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- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
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- Loial

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- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

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- Book 2

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- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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  Perrin t'Bachere Aybara  

Allegiance: The Light, The Dragon Reborn, Two Rivers.

Title(s): Lord of The Two Rivers, Goldeneyes, Wolfbrother, Young Bull, Sei'cair.

Favorite Saying: I just want to be a blacksmith.

Half a head shorter than Rand with curly (shaggy) long hair. Stocky - a man and a half wide - with arms and shoulders thick enough to rival Haral Luhhan from hours spent in the forge.

A thinker, he likes to work things through in his mind. and can be hesitant to act, causing many to consider him to be slow and a bit stupid. But not those who know him. As with all Two Rivers people, he can be very stubborn.

His weapon is an axe made by Haral Luhhan. A broad half-moon blade on one side of the handle, with a curved spike on the opposite side for balance. The smooth ash handle is as long as Perrin's arm. It sits on a wide leather belt encircling his waist. He hates the axe and all the violence he has caused with it but is quite skilled with it.

As an apprentice of a Master Blacksmith in all but name, Haral Luhhan, he learnt well the art of blacksmithing and is most happy when he spends the day hammering away in the heat of the forge.

On winternight, trollocs attacked his family's house and the forge. He was led away by Moiraine Damodred with Rand and Mat with the belief he may be the Dragon Reborn. After being separated from the group at Shadar Logoth, he and Egwene walked towards Caemlyn until they found help with Elyas Machera. Elyas introduced him to Dapple's pack of wolves, with which he learned to communicate. This communication transformed him in a few ways: It turned his eyes a polished golden yellow colour It advanced his senses far beyond that of other humans for sight, sound and smell. It allowed him to smell emotions. He has killed many whitecloaks, and now has Dain Bornhald and Jaret Byar wanting him dead, both believing he killed Geofram Bornhald.

On his way towards Tear following Rand, he met Zarine Bashere (Faile) in Remen, Altara. He fell in love with Faile and later married her.

Perrin understands duty and what needs to be done. Being a ta'veren only tells him he has duties to perform. Upon hearing of rumors of Whitecloaks in the Two Rivers he rushed back to find his family dead and his people under siege from trollocs. He put backbone into them and helped them to defeat the trollocs and send the Whitecloaks out of the Two Rivers. They repaid him by calling him lord and letting him lead his people. Not that he wanted either.

His sisters were Deselle and Adora and his brother was Paet. His uncle Eward and his aunt Magde had three kids. His aunt Neain was married to Carlin until he died some years earlier. Also Great aunt Ealsin lived with the Aybaras. All his family, aside from Carlin, were killed by Ordieth because they laughed at and insulted him.

When he left the Two Rivers, 300 men went with him with longbows. Upon returning to Rand's side, Perrin had to rescue him from Aes Sedai, in a butchery.

He then went to Ghealdan with Wise Ones, Aes Sedai, Maidens, two Asha'man, Berelain and her Winged Guards, Faile and her Society and the Two Rivers Army, to bring Masema back to Rand. Gee, can I go too?