Moiraine Damodred 
Allegiance: The World, The Light, The White Tower.
Title(s): Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, Lady of House
Damodred, Lady Alys of Cairhien, Mari.
Favorite Saying: The Wheel weaves as the Wheel
Slender with large dark eyes - like deep pools - and dark hair
hanging in soft ringlets. All these along with smooth cheeked agelessness make
for a very beautiful woman. Very short, even for a Cairhienen.
Holds herself with a grace and an air of command. Appears to
glide rather than walk. Often wears a sparkling bluestone (kesiera) in the
middle of her forehead with which she is able to do many small tricks of the One
Very observant, she remembers everything, storing it away for
later use. A big believer in destiny and the pattern.
Moiraine grew up in the royal palace in Cairhien, the favorite
neice of King Laman, but never mourned his death for a second. She had the spark
of the One Power and began to teach herself how to channel using tricks with
transparent and translucent stones. She went to the White Tower as a novice at
16 where she became best friends with Siuan Sanche. Together they were in many
pranks. A quick learner, in only six years she was raised to Aes Sedai at the
age of 22. They both passed all tests the first time.
On the night before being raised to Aes Sedai while the Battle
of the Shining Walls raged on Dragonmount, she and Siuan were attending the then
Amyrilin, Tamra Ospenya, and the Keeper of the Chronicals, Gitara Moroso. Gitara
proclaimed the birth of the Dragon Reborn and died. Moiraine and Siuan set out
to find and guide this child despite Tamra trying to keep them out of the
After searching for children born during Blood Snow for many
years, they came across the story of a man finding a baby in the snow. After
nineteen years of searching, she entered Emonds Field and led Rand, Mat and
Perrin away to find out which of them was the Dragon.
She has devoted her life to finding and helping the Dragon
Reborn, at the cost of a life, friends and family. Since the beginning, she has
wanted Rand to depend on her alone. This has led to division between herself and
Her companion on this search has been Lan, her warder, whom on
first meeting she dumped a pond on. This was after she had been thrown into the
same pond by Lan. This was a freezing cold pond in early spring in Kandor!
When Lanfear confronted Rand at the docks in Cairhien,
Moiraine tackled Lanfear, carrying them both through the redstone doorway which
then burned to the ground either killing them or trapping them in the land of
the foxes. Lan's bond with her was broken
Using compulsion, she organised that when she died, Lan's bond
would be passed to Myrelle. This occured when she disappeared into the doorway.
She was the favorite niece of King Laman and the youngest
half-sister of Taringail.