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The Wheel of Time

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- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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  Al'Lan Mandragoran 


Allegiance: The Light, Moiraine.

Title(s): Lord of the Seven Towers, Lord of the Lakes, uncrowned King of Malkier, Dai'Shan, Diademed Battle Lord of Malkier, Aan'allein.

Favorite Saying: Face it on your feet.

Long hair, graying at the temples held back from his face by a narrow braided leather band - the hadori. Cold blue eyes in a face made of stony plains and angles, weathered but unlined.

Born the heir to the throne of Malkier. When he was an infant and Malkier was falling, his parents placed the sword of the Malkieri kings in his hands, named him Dai'Shan, a Diademed Battle Lord of Malkier, and swore the ancient oath of Malkieri kings and queens in his name.

His mother placed a locket around his neck for rememberence and twenty of Malkier's best swordsmen then carried the baby to Fal Moran. Only five reach the city, all wounded. The surviving men then began teaching the child all they knew, learning weapons and the blight for a childhood.

When he was fifteen, Edeyn made herself his Carneia - first love. At age sixteen he was given the hadori and became a man. He began his one man war against the shadow that he could not win, with the oath graven on his mind. He has nothing left to defend, only to avenge. He will not raise the golden crane to lead other men to their deaths, but will court death himself without a second thought.

Moiraine, searching for a newly born Dragon, met Lan in Kandor soon after the Aiel War. He managed to throw her into a pond, and she threw a pond onto him. After a battle with the Black Ajah and losing the last of the men that carried him to Shienar, Bukara, he joined her quest and became her Warder. He is the best warder there is. He has followed Moiraine everywhere, at any cost. He once rode a horse to death and almost himself, carrying Moiraine to Anaiya for Healing.

After a life of nothing but war and death, he has fallen in love with Nynaeve. But does not believe in giving a bride the certainty of widow's black.

He has helped Rand, where he could, to face the future and whatever comes standing, not cringing. When the bond with Moiraine was broken, he was compelled to seek out Myrelle, so he travelled to Salidar to see his new Aes Sedai.

Egwene soon put him in charge of Nynaeve's safety in Ebou Dar. When he arrived, they got married. But nothing can take away the certainty of his death.

His father was al'Akir and his mother was el'Leanna. His uncle was Lain and his aunt was Breyan. The only other living Malkieri aside from Lan, although no-one knows of him, is Isam, Lan's cousin.