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The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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The Wheel of Time : Book 2

The Great Hunt


Prologue - In the Shadow | 1 - The Flame of Tar Valon | 2 - The Welcome | 3 - Friends and Enemies | 4 - Summoned | 5 - The Shadow in Shienar | 6 - Dark Prophecy | 7 - Blood Calls Blood | 8 - The Dragon Reborn | 9 - Leavetakings | 10 - The Hunt Begins | 11 - Glimmers of the Pattern | 12 - Woven in the Pattern | 13 - From Stone to Stone | 14 - Wolfbrother | 15 - Kinslayer | 16 - In the Mirror of Darkness | 17 - Choices | 18 - To the White Tower | 19 - Beneath the Dagger | 20 - Saidin | 21 - The Nine Rings | 22 - Watchers | 23 - The Testing | 24 - New Friends and Old Enemies | 25 - Cairhien | 26 - Discord | 27 - The Shadow in the Night | 28 - A New Thread in the Pattern | 29 - Seanchan | 30 - Daes Dae'mar | 31 - On the Scent | 32 - Dangerous Words | 33 - A Message From the Dark | 34 - The Wheel Weaves | 35 - Stedding Tsofu | 36 - Among the Elders | 37 - What Might Be | 38 - Practice | 39 - Flight From the White Tower | 40 - Damane | 41 - Disagreements | 42 - Falme | 43 - A Plan | 44 - Five Will Ride Forth | 45 - Blademaster | 46 - To Come Out of the Shadow | 47 - The Grave Is No Bar To My Call | 48 - First Claiming | 49 - What Was Meant To Be | 50 - After 

The Summary

Prologue -- In The Shadow

The man called Bors is in a room in Shayol Ghul with a hundred other Darkfriends. They are all in black robes, although Bors, thinking himself more intelligent than the rest, points out to himself how many of the others reveal their true identities by little things they have left uncovered. For instance he notices the boots of an Andoran high officer of the Queen's guard, the tattoo on the hand of one the Sea Folk, the boots of a High Lord of Tear, a Tinker, a Shienaran and warriors and commoners from all over the world. To their disbelief, the Dark One appears in front of the group. He shows all of them images of Rand, Mat and Perrin and then gives them each private instructions. To Bors, he says, "Go back to Tarabon and continue your good works," and, "Have your followers watch for the boys. They are dangerous". As Bors prepares to leave the city, he unfolds his white cloak with a emblem on the breast. It is a blazing Sun with a red shepherd's crook behind it.

Chapter 1 -- The Flame of Tar Valon

Rand has put off leaving Fal Dara for a month now. He is practising his swordsmanship with Lan, when a peculiar wind forces him into the full of Lan's attack at his heart. Rand and Lan hear and see a large party of Aes Sedai approaching the city.

Chapter 2 -- The Welcome

The Aes Sedai party, including the Amyrlin Seat, enter the city. Rand finds that he has had all his old clothes replaced by many new fancy garments on Moiraine's order. Rand decides to finally leave the city on Lan's advice; Lan told him that since the Amyrlin Seat had come (a very unusual event), it would be best if he were a week gone from Fal Dara. To Rand's dismay, the stable boy (Tema) refuses to let Rand leave because apparently Agelmar has ordered that nobody be allowed to pass through the gates. Tema says to Rand that he must be happy since the Amyrlin Seat should be sending for him any minute now.

Chapter 3 -- Friends and Enemies

While trying to slip through any gate he can, Rand tries to sweet talk Ragan and Masema into letting him out. He is unsuccessful at all of the gates. Trying to find a place to hide, he comes across Mat, Perrin and Loial, playing dice with some workers in a store room. Rand gets mad at the other boys and tells them that he wants to leave by himself and is tired of them always getting in the way. While continuing his wandering, Rand runs into Egwene who takes him down to the dungeon in order to help him hide from the Aes Sedai. They visit Padan Fain who says to Rand, "The battle's never over. It's never over, al'Thor. Mordeth knows. It's never over. Never."

Chapter 4 -- Summoned

Moiraine is in her room when Anaiya and Liandrin come to summon her into the presence of the Amyrlin Seat. On the way, the three Aes Sedai discuss the three newly declared False Dragons in Saldaea, Murandy and Tear, the declaration of the Hunt for The Horn, the arrival of Elayne and Gawyn in Tar Valon (accompanied by Elaida), and the great potential for the One Power within each of Elayne and Egwene, but who are both overshadowed by Nynaeve. They also meet Lady Amalisa, the sister of Lord Agelmar.

Moiraine enters the room of the Amyrlin Seat with only Leane, the keeper, present. After some discussion, Leane is ordered to leave and Moiraine and Siuan Sanche, two old friends, give each other a big hug. Siuan: "Moiraine, if anyone, even Leane, discovers what we plan, we will both be stilled. And I can't say they would be wrong to do it."

Chapter 5 -- The Shadow in Shienar

Moiraine and Siuan discuss such topics as the False Dragons, their twenty-year long search for the ta'veren they have finally found, whether or not Rand is really the Dragon Reborn and the Great Hunt for the Horn. Moiraine (to herself): " dearest friend, I cannot tell you everything, and I cannot risk letting you know I am holding anything back."

Pedron Niall, Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light in Amador, orders Geofram Bornhald to lead two thousand of the Children to Tarabon to meet someone unknown to Geofram. They meet Einor Saren, an officer of the Questioners, a division of the Whitecloaks.

Liandrin barges into Lady Amalisa's room accusing her brother of being a Darkfriend. Liandrin is trying to use Amalisa by influencing her with the One Power. She is looking for Rand, Mat and Perrin, and acknowledges the existence of the Black Ajah, (even within the walls of Fal Dara).

Padan Fain gets a long awaited visitor in his cell. Their identity is a mystery to the reader, but they are presumably there to free him.

Chapter 6 -- Dark Prophecy

Rand has a dream where Trollocs are attacking his house; Mat has stabbed himself with his dagger, Perrin has clawed out his own eyes, and Padan Fain is there with the Dark One telling Rand that it is never over. He wakes up in Egwene and Nynaeve's room where he was left to hide from the Aes Sedai. Nynaeve is in the room with him. Believing Shai'tan to be dead, Rand carelessly names him and that is when the alarm bells start to ring. ('Name the Dark One and his evil comes down upon you...'). Rand panics as he is worried about Egwene; she went down to the dungeon to talk to Padan Fain again. Nynaeve tries to stop him from leaving the room, but he can't be stopped.

While running down the halls of the women's apartments, he comes face to face with Siuan for a moment. Once outside he encounters Trollocs and a then a Fade that has just won a battle with seven Shienaran soldiers. Much to Rand's relief, Ingtar arrives to take on the fearless without an ounce of fear in his eyes. Rand continues on to the dungeon. The two guards have been beheaded and their blood has been used to write messages on the wall; "We will meet again on Toman Head. It is never over al'Thor."

Liandrin and Moiraine arrive, separately, a few moments later. Rand has discovered Padan Fain's cell empty and Egwene and Mat unconscious on the floor, in front of it. Mat's dagger is gone. Ingtar arrives informing them all that the Horn of Valere has been stolen. He also tells Rand that Agelmar had not sent down an order earlier in the day to stop anyone from leaving the city. Rand suspects Moiraine. After leaving the dungeon, Rand runs into Lan who tells him he can leave at anytime.

Chapter 7 -- Blood Calls Blood

Moiraine, The Amyrlin, Leane and Verin work together to partially heal Mat from the damage of having his dagger stolen. They decide that Mat is going to have to go out hunting for the dagger himself since it will affect anyone who carried for it an extended period of time. Verin reads the "prophecy" that was written in blood on the wall of the dungeon. In it there are references to Lanfear (one of the Forsaken), the return of Artur Hawkwing's Armies, and a man (Rand) who can channel. Verin implicitly tells Moiraine and Siuan that she knows about their plans for Rand; she had suspicions twenty years ago when Moiraine and Siuan were still only Accepted.

Perrin visits Mat in the infirmary and has a confrontation with Leane. She asks him how he came about getting yellow eyes. Perrin is still mad at Rand for when he said he didn't want anything to do with his old friends. Lan comes to tell Rand he has been summoned for an audience with the Amyrlin. Lan gives him a quick talk with many rules of etiquette to follow in the presence of the Amyrlin Seat. "There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet."

Chapter 8 -- The Dragon Reborn

Rand is incredibly nervous as he walks into the presence of the Amyrlin for the first time. He is afraid that the three of them there (the Amyrlin, Moiraine and Verin) are going to gentle him. Moiraine tells the Amyrlin about Tam al'Thor's career as a soldier when he was younger and how he returned from the Aiel war with a wife from Caemlyn and a newborn child. Most of this story is news to Rand. Furthermore, he is told by The Amyrlin that he is The Dragon Reborn and how his destiny is to face The Dark One. Rand still believes that Ba'alzamon is dead. Rand is given the option to stay in Fal Dara or to leave with Ingtar's men to find the Horn. He decides to go with Ingtar.

The three Aes Sedai are unsure of themselves and the prophecies that they have to see Rand fulfill.

Nynaeve can sense a storm coming even though it is clear outside. It is something she has never felt before, like it should be too far off for her to feel it. While looking for Rand she finds Lan who gives her his signet ring with a golden crane flying above a lance and a crown.

While preparing to leave, Rand goes over to the women's apartments to say goodbye to Egwene and, in the process, creates a disturbance among the women. They hug each other and she thinks she heard him say "I love you", to her. Rand turns and walks away quickly.

Chapter 9 -- Leavetakings

Both the parties to Tar Valon and to find The Horn are preparing to leave. Lan tells Rand about sheathing his sword. "There may come a time when you must achieve a goal at all costs. It may come in attack or defense. And the only way will be to allow the sword to be sheathed in your own body." An arrow grazes the Amyrlin. Both she and Rand believe it was meant for him. The Amyrlin sends a man off to scout in Maradon. It's reported to Ingtar that two guards, Chango and Nidao are not accounted for. This pins them for the Darkfriends responsible for the attack the previous night. Rand is introduced to Hurin, the sniffer. Ingtar has kept him a secret from the Aes Sedai in fear that they would not understand his talents. Hurin can smell violence. He will be the one directing Ingtar's men in the correct direction to find the Horn.

Bayle Domon, captain of the Spray, is in Illian. Three times strangers have offered him large sums of money to deliver mysterious goods. He is on his way to meet some more people. Bayle identifies them as Cairhienan's. They are offering him 1000 gold marks to deliver a sealed scroll to Mayene, in Tear. He accepts and takes 200 marks up front. Upon returning to his ship and having his crew preparing to leave in the middle of the night, Bayle opens the document. It names him (the carrier) as a Darkfriend and is apparently signed by the King of Cairhien. Domon thinks he knows what it is they want from him: the cuendillar disk he keeps hidden in his cabin. He decides to head west, the opposite way of where they want him to go.

Chapter 10 -- The Hunt Begins

Ingtar's band of twenty lances sets out with Rand, Mat, Perrin and Loial. Ingtar sets an almost insane pace for the party. When they stop after the first day Ingtar makes comments on how Rand resembles an Aiel. "Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the last day... that is how long the Aiel say they'll fight." The next morning they set out only to find that their prey is changing course - north. They come upon a deserted village on the River Erinin. While they are in the village Uno claims to see a woman in a window, but no one is found. Once across the river they find Changu and Nidao skinned alive. Ingtar gives order to bury them even though they are believed to be Darkfriends. "The Light shine on you and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the Mother welcome you home... They saved Lord Agelmar at Tarwin's Gap."

Before sundown, they reach the village of Harad Dakar it too is abandoned. Rand enters a house and....Blink....he sees a family at dinner. There are the parents and six children. One of them screams and the front door opens....Rand sees this several times. Ingtar's men find a Fade nailed across a door. Even the best soldiers are affected by this as they quickly head out south - on the trail.

Chapter 11 -- Glimmers of the Pattern

Ingtar stops the party to make camp while it is still light out. He tells Rand that he has the responsibility of being second in command thus having to take charge if something happens to Ingtar. He also gives Rand a bundled package that Moiraine instructed him to pass on after they had crossed the Erinin. While Rand is opening it, away from camp, Mat and Perrin come to find him. It is at this point that Rand tells them that the Aes Sedai are trying to use him as a false Dragon, that Moiraine told him he is the Dragon Reborn and that he can channel. This helps Mat and Perrin understand Rand's actions in Fal Dara. Mat is now somewhat scared of him, whereas Perrin is not.

Padan Fain has made camp with his Trollocs, his Darkfriends, and the villagers he has kidnapped. He reveals that it was him who crucified the Myrddraal. He also describes how he can sometimes feel Rand following him and how the stolen ruby hilted dagger makes him feel "whole". "Come to me, al'Thor. The dance is not even begun yet. We'll dance on Toman Head and I will be free of you. I'll see you dead at last."

Chapter 12 -- Woven in the Pattern

The story goes back to Fal Dara just after Ingtar's party has left. Agelmar is almost begging the Amyrlin to stay another day. The Aes Sedai leave shortly thereafter for Tar Valon. Moiraine has not spoken to Egwene or Nynaeve for quite a while. When they stop that night Verin goes to the Emond's Fielder's tent to give them lessons and tells them that a different Aes Sedai will do so each night of their journey. While trying to make a breeze, Nynaeve burns the pile of blankets beside her.

When they arrive in the town of Moran, Egwene tells Anaiya about a dream she had of Rand and how she believes he is in danger. Anaiya says that Egwene might be a Dreamer, a rare gift in Aes Sedai since the Age of Legends. Moiraine, Verin and Liandrin have all left, separately, without telling anyone. The remaining Aes Sedai, along with Egwene and Nynaeve, board the River Queen.

Chapter 13 -- From Stone to Stone

Rand wakes up in a place similar to where he fell asleep, but only Loial and Hurin are with him; the rest of the party is gone. Loial says that the stone they slept beside was used by Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends to travel between alternate realities. Rand realizes it was him who sent them to this place. He willingly enters the void and touches the One Power for the first time while trying to use the stone to get them back to their world. The void shatters like glass when he does so. Hurin says he can still follow the trail. It is just dull, like the rest of the new world. Rand accepts that Hurin and Loial are depending him to get them back and promises them that he will.

Chapter 14 -- Wolfbrother

Ingtar, Perrin, Mat, and the lances wake to find the three missing. Agelmar is outraged that there is no trace of their departure. Perrin reaches out to the wolves in order to find out where they disappeared to. The wolves have named him Young Bull. The wolves eagerly take on the trail of the Trollocs. Perrin tells Agelmar about what he can do. Agelmar mentions a former Warder named Elyas Machera who had the talent also. They both agree to tell the others that Perrin is a sniffer and is going to continue following the trail.

Verin comes up on the party from behind. She is going to travel with them. Perrin realizes that she is there to find Rand, not the Horn. "Wherever you've gotten to, Rand, stay there. It's safer than here."

Chapter 15 -- Kinslayer

Rand, Hurin and Loial are heading south on what they believe to be the trail of the Darkfriends they are after. Hurin says that the trail he is following is like he is remembering it, not really smelling it. Loial stops the others at a tree to which he sings. The tree is sung wood, wood that produces what the singer needs. When he is done the tree is as staff in Loial's hands. There is a small shoot where the tree once was.

When they stop for the night, Rand sees Ba'alzamon on the edge of their camp, but he is not truly there. Ba'alzamon calls him by his 'true' name, Lews Therin. He taunts Rand with the fact that he is the only one able to teach Rand how to use saidin. Rand refuses him once again and is left with the mark of a heron burned onto his palm.

Chapter 16 -- In the Mirror of Darkness

Rand manages to conceal the newly burned heron on his palm from Hurin and Loial. While riding that morning they come across a tall spire that looks like that of Artur Hawkwing, except that it was destroyed a thousand years ago. Once up close they realize that it is a statue of Ba'alzamon. It is this that leads Loial to conclude that they really are in a parallel universe -- one where the Shadow was victorious in the Trolloc Wars. Once on their way again, they hear a woman's cry, the first sign of another living being since the Stone. Rand kills the grolm that is attacking her. He let loose an arrow that flies true, into the creature' eye. The woman is the most beautiful Rand has ever seen, her name is Selene and she says she comes from Cairhien. They tell her of their quest and she seems quite vehement that Rand find the Horn and receive the glory he deserves. While back on the trail of the Darkfriends, a pack of grolm takes chase of the party.

Chapter 17 -- Choices

Rand kills five, but dozens more can be heard on their trail. Rand is left no option but to reluctantly head for the Stone on Kinslayer's Dagger to escape. Once at the Stone, Selene shows Rand what marking represents the Real World, and Rand uses the One Power to get them back. Selene tells them about how the Stone takes you to Mirrors of the Wheel -- what could have happened in the past, and what could still happen in future. Rand decides to make camp for a few days and wait for Ingtar and his lances to show up.

Chapter 18 -- To the White Tower

Egwene and Nynaeve are on the River Queen, just a few hours from Tar Valon. Egwene is still having dreams of the man in the mask with the fiery eyes and the sense that Rand is ever in increasing danger. The Amyrlin enters their small cabin order to give them their lesson for the day. There is a great amount of tension, brought on by stubbornness, between Nynaeve and the Amyrlin. The Amyrlin suspends Nynaeve in the air which gets her so mad that she is able to do the same to the Amyrlin.

The ship arrives in Tar Valon. The two women find that they have been left behind at the docks as everyone has already entered the city. While walking around, they meet Sheriam, Mistress of Novices. Nynaeve tells her that she is not to become a Novice, and Sheriam tells them how hard their lives will be in the White Tower.

Chapter 19 -- Beneath the Dagger

Several days have past on the slope of Kinslayer's Dagger, Selene is continually urging Rand to seek out the Horn and to use it to obtain great amounts of glory. Rand says that he doesn't want glory each time she persists. Rand has made the decision to leave for Cairhien the next day if Ingtar hasn't arrived by then. Hurin spots a fire a couple of miles away that they conclude must be Fain and his Trollocs. Rand and Loial head out to scout and possibly bring back the Horn and the dagger. They find the entire camp asleep and manage to get both items out. Moments later, Fain awakens and alerts the Trollocs. Rand manages to slay the groups that find them (he resists very strong urges to destroy them all with the Power), and they escape back to their camp. Selene is very adamant about Rand using the Horn for glory but Rand ignores her advice. He puts the dagger in the chest with the Horn to shield them from its evil. He decides to head for Cairhien and wait for Ingtar there.

Padan Fain: "I am a dog no longer. A dog no longer! You will pay for what you have done to me, al'Thor! The World will pay. The World will pay!"

Chapter 20 -- Saidin

Rand and group travel on through the night to Cairhien. Selene denies being Aes Sedai to Rand. The next day they approach a village. Just outside of the village, they come across a large excavation project. All that is above ground is a hand holding a sphere and a man's bearded face. Standing at the edge of the cliff overlooking the statue, Rand is overcome with Saidin and mentally chants the Aiel oath concerning the Dark One ( spit in Sightblinder's eye on the last day). He is oblivious to the group and almost falls over the edge. They enter the village of Tremonsien. Selene very strongly urges Rand to take the Horn for himself, but he stays true to himself yet again.

Chapter 21 -- The Nine Rings

Rand's party enters the Nine Rings inn. The innkeeper, Mistress Madwin, immediately takes Rand as a Lord, Selene as his Lady and Loial and Hurin as retainers. Most of Rand's behaviour is very un-Lord like to all those watching. Rand plays the flute in the common room which elicits a visit from a man named Caldevwin, a Captain of the Cairhien Royal Guard. He asks if they would mind traveling the remainder to Cairhien with part of his guard. Rand accepts.

Loial tells Rand all about Daes Dae'mar, the game of Houses and how Caldevwin probably suspects something of Rand. Rand wishes no part of these games. In the morning, Selene has gone but has left a note telling Rand to meet her in Cairhien. Hurin informs Rand that the inn was watched during the night which adds suspicion to Caldevwin's motives. The group of travelers and soldiers heads down the road to Cairhien.

Chapter 22 -- Watchers

Moiraine is frustrated with how little control she has over what is happening. She and Lan are staying with two old Aes Sedai, Adeleas and Vandene, in Tifan's Well, a small village in Arafel. She is researching a number of topics. Her and Lan have a long discussion about when they met, their goals, and how she thinks Lan's bond to her is weakening. She tells him about how he will be passed on to another Aes Sedai when she dies. Moiraine is a little of jealous of how Nynaeve has started to break down the walls that Lan has always had around himself. After a conversation with Vandene about the Horn, Tarman Gai'don, and the Dragon. Afterwards, Moiraine goes outside. She is almost kissed by a Draghkar that is there waiting for here. A Draghkar's kiss is fatal. Caught up in its trance, it takes Jaem and Lan to save her just in time. Moiraine credits her life to the Pattern. Lan had gone outside to practice with Jaem to let off steam from the argument they had had and it was that that allowed him to be there in order to save her life. The three Aes Sedai know that a creature of the Dark One couldn't have gotten that close without all of them knowing it was there unless it was warded by another Sister. This confirms the presence of the Black Ajah.

Chapter 23 -- The Testing

Nynaeve is tested to become one of the Accepted. She is in the testing room with the ter'angreal consisting of the three rings. Upon entering each ring she will face her greatest fears concerning her past, her present and her future. The other Aes Sedai make her strip naked and allow her to enter the first ring. She is told that she is allowed to leave at this point and try again later. On the third failure to proceed she will be asked to leave the tower. Nynaeve refuses to back down. She is told that the way back will only come once and to be steadfast.

Inside the first ring Nynaeve confronts Aginor. She is in a maze and is unable escape him. She uses the One Power to delay him, but is unable to destroy him. When she gets the chance to finish him off she sees the way back and overcomes her urge to seek Revenge him. Once she is out she describes to Sheriam what happened. Sheriam is dumbfounded by the fact that Nynaeve, unlike any other Aes Sedai, was able to use the power inside the ter'angreal.

Inside the second ring she finds herself back home in the Two Rivers, only nothing looks right. It seems that a woman named Malena is now Wisdom and has greatly influenced life in the town since then. Bran and Master Luhhan are dead. Nynaeve is about to confront Malena to defend Marin al'Vere and the rest of the town when the way back appears. Nynaeve manages to leave while hearing Marin screaming in her state if abandonment.

The third ring, Nynaeve's future, is the toughest of all. She is married to Lan, the crowned King of Malkier and they have several children. It is paradise for her. She misses the gate because of her great longing to stay with Lan and her family. Only by filling herself with the Power is she able to reopen the gateway back into the real world.

Once outside the ring, Nynaeve is cleansed and anointed as one of the Accepted.

Chapter 24 -- New Friends and Old Enemies

Egwene meets Elayne, also a novice, and Min who is there because of her ability to see visions concerning the people she looks at. They make friends very quickly. One of the things they discuss is the fact that there are only forty novices in the Tower and that only a few of them will be raised to Accepted. Min reveals a vision that Elayne is going to have to share her husband with two other women. Shortly thereafter, Gawyn and Galad approach. Galad charms Egwene of her feet -- not that it was really necessary since she is overcome by his looks. Egwene is surprised to find out that they all know of Rand and have previously met him.

Elaida interrogates Min about Rand but she is (just barely) able to lie to her to protect him from whatever schemes she knows must be hidden within Elaida's mind.

Chapter 25 -- Cairhien

Rand, Loial, and Hurin enter the city of Cairhien. The Foregate is filled with people celebrating and parading around with puppets of such things as Trollocs and other beasts. They enter the city proper and get a room. The innkeeper briefly mistakes Rand for an Aiel. Upon returning to the common room with Hurin, the innkeeper gives Rand three invitations from (other) Lords. He throws them into the fire declaring, out loud, that he is not playing Daes Dae'mar. Rand wanders into a hall where a gleeman is performing. It is Thom Merrilin, much to Rand's surprise. They make plans to meet later, once Thom has finished performing.

Chapter 26 -- Discord

Rand goes back to the inn to tell Hurin and Loial that Thom Merrilin is alive. He tries to get Loial to come and meet him but the Ogier is very wary about going out because of the fact that another Ogier might see him and get him in trouble with his elders. Rand forces him to go. When they find Thom's room there is a young woman inside juggling. Her name is Dena. Rand tells Thom about all he has been through since Rand thought he was dead. From what Rand says, Thom believes that Rand is not the one that Moiraine was looking for (a man who could channel). Since Rand is so adamant about staying away from Aes Sedai, Thom decides to stay away as well and declines Rand's offer to travel with him again.

During their conversation, Rand asks Thom if he knows of any books about the Karaethon Cycle. Thom quotes two passages he has read:

Twice and twice shall he be marked,
twice to live, and twice to die,
Once the Heron to set his path
and twice the heron, to name him true
Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost,
Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay.

Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed,
Once for mourning, once for birth,
Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the
rocks of Shayol Ghul,
In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men
from the Shadow.

Chapter 27 -- The Shadow in the Night

While returning to their inn, Rand and Loial are attacked by Trollocs and Darkfriends. The Trollocs had posed as the large puppets that men were carrying around the city. Although Rand manages to slay the first Trolloc, they are eventually forced out of the city as their way to the inn and the Horn, is blocked by Trollocs and Darkfriends searching for them. Selene finds them and they head out to the Illuminator's building a mile out of town. They manage to find a way in and while hiding inside from the Illuminators, the Trollocs, too, find their way in. Rand allows them to escape by lighting a large batch of fireworks and firing them at the Trollocs, destroying them along with that part of the building. Selene stays behind against Rand's wishes.

Upon returning to the inn, Rand receives a note from her that says:

When I think I know what you are going to do, you do something else. You are a dangerous man. Perhaps it will not long before we are together again. Think of the Horn. Think of the glory, and think of me, for you are always mine.

Chapter 28 -- A New Thread in the Pattern

Perrin, Mat, Verin, and Ingtar and his men are traveling across Kinslayer's Dagger. Perrin tells Ingtar about Shadowkiller, the man the wolves have seen who is traveling with Fain and the Trollocs.

An Aiel confronts the party. His name is Urien, and Mat remarks how much he looks like Rand. Urien says the Aiel have left the Three-Fold Land because He Who Comes with the Dawn is coming soon. They say they will know him by a sign. He scrawls it in the dirt. Mat, Perrin, and Verin are awestruck by this symbol-the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai. Throughout the conversation Urien looks like he is ready to fight but Ingtar dissuades him. Once gone, Verin tells Ingtar to press on harder for they must hurry.

Chapter 29 -- Seanchan

Geofram Bornhald is in a small village with his Children in the wake of the destruction of the Seanchan. They also call themselves the Hailene, Those Who Come Before and, The Forerunners. They also speak of the Corenne, the Return. They are supposedly Artur Hawkwing's Armies returned from over the Aryth Ocean. Bornhald receives word from Jaichim Carridin of the Questioners to turn his men back as they are getting too close to Toman Head. Bornhald intends to ignore this command and head on to confront these Seanchan who he believes to be Darkfriends.

Off of the coast of Toman Head, Domon and the crew of the Spray have an encounter with one of the hundreds of Seanchan ships that have crossed the Aryth Ocean. Their ship is boarded by a woman in armour who names herself Captain Egeanin, a woman with what Domon believes to be a Aes Sedai on a leash and two soldiers. The woman on the leash has the powers of an Aes Sedai and is called damane. Egeanin commands the Spray to Falme to swear their oaths of fealty to obey, to wait, and to serve. She makes references to how Domon and his land must pay for the sins of their ancestors.

Once ashore in Falme, the Spray is searched and Domon is taken to see the Seanchan high lord along with something that Egeanin found in her search. Once in front of the high lord Turak, Egeanin gives the cuendillar disk to him as a gift. Turak comments how cuendillar is even more rare in these lands than back across the ocean. Egeanin leaves and Turak goes about questioning Domon . He offers him some of their drink, kaf, and Domon "begins to lie his way out of Falme".

Chapter 30 -- Daes Dae'mar

Hurin has become exceedingly formal in addressing 'Lord Rand'. The innkeeper, Master Cuale, brings Rand two more invitations from Cairhienin houses. They are from King Galldrian of House Riatin and Lord Barthanes of House Damodred. Rand wants to burn them like the rest, but since every house has now sent an invitation to him, Hurin adamantly councils him not to do so. He decides to show them off in the common room to make people talk and thus buying him more time until he has to answer them. Rand and Loial go out to the Foregate to inquire if Ingtar or Selene have entered the city. They have been doing this for the past several days. The man at the counter, the same man as every other day, has a very fake smile and treats the requests like he has never seen Rand before. He tells them that neither of them have entered the city. Rand catches a glimpse of Caldevwin in a room behind the desk, but the man denies him being there. Rand is very frustrated but manages to leave politely.

While returning to the inn, Loial notices a fire ahead. As they get closer they realize that it is their inn, the Defender of the Dragonwall. They both rush in to save Hurin, the Horn and, the dagger. Loial leaves his books to burn in order to help Rand with Hurin. The Horn is gone. Rand goes back into his room for the banner that Moiraine said his life might depend on. He debates for a few moments in front of the dresser. "I could still let it burn." He decides to take it.

Once outside, Rand searches for a Wisdom to tend to Hurin; he is injured badly. Wisdoms are called 'Readers' in Cairhien. At that point Mat comes up behind Rand. "You came too late."

Chapter 31 -- On the Scent

Rand tells the group (Verin, Mat, Perrin, Ingtar) about how he had the Horn but that it has just been stolen. Verin heals Hurin and they all go to The Great Tree inn to talk. Tiedra is the innkeeper. In a private dining room Rand tells the story about the Stones and Selene. All throughout the discussion, Perrin is thinking to himself. "Rand is the Shadowkiller...Shadowkiller. A Man who can channel. A man the wolves hold in awe....I know about you. It is only fair you know my secret, too." Hurin returns form his search of the city and says that he 'smells' the Darkfriends in Lord Barthanes's manor. They conclude that Barthanes is a Darkfriend. Rand reveals that he has an invitation from him. They briefly discuss the sa'angreal mentioned in the invitation and they begin to make plans to attend Barthanes' party. "Watching Verin's smile, small and mysterious, Perrin felt a chill. He did not think Rand knew know half of what he thought he did. Not half."

Chapter 32 -- Dangerous Words

Rand, Verin, Matt, Loial, Hurin and, Ingtar go to Barthanes' party. Hurin and Mat pose as servants so they can go about freely to try and locate the Horn and the dagger. Once inside, Loial says to Rand that he can feel a Waygate near. Lord Barthanes approaches Rand and starts conversation to try and figure out what Rand's motives are in the Great Game. He talks about Galldrian, the sa'angreal statues, Rand's heron mark blade, and his Aiel features. Shortly thereafter, Rand is cornered by three women. He sees Thom while being asked a million questions and makes an excuse to go talk to him in order to get away from them. Rand tells Thom how the Horn and dagger were stolen. Thom thinks that Rand wants his help again, but Rand fervently denies it. Hurin comes to tell Rand that his manservant, Mat, has fallen and hurt his leg. Before following Hurin, Thom says to Rand: "You play very well at being a lord, but remember this: Cairhien may play Daes Dae'mar, but it was the White Tower made the Great Game in the first place. Watch yourself boy."

Chapter 33 -- A Message From the Dark

Hurin tells Rand that Mat is all right, and that he just needed an excuse to get Rand away from the party. He has traced the scent of the Darkfriends to an enclosed area in the garden. Mat says that he cannot feel the dagger at all, but Rand replies that that doesn't mean it isn't there. Rand instructs Mat to go find Ingtar and Verin. He obliges while making several sarcastic remarks to Rand about 'his lordship'. Loial and Hurin follow Rand over the wall to the Waygate. Rand opens the gate but Machin Shin is there and it tries to get out at them. Rand uses the One Power to force it back in and Loial puts the Avendesora leaf back in it' place. Rand remarks to himself how the flow of the One Power was killing him, but how wonderful it felt in doing so. Once back over the wall, Rand thinks he hears someone else in the garden, but he never finds out if it was just his imagination or not.

Just before leaving, Barthanes give Rand a message from Fain. He tells him to meet Fain on Toman Head. If he doesn't, Fain will hound his blood, his people and those he loves. Once back in the inn, Rand tells this to the others. He tells of the Waygate and Machin Shin and how he has to go to Toman Head. The others all decide to go with him, although Ingtar believes Barthanes tale for a lie. Since that Waygate in not an option through which to make their journey, Verin suggests the one at Stedding Tsofu. Rand vows to Verin in private that once they have found the Horn and Mat's dagger, he is through with Aes Sedai.

Chapter 34 -- The Wheel Weaves

Thom was kept back at Barthanes' all night while being questioned by nobles of his involvement with `the young Andoran Lord'. He walks into his room at The Bunch Of Grapes to find Dena dead; her throat has been cut. Two men jump up from hiding and attack him. He kills the first one and incapacitates the other and questions him. He claims to work for Barthanes and offers Thom great amounts of gold for information. Thom kills him. Zera comes in and identifies the first dead man a servant to Galldrian, not Barthanes. As Thom leaves the room, they can hear a riot starting outside. He wants revenge for Dena's death.

Fain is in Falme. He is talking to the high lord, Turak. He claims to have a great gift for him. He tells of the Horn inside the chest and tempts him to use it. Fain also says that his family has had the Horn and has been faithful to Artur Hawkwing and his followers ever since they went across the Aryth Ocean. Turak tells Fain of his intentions to take the Horn back to the Empress. This excites Fain as it reveals a leader he did not know about that he can manipulate for his own desires. Fain makes several comments to himself about being patient like a worm in the root. Turak intends to keep Fain around until he returns to Seanchan in order for him to tell stories about his loyal family traditions. "I will see (Rand al'Thor) dead at last. The world will pay for what was done to me."

Chapter 35 -- Stedding Tsofu

A pretty Ogier girl named Erith greets Verin and the others once they reach Stedding Tsofu. (Rand feels the One Power cut off from him as he crosses into it.) Erith asks them to leave some of their armed men outside of the Stedding. Loial tells the boys about the Longing and how it came to be. He feels good to be back in a Stedding although he is very worried about some Ogier girl wanting to marry him. In town, they are amazed by the enormity of the Great Trees. Three Aiel women confront them, intent on violence. Verin stops things before they get too far out of hand with reference to `the pact' of peace in Stedding. Mat tells Rand of their encounter with the Aiel on Kinslayer's Dagger. Hurin comments an how 'clean' the air smells because there has been no violence. Loial is very worried the Elders are going to send him back home. They all make their way to go see the Elders.

Chapter 36 -- Among the Elders

As the group make their way through town to see the Elders, many of the Ogier women take notice of Loial which makes him very anxious. Once they arrive at the Elder's place, Loial decides to wait outside and read a book. Alar, one of the Elders, is wary about letting them use the Waygate, and sends for an Ogier named Trayal. He is the last of the Ogier to have been in the Ways. All that is left of him is his body. All of his soul and his mind has been stolen by Machin Shin. Rand, Mat, and Perrin succeed in convincing the Elders to let Loial continue to travel with them. Outside, Loial tells the boys that Erith gave him flowers and said she thought he was handsome. However, he hasn't changed his mind about going on with his ta'veren friends.

Once they get to the Waygate they find the same situation that Rand, Loial, and Hurin found at Barthanes'; Machin Shin is waiting at the entrance. Rand thinks that it is following him. As an alternative, Hurin suggests using a Portal Stone, even if it isn't as fast as the Ways. Alar reveals that there is one not far from where they are standing.

Chapter 37 -- What Might Be

Ingtar seems reluctant to use the Stone. He says he wants to go back and make Barthanes talk. Verin: "More than once I have heard you say you would ride to Shayol Ghul if need be to recover the Horn. Do you hold back now, at this?" Ingtar: "I hold back at nothing....."

Verin says to Rand that he has been transported by a Portal Stone more recently than she, but that she has never used one. Verin makes Rand chose a symbol on the Stone in hopes of getting them to Toman Head. Rand picks one and lets the One Power flow through him. Something goes wrong and Rand experiences many lives that might have been....He dies by a Trolloc sword on that Winternight long ago....He is married to Egwene and is going mad. She dies and shortly thereafter he is part of a group of men that head up to Taren Ferry to defend their land from invading Trollocs. He dies by a Trolloc sword....Egwene dies a week after their wedding. Rand takes to traveling around the world and ends up in the Queen's Guard. He eventually becomes a Captain and uses the One Power in battles. While fighting Artur Hawkwing's armies returned on at the Mountains of Mist, he retreats all the way back to Caemlyn and lets the Power run rampant destroying much of the land around him. He is burned to a crisp by a lighting bolt from behind him....He goes through hundreds of lives, all completely different. Each time he has the feeling that he was meant for something else and doesn't belong where he is. Each time he dies he hears a soft whisper in his ear; "I have won again, Lews Therin."

They end up arriving on Toman Head, but it is autumn. They have taken more than four months to get there. Verin says they have taken too long and that they must head out west immediately. Before they leave, Verin heals (almost) everyone from the effects of the trip. Rand refuses, saying that he doesn't want the help of any Aes Sedai.

Chapter 38 -- Practice

It is a day off for the Novices in the White tower. Nynaeve and Min are in Egwene's room, where Egwene is practicing juggling balls of light. Min teases Egwene about how she likes to look at Galad, just like every other woman in the Tower. Min tells her that Galad is _so_ good that he would hurt someone close to him if he thought it was for a greater good. Elayne comes in telling of a rumour that King Galldrian is dead. She also tells of Logain who she saw crying. Logain makes her think of Rand who she hasn't had dreams about since the River Queen.

Egwene thinks about the hole between her and Elayne's room and how she has heard Elayne cry herself to sleep many a night because of their tough lives as Novices. Min says that she reads danger around each of the other women in the room. Liandrin comes in to talk to Nynaeve and Egwene. She tells them that Rand is in danger and that they must go to Toman Head to help him. They are to leave an hour before sunset. Min and Elayne come back as soon as Liandrin leaves. They were listening through the hole in the wall, They say that they are going too. Min sees that the danger surrounding her friends has become more certain. They begin preparing for their journey.

Chapter 39 -- Flight From the White Tower

While leaving the Tower, the four women have some close calls with being recognized but manage to make it out safely. Once they arrive at the Grove, just outside the city, Liandrin appears from behind some bushes. She is upset about the presence of Min and Elayne. Liandrin goes on to say that if they hadn't have come, they probably wouldn't have lived through the night. Liandrin opens the nearby Waygate much to the astonishment of the other women. She intends to reach Toman Head through the Ways. Liandrin has some sort of parchment to direct her at each of the Guidings. She won't let anyone else see it. At one point, Min admits that she could have gone her own way instead of into the Ways, but she is now as much of the Pattern as the other three. After two days of traveling, they arrive at the gate to Toman Head.

Chapter 40 -- Damane

Egwene is the first out of the Waygate. She notices a large group of men looking at her and her friends with an astonished look on their faces. With them are women with other women on leashes and two more women without anyone on their leashes. Liandrin knows the groups leader, Lady Suroth, who is in a palanquin with eight men holding her up. Egwene is confused as to how these people can help them help Rand. Several of the men make a grab for each of Min, Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve. Egwene feels a collar close around her neck. She is told by the woman at the other end that she is now damane, who goes on to explain the concepts of a'dam and sul'dam. Egwene comes to realize that the tone in which the sul'dam, Renna, is talking to her is like how one would talk to a pet.

Nynaeve and Elayne have escaped the men that tried to grab them so Suroth sends men and a damane out to find them. During the chase, lighting and exploding trees are visible to all of the people with Suroth. Liandrin and Suroth have some harsh words while waiting for the search party to return. They talk about serving their "master". Liandrin goes back through the Waygate. The search party comes back empty handed. In order to save Min's life from the soldier she stabbed, Egwene begs Suroth to let her friend live. Both Min and Egwene are subjected to intense pain from damane and sul'dam respectively as they head back to Falme. Renna admires the spirit that she sees in Egwene and thinks she will be one of the best damane ever.

Nynaeve is hiding in the bushes in case she is still being hunted. She reflects on how angry she was and how she had killed a soldier with a lightning bolt and struck one of the women with another. The longer she goes without seeing any of her pursuers, the less angry she becomes and thus the less she can touch saidar. Elayne comes from out of the bushes. She tells Nynaeve how Min had cut the man who was holding her, allowing Elayne to escape. Elayne feels very cowardly about running and leaving Egwene and Min in the hands of those people. Nynaeve: "We will go to Falme. I hope Liandrin is there. I will make her curse the day her mother laid eyes on her father." They start their journey out west, to Falme, both on the back of Nynaeve's horse.

Chapter 41 -- Disagreements

It has been three days since Rand and the others traveled using the Stone. It is very cold and damp outside as they head west to Toman Head. They arrive at a village called Atuan's Mill. The Seanchan have already been there and have all but razed it. The group gathers inside an inn to discuss plans about what they should do. Ingtar has become very discouraged about finding Fain. He doesn't believe that they will ever find him where they are going. Verin and Rand are very adamant that they will indeed find Fain, the Horn, and the dagger on Toman Head. Rand also reveals to the group what Fain had said in his message from Barthanes; how he would hurt the Two Rivers and those Rand loved if Rand did not go to Toman Head. Perrin, Mat, and Loial all assure Rand that they will continue following Rand and Hurin to find Fain. Eventually Ingtar agrees too.

Rand leaves the rest of the group to go up stairs to sleep. Ba'alzamon appears in his room holding the Dragon banner.He is once again pressuring Rand into conceding to the Shadow or to face eternity as a slave to the Dark One himself. In reaction to Rand drawing an incredible amount of saidin through himself, Ba'alzamon says "Fool! You will destroy yourself", revealing that maybe he needs Rand alive for whatever his plans are and that his claims to destroy Lews Therin once and for all are just intimidation. Just before exiting, Ba'alzamon reminds Rand that he alone can teach him how to control saidin.

Chapter 42 -- Falme

Nynaeve and Elayne have been in Falme for a few weeks. They have rented an attic from a fishermen to sleep in and have been avoiding the damane who would be able to identify them as able to channel. Presently, they are hiding in an alley from a sul'dam and damane passing by. Elayne reveals that she had just stolen a few apples from a store by channeling which gets Nynaeve very upset. At one point the two women had had to hide in their attic for three days after Nynaeve had channeled. The result was damane all over the city looking for the woman who had channeled. Nynaeve had been trying to figure out how to undo the damane collars so she could free Egwene. They have located the houses in which they think Egwene is kept, but they have not yet found her. Nynaeve continues on planning their rescue.

Egwene is in her room in the damane houses. She is trying to figure out how to undo her collar by means of channeling. She is unsuccessful as it is very painful to do anything that is forbidden by the sul'dam. If she tries to do anything of that sort she is overcome with incredible amounts of pain. This includes taking her leash off of the hook on which it rests, trying to or even thinking about hurting her sul'dam, thinking about escaping, or channeling without her sul'dam present.

Min arrives for her weekly visit. She is wearing a green Seanchan dress. Egwene tells her how she is to be taken across the ocean because of her rare ability to locate underground ore deposits. Min tells her that she has found a ship that will take them away from the Seanchan once Egwene has escaped. Egwene tells Min that she is unable to get the collar off and that she should escape by herself. She also tells about the Aes Sedai who have become damane and how one wants to kill herself but is unable to. This worries Min, but Egwene assures her that she is not going to kill herself. Renna comes in, detects that Egwene had been channeling and begins punishing her intensely.

Chapter 43 -- A Plan

Min forces herself to leave the damane's house with Egwene's screams slowly fading in the distance. Out on the streets, she sees Nynaeve and Elayne for the first time since they they had come out of the Waygate weeks ago. Min tells them about Egwene's situation and how she is supposed to be sent to Seanchan in a few days because of her exceptional abilities. Nynaeve is intent on getting her out of there. Min recounts her plans with a ship's captain to sail them away once Egwene is freed. Nynaeve wants to talk to this man and they head down towards the shore to find him.

On the way down, the three of them kneel to a passing palanquin carrying some Seanchan royalty. They enter an inn called the Three Plum Blossoms. Waiting in the common room is Bayle Domon, captain of the Spray. He assures Nynaeve that he can get away from the Seanchan if he can manage to get away from the shore without having a damane destroying his ship. She also reveals to him that she and two of the others that will be traveling with him (Elayne and Egwene) are Aes Sedai. Domon gets very scared when Nynaeve shows him her ring for fear that someone else might see it. He agrees to give them passage. Domon tells the women about one Aes Sedai that he saw surrounded by six damane that did something horrible to her. The women recognize this as stilling.

Nynaeve and the other two women leave the inn having made Domon promise to be prepared to set sail whenever they are ready. Nynaeve sags outside against the wall from the strain of appearing extremely confident in front of the Domon: "Light, but I was afraid he was going to say no."

Chapter 44 -- Five Will Ride Forth

Perrin and the others are preparing to leave the village they are in. The entire Village Council and their families were burned over eight months ago by the Seanchan. Someone is entering the city as they are leaving. It is Whitecloaks. Perrin is seen and recognised by Bornhald. As they are riding away, Perrin contacts the wolves and learns that they are not being followed.

Geofram Bornhald gives very specific orders to Child Byar for when they confront the Seanchan. He tells him to retreat to the distance and to watch the battle so he can report back to Pedron Niall and then to his son Dain to tell him how he died. Bornhald doesn't think he will ever leave Almoth Plain.

Rand is practising his forms while waiting for the scouting party to return. Ingtar watches him practice `Heron Wading In the Rushes'; "You shouldn't be bothering with that one. It leaves you completely open."

Hurin, Perrin and Mat return to report having found Fain's trail heading to Falme. Ingtar decides to send in a small party. The other four to go are Rand, Mat, Perrin and, Hurin. While they are deciding,, Verin is drawing a wheel in the dirt with five spokes; she insists that only five people go. When they have decided Rand sees her wipe out part of the wheel with her foot. Only four spokes are left.

Chapter 45 -- Blademaster

It is Dawn in the city of Falme. Nynaeve, Elayne and, Min are prepared to execute their plan to free Egwene. They are spread out along the side of the street waiting for a sul'dam and damane to walk by. As soon as they are near, Nynaeve uses the power to open the leash and sets the girl free. The damane runs away but the three women take the sul'dam, Seta, to a back alley and organize their next move. Nynaeve is going to pose as the sul'dam and instead of having Elayne wear the collar around her neck, Nynaeve decides to use Seta. Putting the collar on the woman's neck is a horrendous experience for her. The collar is only supposed to work on women who can channel but Nynaeve can feel Seta on the other end of it. Seta is begging with Nynaeve not to make her wear it, but she promises to go along with what they tell her to do. They head off to the damane quarters intent on freeing Egwene.

Domon and his crew are aboard the Spray waiting for Nynaeve and the others to arrive. He has made sure everything is ready to leave on a moments notice.

The group of Five enter Falme and Hurin proceeds to lead them around searching for Fain's scent. As they are walking they see what Rand recognizes as a grolm. He doesn't believe they can be real. Shortly afterwards, Mat says he can feel the dagger inside the building that the grolm were guarding. Ingtar doesn't care about the dagger; he wants the Horn. Rand rationalizes that if they find the dagger they will find Fain and the Horn. Accepting reason, Ingtar leads them to an alley to get behind the house and then inside. He leaps over the wall first to take care of the guard there and the others follow shortly afterwards. They make their way up the stairs to a room that contains both the dagger and the Horn. While Mat and Ingtar claim what they have been searching for, Rand looks out the window, he sees Egwene across the street. Perrin and Mat tell him he must be imagining things but Rand believes he saw her with a chain around her neck and feels compelled to rescue her.

At that moment, Turak and some of his men enter the room. One of them tries to take the Horn and Mat stabs him with his dagger. The man swells up into a black mass in the middle of the floor.

Turak engages Rand as the Five fight to escape. Rand assumes the void and is fighting with all of his skill but is barely able to fend of the High Lord's attacks. With one move Rand manages to attack for the first time and slays Turak. It is the first man he has ever killed.The guards mutter an oath to Turak and then slay themselves. The servants remain in the bowing position that they maintained throughout the entire engagement. Rand and the others flee for the door as Mat spots officers entering the building. Rand swears to himself that he will free Egwene.

Chapter 46 -- To Come Out of the Shadow

The four women enter the building of the damane and head up to the fourth floor to Egwene's room. Egwene is overjoyed to see them. She is surprised to see Seta with the collar around her neck, but it proves a theory that she has. She tells the other women that the sul'dam can indeed channel just like the damane. The damane are the girls that have the ability born into them whereas the sul'dam are the ones who have the ability to learn. Renna, comes into the room and is shocked to see Egwene without her collar on. Before she can react, Egwene throws a jug at her, shattering it, and slaps the collar around Renna's neck. Renna lies on the ground as Egwene makes her feel the pain that she was made to feel. Nynaeve makes her stop and they leave the two sul'dam sobbing as they head out to the street towards the harbour.

There are men approaching from all directions. Nynaeve says that they have nothing to do with them; they should be able to walk right past down to meet Domon. Egwene exclaims: "I will not go back (to the collar). I'll die first. Let me show them what they have taught me." The ground explodes beneath the soldiers. Fireballs and lightning begins to fall from the sky at the four women.

Aboard the Spray, Bayle Domon witnesses the lightning flashing from a blue sky and has to stop his crew from setting sail claiming that he gave his word to wait for Nynaeve and the others.

Outside the city, Geofram Bornhald sees the lightning flashes and gives the order to Child Byar to distance himself from the ranks to enable himself to report back to Pedron Niall and Dain Bornhald. He then orders his legion into the city.

Rand is with Ingtar in an alleyway watching the lightning flash above their heads. He is still intent on finding Egwene. Ingtar begins with what seems like babbling, but it is his confession. "I never knew what he was going to do. A pale little man you didn't seem to really notice even when you were looking at him. Take him inside Fal Dara, I was told, inside the fortress. I didn't want to, but I had to do it. You understand? I had to. I never knew what he intended until he shot that arrow. I still don't know if it was meant for the Amyrlin, or for you."

Hurin approaches near the end of the confession and Rand leaves with him. Ingtar stays behind to fight the Seanchan to allow Rand and the others to escape and to hopefully redeem himself for all he has done. "`The Light shine on you, Lord Ingtar of House Shinowa, and may you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand.' He touched Ingtar's shoulder. `The last embrace of the mother welcome you home' Hurin gasped."

Chapter 47 -- The Grave Is No Bar To My Call

Rand is intent on returning to the city to find Egwene, but an army of Seanchan is approaching from one side and a legion of Whitecloaks from the other. Mat states that there is nothing in the prophecy of the Horn that says it can't be used before the Last Battle and proceeds to sound it.

Geofram Bornhald hears the mournful sound of the Horn.Lightning flashes down from the sky hitting his men. He orders them to charge. As fog surrounds him and lightning continues to destroy the ground beneath his feet; his thoughts are of regret as Byar will not be able to tell Dain how his father died.

Out of the fog in front of Rand rides Artur Hawkwing, Birgitte, and the rest of the Hundred Companions. They greet Rand as Lews Therin and ask him if he has the banner of the Dragon to lead them into battle. Perrin takes the banner and Mat plays the Horn as they charge. The fog becomes ever thicker around Rand until he can no longer see anyone else. He is flung from the back of Red, his horse, as Ba'alzamon appears in front of him. When he gets up the horse is gone. Rand can see Perrin and Mat, the Hundred Companions, the Seanchan, and the Whitecloaks fighting beneath him. Ba'alzamon once more lays claim to Rand's soul and Rand refuses to concede. The two of them engage in sword-fight. Rand realizes that when he advances in his battle, his companions down below advance and when he is forced back, so are they.

Rand assumes the attack position of the Heron Wading in the Rushes with a ridiculous grin on his face. Ba'alzamon stabs him in the side with his staff, but Rand manages to stab him right through the heart. The world explodes in fire.

Chapter 48 -- First Claiming

Min is in the middle of Falme amidst the fire and destruction. All the Seanchan ships in the harbour, save one, are on fire. The Spray is gone. Min sees a figure, Birgitte, launch a silver arrow into the last ship setting it on fire, and then disappear. She finds Rand lying on the ground and carries him inside a building and into a bed. She is lying beside him, warming him, when Egwene walks in. Min is very attracted to him and says openly to Egwene that she wants him. Egwene says that both her and Elayne could feel him pulling them to him. When Egwene leaves to get Nynaeve, Lanfear appears to Min naming herself and claiming Rand (Lews Therin), as hers. She tells Min to look after him for her until she returns.

Child Byar rides away from Falme having seen the entire Legion destroyed. He is heading back to Amadicia to report to Pedron Niall.

Chapter 49 -- What Was Meant To Be

Rand wakes up with Min beside him. She tells him that they freed Egwene. Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene have returned to the Tower, and Mat has gone to be healed from the dagger. Hurin and Verin have gone with them. Moiraine is still there although Rand wishes she wasn't. He is still very intent on finding Fain.

Moiraine has two broken seals on the Dark One's prison and tells Rand that three of the seven are now broken. Furthermore, she tells him that his battle with Ba'alzamon took place in the sky for all to see.

Perrin, Loial, Uno, and Masema are still there. Masema pledges his loyalty to Rand as the Dragon Reborn. Rand wants to be free of the title of the Dragon and his obligation to fight in Tarman Gai'don, but he remembers "Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than mountain". He makes his decision.

Chapter 50 -- After

Stories of what happened on Almoth Plain spread across the land. It is distorted as it travels, but all tell of the battle in the sky and the forces following the banner of the Dragon into battle against Artur Hawkwing's armies returned from across ocean.

Summary by Craig Cassar: <cassarcj@muss.CIS.McMaster.CA>
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