceress of Chaos
Vladimir Trollslayer

Regents of the Enclave

The members of this group take care of the defense, for the most part, and other runnings of the Golden Enclave that does not pertain to magic or its use.

Regents of the Golden Enclave

Arik Tenderfoot, Blade Master
Caldath'yn, Regent of War [Rolt the Shamed]
Elrond Mandrake, Chief of Security
Zak, Regent Guard, Knight of New Phlan

Enclave Magical Items

These mysterious rings (may be another item) will be created for any and all members of the Golden Enclave. View if you are considering joining; otherwise, view at thy own RISK!
All the spells and spell-like effects marked with a "*", are Spells that can be found in the SPELLSPHERE or are Unique/Special Items

  • Golden Enclave Rings*
  • [Bestiary] [Classes] [The Fallen Ones] [The Gods] [The Golden Enclave] [Heroes' Lorebook II] [Heroes' & Villains' Lorebook] [House Rules] [Kits] [Magical Items] [Mystic Places] [Neutrals' Lorebook] [Poems & Short Stories] [Proficiencies] [Races] [SPELLSPHERE] [Villains' Lorebook II]

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