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Wheel of Time Stuff

The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
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- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

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- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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( Click on the Picture if you want to become a real member in this organization )

"Join the Aiel. Can you handle life in the Threefold Land? We are one of the more secretive Orgs. we do not give out our Secrets easily. Join us and become a Warrior of one of the twelve societies a Wise One or a member of the Guilds."

Join the Aiel


Join the ranks of the legendary Band of the Red Hand. Come and be part of one of the greatest military forces in all of Randland.

Band of the Red Hand
Join the Band of the Red Hand


"Feel the POWER of Saidin! For any man who feels the call of saidin and seeks to fight the Dark One in the Last battle. Become a weapon. Become an Asha'man Join the Black Tower today!"

Black Tower
Join the Black Tower


Become a Freelander and be the master of your own destiny. Make your new home amongst the Illuminators, Rogues, Nobles, Peddlers, Brewers and Vinters, Horn Hunters, Innkeepers, Gleemen, join the caravans of the Tuatha'an, or even strike out on your own. Who needs the One Power when you've got ten kinds of style? With freedom to think, freedom to roam, and freedom to have fun, we have all the bases covered.

Join the Freelanders


Glory to the Builders!

Join the Ogier


There may be passage available, if it pleases the Light. The Light illuminate you, and see you safe to journey's end. Join us in our search for the Coramoor and the fulfillment of the Jendai Prophecy.

Atha'an Miere
Join the Atha'an Miere


Beyond the Aryth Ocean, lies a vast forgotten land. A land where Aes Sedai are chained like dogs, creatures from other worlds fight along sides of men, and a man named Alandar Paendrag Moerad, the Emperor of Seanchan reigns supreme. On this great continent, the descendants of Arthur Hawkwing rule, by right of the royal blood which courses through thier veins. Protecting them are the dreaded Deathwatch Guard, fearsome men and towering Ogier, and watching them the Seekers for the Truth, who's eyes search constantly for darkfriends. Only here were such things possible, but now, the ocean has been crossed, the invasion begun and soon all shall be as this land, known only as Seanchan.

Join the Seanchan


Forsake the Light and swear eternal loyalty to the Great Lord of the Dark. The Great Lord promises immortality to his most loyal subjects. If you are a male channeler, the Great Lord offers freedom from the taint, and for all, great power is within your reach. Come to Shayol Ghul and swear away your soul! But be sure to look at the Tips for the Newly Shadowsworn on the Shayol Ghul page before making posts.

Shayol Ghul
Join the Shayol Ghul


"Spaced across the open ground, pairs of men, most stripped to the waist, flailed at each other with more practice swords. Some moved so smoothly it almost seemed they danced with one another, flowing from stance to stance, stroke to counterstroke in continuous motion. There was nothing quickly apparent aside from skill to mark them from the others, but Mat was sure he was watching Warders." -- The Dragon Reborn, Scouting and Discoveries, Chap. 24 pg. 280 pb (Robert Jordan) Are you Warder material? If you are come and join us. We live to Protect and Serve.

The Warders
Join the The Warders


The White Tower is one of the largest and most active groups. We offer classes on many subjects, including Ethics of the One Power, Randland Geography, RP 101 and Basic Aes Sedai Composure as well as RP classes where you can learn your potential with Saidar. Join the White Tower and see what you are capable of.

Share in the joy and bask in the glory of saidar. Become an Aes Sedai and join the Tower that has been the center of the world for the last 3,000 years.

White Tower
Join the White Tower


The Light Protects us and in return we Protect the Light. We stand for the Light against the dark.

Children of the Light
Join the Children of the Light


Brothers and Sisters of the Pale Forests. Children of Night. Who among you will run with the hunt?

Join the Wolfbrothers




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