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The Wheel of Time

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- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

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- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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  Loial Son of Arent Son of Halan  

Allegiance: The Light, The Trees, His book.

Title(s): Loial Kiseran, Tia Avende Alantin.

Favorite Saying: Something about angering Aes Sedai.

Almost ten feet tall. His face has a nose as broad, almost a snout. His eyebrows hang down like tails that frame pale eyes as big as teacups. His ears poke up to tufted points through shaggy black hair, and twitch when his emotions are running high. His voice is as deep as a drum. A smile that splits his face in two, and shows teeth as broad as chisels. His fingers are broad enough for three, on hands big enough for hams. He is about ninety years old.

Hot headed for an ogier, he is said to act an hour before he thinks. He loves books and reading, never being anywhere without one. Fastest runner in Stedding Shangtai, he once out ran a horse. As his name suggests, he is loyal to his friends. He believes firmly in life, and the preservation of it, especially trees. He is one of the most gifted treesingers in many years.

Leaving the stedding before he was of an age to do so, he travelled to the great cities to view the ogier groves, but found them all destroyed. In caemlyn he met Rand while in the Queen's blessng inn. Knowing the Ways, and able to read them, he joined the group taking them to Fal Dara. When the Green Man died, he sung to the oak, making sure the blight would not overcome it.

He travelled with Ingtar, following Padan Fain to Falme. He then followed Rand to Tear with Moiraine, Lan and Perrin. From there he took Perrin through the ways to the Two Rivers and helped him purge the district of Trollocs. While in the Two Rivers, he closed and locked the waygate at Manetheren for good.

During his adventures with Rand, Mat and Perrin, he decided to write a book about what was occuring. Often during confrontations and battles, he will be feverishly writing in his notes.

Always fearful of being married off, he continually worries about his mother, Covril, finding him. Even though he finds Erith of Stedding Tsofu very attractive, he doesn't like to admit it too loudly, in case his mother hears him.

After returning from the Two Rivers, he started Travelling with Karldin to all the Stedding to warn the elders that shadow spawn are using the Ways.