Rand al'Thor 
The Light, Himself.
The Dragon Reborn, He Who Comes With the Dawn, The Coramoor, Shadowkiller, Lord
of the Morning, Prince of the Dawn, True Defender of the Light, The King of
Illian, Tomas Trakand.
Favorite Saying:
Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.
Tall (approx 2m) with broad shoulders, gray eyes and a reddish
tinge to his hair. He is a head taller than Mat. Light of skin. A very fast
learner, having only to see something once to know it. Intelligent, strong
willed and stubborn. Honorable and chivilrous. After being proclamed the Dragon
Reborn, he has become arogant and hard.
Born on the slopes of Dragonmount during the battle of Shining
Walls, Tam al'Thor found him and took him back to Kari, Tam's wife. They settled
in the Two Rivers and became sheep farmers. Kari died when Rand was 3 or 4, and
was raised thereafter by Tam alone.
On winternight, 997NE trollocs attacked their farm and Rand
killed one: Narg. Tam was injured, so Rand carried him into Emonds Field to be
Healed by Moiraine. Moiraine took him out of the Two Rivers along with Mat and
Perrin, believing one of them to be the Dragon Reborn.
After leaving the Two Rivers, Lan began teaching him the
sword. Since then he has become very skilled with it, almost the level of a
Having the spark of channeling, he first channeled on the
night they left Emonds Field. His second channeling was on Bayle Domon's ship,
and his third was in Four Kings, to escape from Howal Gode and Saml Hake.
At the Eye of the World he channeled using pure Saidin and
killed Aginor in a struggle over control of the pool. He then fought Ba'alzamon
and was convinced he had killed the Dark One. He also helped during a battle in
Tarwin's Gap so that the Shienarans could win.
While in Fal Dara, he was told he was the Dragon Reborn, but
didn't believe it. He followed Padan Fain with Ingtar to Falme where he again
fought Ba'alzamon, this time in the sky. During this journey he was given the
two herons on his palms. He also at one point sought death. Not finding it, he
decided to follow duty. After battling Ba'alzamon, again he thought he had
killed the Dark One. During the battle he was given the wound in his side that
never healed. The fight proclaimed him as the Dragon Reborn.
Still not convinced he was the Dragon Reborn, he walked to
Tear either to end it, or begin it. The stone fell and Callandor was in his
hands. During the battle, he finally killed Ba'alzamon (Ishamael). He then
journeyed to Rhuidean and learned the history of the Aiel and became He Who
Comes With the Dawn with a dragon on each arm.
Prior to being bonded, he was able to feel the presence of
shadowspawn. He, along with Lanfear, captured Asmodean who taught him much about
using the one power. After leading the Aiel out of the waste, he took Cairhien,
killed Rahvin. He wants Elayne to sit on both the Lion Throne and the Sun
Embassies from the Tower and the Tower in Exile approached
him, one looking to control him, the other looking to ally with him. The Tower
embassy kidnapped him and put him in a box, carrying him back to Tar Valon. When
he saw Min was also a prisoner, he broke free and killed two Warders, both of
which were Erian's. He was then beaten every morning and night.
Rand has fallen in love with the lion sword, the dedicated
spear and she who sees beyond. So far he has bonked two of them, and the third
is awaiting. However, having all three around him at once could easily cause his
sanity to flee.
He took Illian using Mat's knowledge and Davram Bashere's
army. After this, he rode west with an army and Asha'man, and drove the Hailene
back into the water.
His blood mother was Shaiel, his blood father was Janduin. He
was raised by Tam al'Thor and Kari al'Thor. His half brother is Galad.
"Who would rule a nation when he could have easier work,
such as carrying water uphill in a sieve?"