Final Fantasy Music


Wheel of Time Stuff

The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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Alligiance: Bitter Water/Nine Valleys Sept, Taardad Aiel.

Pretty blue green eyes, and reddish hair. She is quite beautiful and about a head shorter than Rand. Willful. She has the spark, and had to give up her Far Dareis Mai spears to become a Wise One. She is currently an apprentice Wise One.

She can balk and pout at her duty, but when she performs her chores, she does them efficiently. A very dangerous woman.

Aviendha went over the Dragonwall, seeking Rand. When she met him, she fell in love with him, and so hated him on site having no choice in the matter. After going to Ruidean, she was assigned to teach him Aiel ways. She became a good friend of Egwene.

She helped Rand and Egwene in the battle with the Shaido. She also joined the raiding party to Caemlyn and promptly died from one of Rahvin's lightning bolts. However Rahvin was killed by such a large amount of balefire that her death was undone.

She has travelled to Salidar with Mat, and then to Ebou Dar with Elayne and Nynaeve. She now wears dresses and is becoming first sister of Elayne. She has a talent for reading weave residues.

Her sister is Niella, and her sister-mother is Amys.