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Abombwe | Animalism | Auspex | Bardo | Celerity | Chimerstry | Daimoinon | Deimos | Dementation | Dominate | Flight | Fortitude | Kai | Maleficia | Melpominee | Mortis | Mytherceria | Necomancy | Nihilistics | Obedah | Obfuscate | Obtenebration | Ogham | Potence | Presence | Protean | Quietus | Sanguinus | Serpentis | Spiritus | Striga | Temporis | Thaumaturgy | Thanatosis | Valeren | Vicissitude | Visceratika
Fortitude--supernatural toughness and vigor
System: Fortitude provides the ability to resist sunlight and fire to those who possess it. For each level of Fortitude a character possesses, he may roll one die to soak damage from fire and sunlight. Fortitude is also added to a character's ability to soak other wounds.