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Wheel of Time Stuff

The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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The wheel of Time : Book 5

The Fires of Heaven


Prologue - The First Sparks Fall | 1 - Fanning the Sparks | 2 - Rhuidean | 3 - Pale Shadows | 4 - Twilight | 5 - Among the Wise Ones | 6  - Gateways | 7 - A Departure | 8 - Over the Border | 9 - A Signal | 10 - Figs And Mice | 11 - The Nine Horse Hitch | 12 - An Old Pipe | 13 - A Small Room in Sienda | 14 - Meetings | 15 - What Can Be Learned in Dreams | 16 - An Unexpected Offer | 17 - Heading West | 18 - A Hound of Darkness | 19 - Memories | 20 - Jangai Pass | 21 - A Gift of a Blade | 22 - Bird Calls by Night | 23 - "The Fifth, I Give You" | 24 - A Message Sent | 25 - Dreams of Galad | 26 - Sallie Daera | 27 - The Practice of Diffidence | 28 - Trapped | 29 - Memories of Saldaea | 30 - A Wager | 31 - The Far Snows | 32 - A Short Spear | 33 - A Question of Crimson | 34 - A Silver Arrow | 35 - Ripped Away | 36 - A New Name | 37 - Performances in Samara | 38 - An Old Acquaintance | 39 - Encounters in Samara | 40 - The Wheel Weaves | 41 - The Craft of Kin Tovere | 42 - Before the Arrow | 43 - This Place, This Day | 44 - The Lesser Sadness | 45 - After the Storm | 46 - Other Battles, Other Weapons | 47 - The Price of a Ship | 48 - Leavetakings | 49 - To Boannda | 50 - To Teach, and Learn | 51 - News Comes to Cairhien | 52 - Choices | 53 - Fading Words | 54 - To Caemlyn | 55 - The Thread Burns | 56 - Glowing Embers |

The Summary

Prologue -- The First Sparks Fall

It has been two months since Elaida was risen to the Amyrlin. Currently, she is meeting with the Hall of the Tower. There are no Blue present, and only one Green and one Yellow. They are discussing events around the world: Bashere is moving the Saldaean army, south, away from the quiet Blight. Also, they have heard that Aes Sedai were involved in the disappearance of the Panarch. Each decision required is made without Elaida's approval. The Former Red Sister blames all her current problems on Siuan Sanche, and her greatest concern is that the world sees the Tower as strong and united.

Everyone, but Alviarin, is scared stiff when Elaida makes them look at the picture of Rand on the wall. Elaida is intent on making Alviarin break.

Padan Fain is there to see Elaida. He appears to be there to use her to get Rand. His other names are Ordeith and Mordeth.

Rahvin has control of an Aes Sedai spy. He is waiting for other Forsaken to arrive. Lanfear arrives just before Sammael and Graendal. They know four of the Chosen are dead and that Asmodean has gone to the Light. Sammael wears a three thousand year old scar from Lews Therin Telamon. Lanfear wants the four of them to present Rand kneeling to the Dark One. Sammael and Graendal seem eager -- Rahvin will go along as long as it doesn't affect his own plans.

Chapter 1 -- Fanning the Sparks

Min, Siuan and Leane are being held in a barn in the Andoran village of Kore Springs. The previous night, Logain knocked the owner of another barn down, starting a fire that burnt it down. He escaped in the night. The three women are awaiting trial. Leane, being Domani, has lowered her neckline and has put makeup on just in case she can flirt their way out of trouble. She is trying to find something to `replace' the Power.

The lord of the town is Gareth Bryne. At the conclusion of the trial he says he will repay the farmer. He also sentences the women to a term of work to repay him. They are made to swear an oath of their choosing. Siuan: "By the Light and my hope of Salvation and rebirth , I swear to serve you in whatever way you require, for as long as you require, or may the Creator's face turn from me forever and darkness consume my soul.

On their way to Bryne's manor, Logain rescues them and they continue their journey. Logain is starting to take charge, and is eager to have the revenge that Siuan has promised him.

Gareth Bryne is heading out after the women with a group of aging soldiers who have served him at one point in time or another. Another old soldier brings news of the Stone falling to Aiel and a man who took Callandor. He also informs them that Elaida is the new Amyrlin.

Alteima has come to Caemlyn to find power. She talks to Morgase about Rand until they are interrupted by Gaebril. He sends Morgase to have a nap and she is more than happy to do so. He makes Alteima want to tell him what her true intentions are and she does -- power.

In her room, Morgase has vague memories of being in control and of the feelings she had for Gareth Bryne before she sent him away.

Chapter 2 -- Rhuidean

The city of Rhuidean can now be entered by anyone and many Aiel now live in it or around it because of the large lake that now exists there. Six chiefs are meeting with Rand -- Rhuarc, Bael, Jheran, Han, Bruan and Erim. Rhuarc says that Rand must wait for the other clans to come.

Moiraine and Egwene visit Rand and try to help him. Egwene thinks he is conceited. He won't listen to them. He plans to take eleven clans of Aiel across the Dragonwall to show his power.

Moiraine has one of the four remaining cuendillar disks and it is flaking. On Moiraine's orders, Kadere and his men are loading up their wagons with many of the ter'angreal. The most notable one is the red doorway ter'angreal.

Rand has a memory of Illyena. Egwene tells him that Elayne loves him.

Chapter 3 -- Pale Shadows

Rand gets mad at Asmodean for channeling when Egwene is in the room, though she doesn't realize what has happened. The Forsaken isn't very respectful of Rand and Rand doesn't trust him to tell the truth. Rand leaves and seals the room so his `gleeman' can't leave.

He doesn't respond to Mat's calls until he uses the name Lews Therin. Mat wants to leave the Waste and Rand has no plans to stop him. An Aiel woman named Melindhra flirts with Mat and they wander off together.

Chapter 4 -- Twilight

No men, only women and gai'shain are allowed under the Rhuidean Roof of the Maidens, but Rand walks right in with his escort and goes up to his bedchamber. Aviendha comes in and gives him a gift -- he is one of the three men that she hates the most. The Wise Ones have made her turn her weapons into gifts that she is to give to the three men and women that she hates the most. The gift is a belt with a dragon on it.

Isendre comes in . She is being forced to wear no clothing save for the jewelry that she stole. Rand knows that her, Kadere, and all the other merchants are Darkfriends but must keep their secret if he wants Asmodean to continue teaching him. Isendre has apparently tried to get into Rand's bed seven times, but he won't even drink the wine she has brought for him.

Before going to bed he shields his dreams. The only dreams he has are of Min, Elayne and Aviendha, and a nightmare about Isendre.

Chapter 5 -- Among the Wise Ones

Egwene is summoned to the sweat tent. Moiraine is there discussing Rand. The Wise Ones won't have anything to do with the Tower's plans and intend to follow him over the Dragonwall. Moiraine is asked to leave. Aviendha has been switched at her own request. She said that she lied twice earlier in the day.

The Wise Ones want Aviendha to sleep in Rand's chambers and asks Egwene if she thinks he will allow it -- she doesn't know. Melaine wants Bair and Amys to approach Dorindha for her in order to be her sister-wife, Bael's husband.

The Wise Ones make Aviendha and Egwene run fifty laps of the camp naked. Aviendha continues to stress that Elayne is for Rand, although Egwene says that that isn't necessarily true. Egwene says that she doesn't understand ji'e'toh, but Aviendha says that she already lives by it.

Chapter 6 (Gateways.

Rand wakes from a feeling of sourness. Something is coming to get him. He goes to the top level of the building to meet it. He beheads the three Darkhounds, but they pull themselves back together. He kills them with balefire.

Moiraine arrives concerned that he wasn't bitten or bled on -- both will kill him. She says that they usually travel in packs of ten or twelve and Rand is running before she can finish her next sentence. He kills the three Darkhounds outside Mat's door. Mat has a drop of saliva on his arm but Moiraine is able to heal it, although he has to take off the foxhead medallion before her efforts have any effect.

Moiraine explains balefire to Rand and the fact that Mat would be dead is he hadn't used it on those Darkhounds. She warns him to be careful. She begs him to let her help him and he is genuinely surprised and accepts her offer.

Rand skims to his room where Asmodean waits. He erases the footprints from the Darkhounds because they shouldn't have any interest in a simple gleeman. Rand opens up a secret alcove, hidden by some flows, where he keeps the two ter'angreal figures. With the male ter'angreal he believes that he would have enough power to heal death and remembers the young girl who was killed by Trollocs back in the Stone.

Lanfear appears and sees the two statues. She tells him how much she loves him. She tells him that Rahvin sent the Darkhounds because Rand moved Tairen armies into Cairhien where he intends Morgase to sit on the Sun Throne.

She is upset that he is shielding his dreams but says that she is able to break through. Lanfear leaves when a Maiden comes to summon Rand to see the chiefs.

All the clans are moving. Whether they are going to follow Couladin or not, it is too early to tell. The Shaido are moving towards Jangai Pass. They won't be able to catch them before they are in Cairhien, but Rand orders them to follow immediately.

Chapter 7 -- A Departure

Egwene was successful at dream hopping. Isendre is now being made to wear a black robe. Egwene is very concerned about Aviendha being forced onto Rand -- she saw the woman's nightmares about him. Rand is sending for Ogier to rebuild Rhuidean. Egwene learns that Rand told Moiraine to be quiet and she obeyed. Rand hints that he may never return to the Three Fold Land. Before he leaves, he makes all of the fountains flow once more.

Moiraine regrets only being able to take a fraction of the ter'angreal with her. She reflects on her trip into the three rings when she went into Rhuidean. They all show possible futures based on every decision she will ever have to make. Disaster will come if she sleeps with Rand, but she doesn't know why. Most Aiel women don't remember their futures until the moment is upon them.

Lan thinks Moiraine is afraid and worried, and he is concerned about her. She says that she had to swear the oath to Rand because he needs her help and he had become too distant for her to do so. In her thoughts, Moiraine hints at some arrangement she has made that would allow Lan to be with Nynaeve in the future.

Chapter 8 -- Over the Border

Nynaeve, Elayne, Juilin and Thom have been traveling east, from Tanchico, for almost a month. Amathera gave them a large sum of money and a large quantity of jewelry in order to see them on their way as fast as possible.

Near the Amadician border, their wagon is stopped by Whitecloaks, but their disguise as merchants gets them by with no problems. Elayne has become quite fond of Thom to the extent of spending all her time sitting next to him in the drivers seat of the wagon, holding his arm.

Just over the Amadician border, they stop at a village named Mardecin. Nynaeve is constantly regretting traveling across land instead of finding an Atha'an Miere raker.

Chapter 9 -- A Signal

Nynaeve and the others camp a mile outside of the village. Thom is sent into town to buy food with some of Amathera's gold. Nynaeve reflects back to her days as Wisdom and pledges to heel Thom's limp and Rand's wound one day when she has amassed the proper knowledge.

Elayne and Nynaeve are concerned abut Moghedien and the Black Ajah following them, although they have not seen any signs of their pursuit.

Thom brings back mostly meat so the two women go back into town to buy some vegetables. On the way in Nynaeve brings up the subject of Thom with Elayne. The younger woman explains that Rand is so far away, although she still does love him, and Thom is just so intelligent. She also vehemently denies that Thom is her father.

Food is sparse in the village of Mardecin. While searching for food, Nynaeve sees the Yellow Ajah's eyes and ears signal hanging outside a seamstress shop. The owner, Mistress Macura, is very nervous when Nynaeve reveals herself and is adamant that they have a cup of tea before she gives her message; "All sisters are welcome to return to the Tower." Nynaeve and Elayne lose consciousness and are taken upstairs by Macura and her apprentice, Luci.

Chapter 10 -- Figs And Mice

A couple of hours later Thom finds Nynaeve and Elayne and unties them -- Juilin had originally followed them in and Thom followed him when nobody returned.

By mean of intimidation, Juilin is able to get the truth out of Macura and Luci. Mistress Macura acts as eyes and ears for Narenwin Barda and had ordered a women by Elayne's description captured and returned to the Tower. This order was handed down by the Amyrlin. The seamstress is quite adamant that she is not a Darkfriend and is half scared to death when she hears mention of the Black Ajah. She says that a pigeon has already been sent to Narenwin.

Nynaeve actually thanks the men for rescuing them. She has Elayne dye her hair black to avoid being recognized again.

When Macura wakes from the forkroot she was given, she sends another pigeon to Narenwin and a duplicate, west, as she has done with every message. Avi, the owner of the pigeon loft, who never pays any attention to Macura, deviously reads the imprint of the message and sends a third pigeon in yet another direction.

Chapter 11 -- The Nine Horse Hitch

Siuan has continued to let Logain think that he is in charge. In the past few weeks they have made it all the way to Lugard. Siuan ventures off by herself to a inn whose innkeeper is eyes and ears for the Blue Ajah. She passes on the name `Sallie Daera' when Siuan asks about the meeting place of the Blue Ajah. The women has no idea who Sallie is, however, Siuan knows it as a code name for Salidar.

The former Amyrlin is beginning to adjust to how young she looks and also her lack of power.

Back at the Nine Horse Hitch Leane has a large group of men around her and Min is wishing she could be like that with Rand. Siuan comes back telling them that they have to head south.

Chapter 12 -- An Old Pipe

Gareth Bryne and his men are in Lugard and have been following Siuan's trail. Before they head off again, Bryne questions why he is after the women and lies to himself saying that he just wants to know why Siuan broke her oath. He also recounts a tale to his men of his encounter with the Amyrlin three years ago. She tore a strip off of him regarding a border dispute along the Murandy border. He still is ignorant of the fact that the women he is after is Siuan Sanche.

Chapter 13 -- A Small Room in Sienda

Nynaeve is very bitter about posing as Elayne's servant, but Elayne manages to bring her out of her snit. The wagon stops. There is a menagerie led by an arrogant man named Valan Luca. He tries to get Lady Morelin, (Elayne) to stop for a private showing but she declines. Luca has strange creatures that were used by the Seanchan . Luca calls them giant boar horses, but they are s'redit, or elephants.

In Sienda, they stop at an inn called "The Light of Truth". Elayne and Nynaeve retire so that they can meet Egwene in the Unseen World.

Chapter 14 -- Meetings

In Tel'aran'rhiod, Nynaeve calls for Birgitte. Gaidal Cain has been born again. Time does not flow the same in this world so Birgitte cannot say when she will be born too. Rahvin, Sammael, Graendal, Demandred and Semirhage have all been stalking each other in the Dream World. There have been no signs of Moghedien but Birgitte will keep looking.

Nynaeve wants to tell Egwene and the others about Birgitte and what she has found, but the other woman gets mad; she doesn't want to break any more of the precepts than she already has. Egwene and Melaine appear. Egwene tells them about Rand moving them into Cairhien and how his head is getting bigger and also about Moiraine taking his orders.

Melaine gets on Nynaeve's case about being ignorant about Tel'aran'rhiod , but the younger woman does not submit to the Wise One's pressure.

Chapter 15 -- What Can Be Learned in Dreams

Nynaeve dreams herself to the Tower and sees Elaida as Amyrlin. "It will snow in Tear before she ever rises that high." Egwene shows up and is cross with Nynaeve for ignoring the Wise Ones warnings and scares the life out of her with an example of what peoples' nightmares can leave behind. Nynaeve is made to feel like a little girl by Egwene's ranting and becomes quite frustrated.

Both of them notice that the Amyrlin's study does not look like Siuan Sanche. Searching through the room, Nynaeve finds a message about a suspected gathering of the Blue Ajah. While reading it, she is interrupted by Egwene's scream from Leane's study; Elaida is Amyrlin.

Nynaeve can't remember the place of the gathering and they can't find the document again.

Nynaeve admits to Elayne that she lied about not drinking the forkroot tea. Egwene says that Nynaeve has to stop lying to herself and, once again, the older woman is made to feel like a little girl. They leave the Dream World.

Egwene wakes in her tent and is thankful that Nynaeve didn't realize that she doesn't have permission to wander Tel'aran'rhiod by herself. She is amazed at the results. She goes to Moiraine and tells her about the Tower, Siuan's demise and the meeting of the Blues. Moiraine seems more concerned about the Tower than her old friend. Egwene also tells her about the Forsaken plotting. When the Aes Sedai is asked why she does what Rand wants, she tells Egwene that she remembered how to control saidar.

Later, Egwene's dreams are filled with visions. Rand is sitting in a chair whose owner is upset about it being taken. Mat throws some dice with blood streaming down his face. She also sees Thom drawing Moiraine's blue stone from a fire.

Chapter 16 -- An Unexpected Offer

All night Nynaeve had nightmares about Elayne, Moghedien and Elayne.

In the common room eating breakfast with `Lady Morelin' Nynaeve is served strawberries and doesn't know what they are. Galad approaches the table not long after they sit down -- he is a Whitecloak. He tells the two women that Siuan has been stilled and executed. He wants to take them to Caemlyn where they will be safe. All the while he is talking, Nynaeve's heart is racing, simply because he is `so beautiful' He leaves with another Whitecloak. Elayne fears that he will turn them in; helping them home, and turning them in are both the right thing to do from different perspectives. Elayne can't be sure which perspective he will choose -- she wants to leave right away.

In their room with Thom and Juilin, they can see Galad waiting across the street, watching the front door to the inn. They plan to leave and travel with Luca's menagerie. While packing, Nynaeve learns from Elayne that Thom was Morgase's lover after Taringail died.

Chapter 17 -- Heading West

Nynaeve and Elayne meet the men on the way to the menagerie. Thom has learned that Pedron Niall is trying to unite the nations against Rand.

When they find the menagerie (it is in the same place they left it), Luca is upset and believes that `Lady Morelin is an impostor and that they are running form someone. However, when Elayne offers him 100 gold marks when they get to Ghealdan, he accepts their patronage but insists that they must earn their keep. Elayne and Juilin tight walk with the aid of Elayne's flows and Thom does his gleeman act. Nynaeve is doing nothing as of yet.

The trainer of the great boar horses, Cerandin, is recognized by Nynaeve as Seanchan. Both she and Elayne approach the woman openly identifying her as Seanchan. She denies it as first, saying she is from Shara. The elephants are called s'redit. Cerandin was left behind at Falme, although she says she is not sul'dam. She thinks Elayne is a high Lady and bows to her in fealty. This unnerves the two women but only Latelle and Luca see it. They beg her to get up and promise to teach her how to behave if she answers questions about the Seanchan.

Chapter 18 -- A Hound of Darkness

Liandrin and the Black Ajah have taken over a Lord's Manor in Amador. When Liandrin returns from some business, Moghedien is there waiting for her. The Forsaken was in Tanchico too, posing as a servant. Liandrin didn't even know that Nynaeve and Elayne were in Tanchico. The Forsaken has already revealed herself to the other ten Black Ajah and has thoroughly terrified each and every one of them. They are currently all cowering in a room with Moghedien watching them -- Liandrin walks in. She realizes she is incredibly outmatched and tries an old trick that she knows. She is rewarded with unimaginable pain. She swears loyalty to the Forsaken like all the others already have.

Moghedien gives half of the Black Ajah individual orders that the others don't hear and sets Liandrin and four others to the task of finding Nynaeve.

Chapter 19 -- Memories

Tallanvor comes to the Queen's reading room and finds his queen in a daze, wasting away. He tells her of the rebellion in the Two Rivers -- they are flying the flag of Manetheren. She goes to tell Gaebril who is talking to many Lords and Ladies that she does not recognize. She demands his private audience but is made to go back to her reading room.

Against her will, (she really wants to do everything Gaebril tells her) she ventures off to find Lini who tells her that Gaebril is having several affairs, (even one with Alteima). She also tells the Queen how she exiled all of her loyal houses, some who were friends and backed her during the Succession. Morgase refuses Lini's suggested involvement of Aes Sedai and sends the woman off to find Tallanvor.

In the meantime, Morgase reflects on all the previous men in her life, Taringail, Thom and Gareth Bryne.

Tallanvor says that there are not many loyal men left in Caemlyn -- she is going to have to look elsewhere to re- establish her rule. He suggests that Basel Gill, keeper of the Queen's Blessing inn, will be able to help her.

Tallanvor leaves and Morgase questions the degree of the man's loyalty. Lini tells the story of how she saw him on his knees, behind a stable after he was made to swear an oath to Gaebril. He swore to Queen Morgase of Andor, cutting his arm to show he would shed his last drop before breaking it.

Morgase disguises herself as a commoner and finds her way to the inn. There with Gill are a man named Lamgwin and a woman named Breane, the latter of which seems to be (at least formerly) of Cairhien nobility and will follow wherever Lamgwin goes. Tallanvor says that they must go to Bryne, so they head out for Kore Springs.

Padan Fain is in the basement of the Tower and reclaims `his' dagger, making him feel whole again. The ward he set off when he entered the room attracts an Accepted who is killed with a touch of the blade.

Alviarin arrives a few moments later and Fain is convinced that she is Black Ajah. She doesn't really deny it. He tells her of his voyage to Shayol Ghul and into Thakan'dar which renders her awestruck. Before the sun rises Fain is off the island to meet his followers.

Chapter 20 -- Jangai Pass

Rand and the others find the border town of Taien in ruins, it's people massacred with only a few visible survivors. The Shaido are responsible and have been gone six days. They took villagers as gai'shain which means that Couladin had abandoned ji'e'toh. Rand intends to take the survivors with them.

Chapter 21 -- A Gift of a Blade

Rand and the Aiel are camping around Taien and are burying the bodies.

Melaine and Bael were married three days ago.

Asmodean thinks the ruins of a port city visible in the mountains might be his home city of Sharelle. Rand grants him relief by discontinuing to ward his tent at night, but only until he betrays him. Rand sets wards around the entire camp that is an alarm for intruding Shadowspawn.

In their tent, before they go to sleep, Aviendha gives Rand King Laman's sword in all its gaudiness. He accepts the blade with the heron mark on it but not the scabbard or the ruby laden hilt. The blade hasn't even been tarnished in the twenty years the Aiel have been passing it around as proof that Laman was dead (since the Waste was too far to take his head)

Rand reflects on Melaine and Bael's wedding, particularly on how they each had to fight through one hundred of their blood kin to get to each other.

Rand learns that teaching an Aiel man to sing means that the man allows himself to be taken as gai'shain by the woman he desires and must sing to entertain her spear sisters. During his discussion with Aviendha he asks her where she got the necklace she is wearing. She won't tell him.

Chapter 22 -- Bird Calls by Night

Melindhra is massaging Mat's back in their tent. He asks her if she knows anything about the Daughter of Nine Moons, but she does not. Rand's alarm sounds and Mat downs three Trollocs and a Fade. The Darkfriends accompanying the Shadowspawn can be heard yelling, "Sammael and the Golden Bees". Mat comes to the realization that his memories range from Maecine of Eharon, four hundred years before the Trolloc Wars to Artur Hawkwing. The attack is easily quelled and the pointlessness of it gnaws at Mat's mind.

Rand awakes to save Aviendha from a Draghkar by means of balefire. A split second afterwards she sends fire shooting past his head and he gets very angry with her ingratitude. It is not until a few moments later that he turns around and sees the charred remains of a second Draghkar not two paces from where he was standing. Egwene comes to see why Aviendha was channeling -they are both mad at him now.

Rand goes to discuss what happened with Asmodean. During the discussion, Rand slips and says that Sammael has tried this type of attack on `me' before; it is one of Lews Therin's memories.

Rand goes back to his tent to sleep. When he gets there, Adelin and the other Maidens of his personal guard offer him their spears because they ran off to battle and left him alone with the Draghkar. He tells them to take their spears and continue guarding him.

Chapter 23 -- "The Fifth, I Give You"

Rand and the Aiel are now in Cairhien. Selean, the Cairhienin border town on the Dragonwall was ravaged even worse than Taien was. It is reported that the Timolan clan are only a day behind them. Rand grants the Aiel their fifth, but promises to kill any Aiel who steals food from, kills, or burns anything belonging to a Cairhienin -- even a clan chief.

Aviendha wants to be taken out of Rand's tent, but Sorilea, the meanest of the Wise Ones in Egwene's opinion, will hardly listen to the request.

Chapter 24 -- A Message Sent

Egwene falls asleep in her tent a little while before her scheduled visit with Nynaeve and the Wise Ones in Tel'aran'rhiod. She finds herself in the World of Dreams and thinks she sees Elayne talking to Birgitte. She doesn't believe her eyes.

When the Wise Ones arrive, Elayne tells them how Nynaeve got into a fight with some of the other performers they were dining with. They will be in Ghealdan within three or four days.. She also tells them that Cerandin has an a'dam. Throughout their meeting, Egwene tries to pass a message to Elayne to meet in the Tower afterwards but she doesn't know if the other woman understands.

Chapter 25 -- Dreams of Galad

Egwene is able to tell that Bair and Amys are asleep in their own dreams and goes off to the Tower to find Elayne. Elayne says that Nynaeve has been different since her meeting with Egwene. Egwene asks about Birgitte but the other woman won't say anything and asks Egwene to trust her.

When Egwene comments on how Rand's head gets bigger every day, Elayne tells her that she has gotten a little haughty herself.

The blonde woman leaves and Egwene searches Elaida's study for the name of the city where the Blues are meeting. She is unable find it. All of a sudden Galad, Leane and Siuan are there. She gets scared and dreams herself home, to Emond's Field, where she sees the red eagle and the wolf flags atop the Green...Flicker...She is married to Gawyn and he is just arriving home from a trip. This seems like reality to her although something doesn't really feel right. She manages to get back to her own body.

Moghedien is hiding behind a house in Emond's Field and is surprised Egwene was strong enough to break free. The Forsaken vows to see Elayne, Birgitte, and Egwene dead, the latter simply because she is able to walk freely in the Dream World.

Chapter 26 -- Sallie Daera

Min, Siuan, Leane, and Logain have been riding south and west of Lugard for fifteen days. Min has been seeing the halo around Logain more and more often although he seems to have lost all will to live -- Siuan is back in charge.

All of a sudden, they come upon a village that looks just recently inhabited. There are Aes Sedai, Warders and servants everywhere. When the foursome rides into the village they receive cold stares from everyone there. Siuan leads them to an inn. Sheriam, Anaiya, Carlinya, and Myrelle are anxious to know how Min and her two young companions found out about the gathering; they don't even recognize the former Amyrlin and Keeper. When Min reveals their identity, the Aes Sedai thoroughly question them to prove that they are who they say they are. No one is at all happy to see Logain with them.

Siuan and Leane are taken into the back room to talk.

An Accepted named Faolain seems especially angry about Logain's presence. Min sees a vision of an a'dam that shatters around the neck of an Yellow Aes Sedai named Edisna.

Chapter 27 -- The Practice of Diffidence

Siuan and Leane put their plan into action; they may not be Aes Sedai anymore but they are still master manipulators. Siuan tears a strip of off the Aes Sedai for their inaction at a time when the Tower needs to be its strongest and it lies broken -- their current plans only involve rebuilding the village. Morvrin and Beonin have joined the six Aes Sedai. Sheriam tells them that they believe they were unjustly treated by Elaida and that the charges were a farce.

Siuan informs them that their eyes and ears must still be reporting to Elaida. She also reveals that she used to be head of the eyes and ears for the Blues before she was Amyrlin. both of the facts bring gasps of surprise, as does Leane's -- she has eyes and ears in Tar Valon itself.

Siuan goes on to tell them that Elaida and the Reds found Logain a year before he proclaimed and talked him into thinking he was the Dragon Reborn because they could gain more from capturing a False Dragon than gentling an otherwise normal man. She is glad the Aes Sedai don't consider the possibility she is lying.

Sheriam agrees that they need the former Amyrlin and can use her agents. Leane begins her part of the plan suggesting that they not wait for Elaida to be deposed, but start their own Tower in exile, presenting themselves to the world along with what the Reds did with Logain. Sheriam is quickly recommended to be Amyrlin but it is suggested that it be someone who was not in the Tower when Siuan was deposed. They also agree that the person be very strong in the Power. Siuan has planted her seed and changes the topic to Rand. She thinks that he is in the Waste because of the Aiel being the People of the Dragon and the fact that the Stone has fallen to them. The Aes Sedai think the idea is preposterous at first but eventually agree to send two Greens with their seven Warders.

Sheriam's warder, Arinvar, comes in to report twenty riders approaching. Myrelle's warder, an Illianer named Nuhel, says it is Gareth Bryne. Siuan pleads that they kill him. Nuhel suggests that they need him because he is a great captain. The Aes Sedai make Siuan tell them why Bryne is after her.

Chapter 28 -- Trapped

Nuhel takes Bryne to the Aes Sedai. Bryne tells them the tale of Mara and Amaena and is told that they will fulfill their oath, but not anytime soon. He agrees to wait until he can take them back to Kore Springs. He is told their real names and is silenced in utter disbelief.

The Aes Sedai begin to ask him for his services while he is here but he interrupts for he has figured out their situation and knows exactly what they want him to do -- he is to be their captain. He agrees to the inferred proposal on three conditions 1) He commands the soldiers not them, 2) If he says something can't be done they must listen to him and 3) They must not quit halfway through the ordeal because it will leave him and his men as good as dead.

While the Aes Sedai remove themselves to consider the offer, he and Siuan butt heads and discuss their confrontation at the Murandian border three years ago. She tells him that she sent him away because he and his men could have ruined important plans, and embarrassing him in front of half the court was necessary to make sure he left. She didn't want his soldiers to kill a lord who the Tower thought could finally unite Murandy -- the man was killed in a sheep raid a month later.

The Aes Sedai accept Bryne's offer. He was prepared to concede all but the final condition. While swearing an oath to the women he begins making plans.

After the meeting dissolves, Min catches up to Siuan who is carrying "Gareth bloody Bryne's bloody laundry". Min has had a very disturbing vision; if Siuan doesn't stay close to Bryne they will both die. Siuan isn't too happy about that.

Chapter 29 -- Memories of Saldaea

Hadnan Kadere has received an anonymous note apparently from another Darkfriend: "You are not alone among strangers. A way has been chosen." He suspects an Darkfriend among the Aiel.

Isendre comes to his wagon in her black robe. Lanfear ordered Kadere to watch Rand and Asmodean and has had Isendre try to get into their beds; she has been unable to get into Rand's. She has gotten to the point where she is giving up -- the Maidens caught her again and this time they shaved all the hair off her body and beat her with nettles. Realizing that she will be break down and reveal them both very soon, Kadere strangles her and disposes of the body by chopping it up.

When Kadere was young, he had to kill his sister, Teodora, whom he loved very much, because she had found out what he had become.

Chapter 30 -- A Wager

It is night in the town of Eianrod and Rand is relaxing by the river. For the past few days Moiraine has been begging for his attention. He also reflects on the recent ta'veren effects on the people around him.

Two young lords, Edorion and Estean and twenty riders are escorted to Rand by fifty Aiel. They are from Tear. They report that the Shaido are attacking Cairhien and it is questionable how long it will hold out.

Two young Cairhien lords are introduced, Meresin and Daricain. Rhuarc says that the Aiel can be there in seven days. The lords don't believe that they can move that fast and Edorion wants to bet one thousand gold coins on it. Sulin accepts for Rand and makes it ten thousand. When Rand objects, claiming that he doesn't have that money, Sulin explains that he is entitled to something similar to `the fifth' in Tear. Rhuarc sends Thunder Walkers ahead as scouts and the lords speed off back to Cairhien.

Chapter 31 -- The Far Snows

In the room Rand has taken for himself, he walks in to find Aviendha bathing and in the nude. She is startled and screams in exasperation that she must get as far away from him as possible. She opens a gateway into a snowstorm and disappears. Rand follows her in. He chases her for a couple of miles before she tumbles through the ice of a frozen lake. He rescues her frozen body and tries to warm by her building an igloo, heating the air and wrapping her in blankets and carpet that he brought. He also undresses and adds his body heat to hers.

When she wakes she says something to herself about not denying what was in the rings any longer and kisses him extremely passionately. Two or three hours later Rand finds himself saying that they can be married as soon as they get back and they get into an argument about marriage customs. Aviendha says that they can't be married. She says that he still belongs to Elayne and that what just happened will never happen again. Rand is a little disappointed.

Chapter 32 -- A Short Spear

Outside the igloo, it is day. This confirms that they are in a strange land for it should still be the middle of the night. They see a large leathery creature fly overhead with two people on its back. They do their best to avoid being seen and sneak back to where the gateway is being held open by Rand's weave. Right by the gateway are four women on horseback and twenty soldiers on foot. The women are sul'dam and damane. Rand has Aviendha block the women while he binds them all with air. He tries to take the collars off of the damane, but experiences a great bolt of pain as soon as he touches it. He has Aviendha try. The Seanchan repeatedly refer to her as marath'damane. They argue amongst themselves about holding secrets of the Return from those above them.

The gateway is grey and Rand suspects that it has been tampered with by either Asmodean or another Forsaken. As the gate slowly closes, he and Aviendha jump through it not knowing what to expect. As they go through, Rand releases his flows but Aviendha leaves hers tied off saying that he has to learn to be tough with his enemies. A two foot spear comes through the gateway just before it disappears.

Asmodean is waiting in the room for them. He says that a gai'shain came looking for them and he told them that they didn't want to be disturbed. Now the Maidens believe that they were making love. Asmodean had made the gate invisible and is more than impressed that Rand was able to hold it open. Rand is mad that he hasn't been taught about invisibility yet and demands that Asmodean teach him two things he doesn't ask each lesson. Rand sets the other man to show him how to avoid a woman's flows.

Chapter 33 -- A Question of Crimson

Thom is practicing throwing knives at Nynaeve. Luca gets her to agree to perform the act though she refuses to wear the low cut crimson dress he has had made.

Egwene has reported that there is fighting in Cairhien and how Rand watches the execution of each Aiel who has broken his rules.

Nynaeve still can't remember the name of the town where the Blues are gathering.

Luca says that there are many menagerie's gathering in Samara and that the Prophet is there too. Juilin tells her that he saw Galad in Samara with the other Whitecloaks. Aludra gives Nynaeve a box of firestarters.

Nynaeve tells Elayne the story of how she got her black eye in a fight with Cerandin. Elayne is excited because she says she can make an a'dam. It is like linking and the collar isn't even necessary. She thinks she could make ter'angreal, angreal and sa'angreal.

Nynaeve wants to be on the first boat that is able to take them away from the menagerie.

Chapter 34 -- A Silver Arrow

During dinner, Luca continues to flirt with Nynaeve and she subtlety tries to dissuade him. Afterwards, Elayne yells at her for encouraging the man. Nynaeve talks Elayne into letting her go to Tel'aran'rhiod (because she wants to avoid having to meet Egwene at their next visit)

Birgitte takes Nynaeve to spy on Moghedien, Semirhage, Graendal, Lanfear and Rahvin who are seemingly planning an attack on Rand. Their plans involve linking.

Moghedien follows the two women and catches them off guard. She binds Nynaeve and throws Birgitte thirty feet, knocking her out. Moghedien is very bitter about what happened in Tanchico and intends to make Nynaeve suffer for eternity. The Forsaken wants Nynaeve to bring Elayne to her. Just as Moghedien is about to brainwash Nynaeve, Birgitte wakes and fires an arrow that lands in Moghedien's chest. Both Birgitte and the Forsaken are torn from the Dream World.

Moghedien wakes bleeding and has Chesmal Heal her. Temaile and Liandrin there watching. When she is healed and is being helped to bed, Liandrin tries, with all her might, to kill the Forsaken but is shielded by her instead. Liandrin begs for mercy, but Moghedien proceeds to torture her and ties an impossibly complex weave separating Liandrin from saidar.

When Moghedien is gone, Liandrin tries to get the other two to help her defeat their master but she is not much more than a cowering mess.

Chapter 35 -- Ripped Away

Elayne sees Nynaeve sobbing in her sleep and is about to wake her up when Nynaeve wakes in tears. Thom and Juilin bring in a naked women saying that she just appeared there -- it is Birgitte. She doesn't seem to be hurt but, regardless, she is dying. Nynaeve tries to heal her with incredibly large flows, but is unable to. Elayne bonds the woman as her warder in order to keep her alive. Afterwards Birgitte seems much more stable.

Nynaeve feels incredibly guilty about what has happened, thinking everything is her fault. They know Moghedien will be able to find them now and Elayne wants Nynaeve to dye her hair. Nynaeve is intent on revenge.

Chapter 36 -- A New Name

Nynaeve comes back from a tearful walk and Elayne goes outside. Thom and Juilin say that Nynaeve was a wreck; she sobbed on Thom's soldier and apologized for everything she had ever done to them. They give Elayne the silver arrow that they found with Birgitte and ask if it is really her. She keeps her promise to the woman and simply says that she is not Aes Sedai but a friend. She tells them about the Black Ajah, the Forsaken and Moghedien, save a few details. They are both stupefied. She gives them an opportunity to leave but Thom says that he has much to teach her for her to be like Morgase. Juilin says that he has an obligation to Rand.

Elayne goes back to sleep and is woken shortly after by Birgitte, who knows that she isn't in Tel'aran'rhiod any longer. She cries for a long time and is worried about Gaidal searching for her and feeling unfulfilled. Elayne tells her that she has been bonded and that Elayne is only Accepted. Birgitte tells her a story of an Accepted named Barashelle who bonded a man named Anselan, two names Elayne recognizes from one of Thom's stories.

In the morning, Nynaeve is almost like gai'shain to Birgitte because of her guilt.

Outside, Birgitte bets one hundred gold crowns to a silver penny, against Luca in a test of archery skill. She fires two bullseyes with the first two and splits them with the second two. Despite Luca's implications of `Birgitte', she names herself Maerion and he wants her to fire arrows at Nana from a hundred paces.

Chapter 37 -- Performances in Samara

Luca's menagerie has arrived in Samara. Nynaeve's hair is red and she is wearing the crimson dress Luca has had made. Birgitte is very mad at her for being so spineless. She says that she is not the other woman's responsibility and that Nynaeve should not feel guilty for what happened. Birgitte says to Nynaeve that she doesn't like her anymore and tries to get her mad.

Walking into the performing tent, Nynaeve looks at all the acts and sees strange creatures she doesn't recognize (koala bears). Juilin does his highwire act, feigning drunkenness and then Elayne follows him in a white coat and breeches. She does cartwheels, handstands and flips. Both of them receive much applause and performed without aid of the Power.

Nynaeve sees a familiar man with an eye patch throughout the performances and finally recognizes him afterwards. She chases after him.

Chapter 38 -- An Old Acquaintance

Nynaeve catches up to Uno, pushing her way through the crowd. When he recognizes her, he hauls her out of the tent, away form everybody, and tells her that he can get her some money to get her safely back to Tear. She tells him Elayne is with her and that he should watch his language. She tells him to keep it to one curse every other sentence and he actually tries to.

Moiraine sent the Shienarans to Jehannah to find a woman who would receive a message for them, but when they got there the woman was dead. Masema started talking and became the prophet. The others don't really believe him but follow him because he supports them.

Uno was planning to take Nynaeve into Samara to see Masema but it is too rowdy. He tells her he will send for her when she can see him. She keeps on walking and will see him `now'.

Chapter 39 -- Encounters in Samara

The city of Samara is overcrowded. Ragan meets up with Uno and Nynaeve and accompanies them through narrow alleys to the back entrance of the Prophet's building. They are required to leave their weapons behind. Inside, it is a fancy place, but awfully barren.

Masema is currently talking to a seemingly high noble woman about the Lord Dragon and how gold is nothing compared to the Lord Dragon. He demands her jewelry and makes her swear to him and to the Lord Dragon. Nynaeve learns later that she is the Queen of Ghealdan, the fourth monarch in the past six months.

Uno and Ragan tell Nynaeve that every penny Masema collects is given to the poor.

Masema comments on Nynaeve's revealing dress and she lets him have it. He continues to rant about materialistic things and how she should glory in the Lord Dragon until Ragan tells him Nynaeve is from Rand's town. He wants her to preach but she says she has been summoned by the Lord Dragon and needs a boat to Tear. Masema says he will look for one.

Uno and Ragan escort her out of the building. In the street, Uno spots a Whitecloak following them -- Galad.

Chapter 40 -- The Wheel Weaves

Nynaeve tries to hide in an alley but Galad walks right up to her and threatens to kill the two Shienarans if they don't let him talk to Nynaeve. She agrees to talk to him. He mentions Salidar and she realizes that that is the city name she has been trying to remember. He is only concerned about her and Elayne's safety and wants them to go to Caemlyn where they will be safe. He is going to try to find a boat to get them to into Altara.

Walking out of the city, Uno tells Nynaeve that they will go with her, along with thirteen other Shienarans. She agrees, but tells them to keep away until a boat arrives.

Back at the menagerie, Elayne tells her that another menagerie has been destroyed by a mob who thought a woman there was Aes Sedai. Nynaeve tells them her tale of meeting Uno and Galad and that they will be looking for a boat. She also tells them that Salidar is the name she has been trying to remember, but Elayne doesn't think that she is correct.

All the while she has been talking, Elayne and Birgitte have been walking her to where she will be performing. Nynaeve yelps louder at each arrow and the crowd loves it.

Chapter 41 -- The Craft of Kin Tovere

Outside Cairhien, there are thousands of men gathered and are almost as ready to fight each other as the Shaido. There is a group of Tairen Cavalry, Cairhienin cavalry, and Cairhienin infantry. They were all brought yesterday by the High Lord Weiramon who wants Rand's command to attack Couladin right away.

Aviendha has been almost friendly to Rand since their `trip'. Rand manages to get Egwene to reluctantly agree to use the Power as a weapon when they battle the Shaido.

A tall wooden Tower has been built with two looking glasses atop it. Kin Tovere, a Cairhienin, is the craftsman's name. Through one of them, Rand is able to see the Foregate that has been burnt to the ground. Both Rand and Rhuarc see a small group of Shaido in the forest, (including Couladin) who were seemingly attacked with airborne spears flung from the city, a mile away.

Chapter 42 -- Before the Arrow

Mat lies in his tent denying his memories, and his obligation to Tarman Gai'don and to the Horn of Valere. Recently, he has been able to talk about leaving and has even made plans, two things he couldn't do before. He goes to tell Rand that he is leaving.

Jasin Natael is the only one in the tent. Mat looks over the two large maps there while he waits for Rand. Lan comes in and talks to Mat about strategy. Mat involuntarily goes into a very in-depth description of what should be done against Couladin. During his talk he thinks of how similar this situation is to many other battles he has commanded. He names several from the Trolloc Wars and Artur Hawkwing's time. When Mat is done Natael ceases playing the harp and just stares at Mat like he doesn't recognize him. Rand arrives to catch the end of Mat's ideas. Rand tells him that he is free to go, shakes his hand and wishes him well. Mat walks away and plans to leave in the morning before Melindhra finds out.

Rand watches Mat leave and is impressed by what he heard. Rand sent Lan in there when he saw Mat go in to see what casual conversation might produce. Lan doesn't ask how Mat knows so much and Rand is glad he doesn't. He wouldn't want to reveal Mat's secret. Rand doesn't want to be hard and cold and wishes his friends happiness.

Rand orders Asmodean to play the `March of Death' and has Lan bring in the Chiefs, Weiramon, and the two young Tairen Lords. Rand doesn't like Weiramon and doesn't want him there.

Rand has had memories of past battles, like Mat, but doesn't always understand what the Chiefs are planning.

Chapter 43 -- This Place, This Day

Rand doesn't sleep all night. Lan comes in to ask him why he has taken to wearing a sword again -- he wants to slay Couladin. Lan thinks he is foolish and they argue for a few minutes.

Outside the tent, Maidens are everywhere, along with Egwene and Aviendha. They refuse to let him go anywhere but to the Tower with Aviendha and Egwene to fight with Power. They chant, "Far Dareis Mai carries the honor of the Car'a'carn", until Lan convinces Rand to go with them.

Up on the Tower, Egwene and Aviendha begin with winds and lightning and Rand follows shortly after. Channeling at a distance of five miles, he almost loses control.

Mat left camp two hour before dawn, but has been forced West by Aiel moving to battle. Earlier on he was grazed by an arrow. Riding atop a tall hill, Mat sees Weiramon's men heading down a twisting valley where the Shaido are waiting. Although he tells himself it isn't his concern her finds himself riding down to warn them. He halts them with the command, "Halt here! Now! By the order of the Lord Dragon! Else he channel your head into your belly and feed you your own feet for breakfast!" He finds that Weiramon has been sent back to Tear to deal with brigands and other trouble from Illian. Mat orders the Tairens to move through the gap and to form a square to face the Aiel. The Cairhienin are to flank once the battle starts. Talmanes agrees if Mat leads half of the men. Mat finds himself accepting. The fighting starts and they charge in on the unsuspecting Shaido just as the lightning begins. "And after that, things really got hairy."

Chapter 44 -- The Lesser Sadness

It is noon and Rand is weary and can feel pain through the void. He sees a battle in front of the city gates and throws lightning at it. He knows he must have killed some of his own but knows he can't let the Shaido get inside Cairhien.

All of a sudden, repeated bolts of lightning strike the Maidens at the base of the tower and get ever closer until one hits the wood supports, toppling the tower. Aviendha and Egwene's fall is cushioned by Rand.

Rand awakes with Aviendha over him and many dead Maidens lying around him. He suspects that this attack was from Sammael in the west. Sierin relays a message that the four Aiel clans approaching are closing in on each other. If they don't join Rand there will be nobody to move in behind the Shaido and to urge them along. Rand's side is bleeding, but he wants to get closer to the fighting. Egwene, Aviendha and the Maidens go with him.

Mat has lead his men through three battles and still has about three thousand men left. He thinks that the constant lightning must be Sammael's doing. A scouting report says that a group of Aiel, lead by Couladin, will unknowingly be upon them in half an hour. Mat send two flanks and will take the rest to feign being trapped by the Aiel in the gap of the valley. They will yell "Protect the Lord Dragon" which will ensure that Couladin comes at them full force and doesn't send flanks of his own. Mat is nervous about his biggest gamble ever.

It is night and Rand is wandering around trying to find his people. He is very tired and gives in to Enaila and Sulin when they try to make him return to camp. Moiraine is there healing wounded. Asmodean is walking around with two waterbags over his shoulder. When Asmodean sees him, he comes running over and is relieved to see that Rand is still alive. Rand remembers when Sammael earned his name, `Betrayer of Hope'

The Wise Ones from the four approaching clans are meeting and are going to join his forces. Lan tells him that there are only a few Shaido left and that he has won. Rand lets go of the void and exhaustion and pain sweep over him. Lan yells for Moiraine, and Sulin comforts him. "Hold on, Rand al'Thor. Hold on."

Chapter 45 -- After the Storm

It is the morning after the battle. The men of Mat's company are all drunk and are dancing around in celebration, with each other and with the Aiel. Mat is tired and injured. He was almost skewered through the heart. He is upset that he hasn't left yet. Melindhra brings him a big pitcher of brandy and says that he has gained much ji by slaying Couladin; the man's head sits impaled on a ten foot pole in the middle of their camp.

Talmanes, the Tairen and Nalesean, the Cairhienin approach Mat and name him their general. They praise him highly and want to follow him. They don't like each other but seem to get over it when they both pledge themselves to their general. The camp breaks into song in Mat's name and he prays for some way out of his current situation.

Rand wakes. Aviendha is mad at him for pushing Moiraine past her limit last night in order to heal his wounds. She says that he has a responsibility to the Aiel not to die. She tells him the four Aiel clans camp just to the east but the Wise Ones are still talking. Rand is frustrated that they are taking so long. He wants to go to the city today to see if Meilan is alive, but she won't let him because he needs to rest. With Asmodean's aid, Rand learns that Meilan, who came with six Tairen high lords to see The Dragon Reborn, got angry when was wasn't allowed to. He swore fealty to Rand and said that Cairhien is a gift to the Lord Dragon. He also said he would have a welcoming ceremony for him. Rand trusts the man's loyalty only until he believes betraying Rand won't get him killed.

There were also twelve Tairen lords, the ones Rand sent to Cairhien from Tear, who came to the camp and told Asmodean that they want to put Rand on the Sun Throne. The Wise Ones sent them away in shame.

Chapter 46 -- Other Battles, Other Weapons

Rand wants to get dressed to go to Cairhien, but Aviendha gives him a hard time and won't tell him where his clothes are. The man carrying Rand's banner, Pevin, has gradually lost his entire family and is a very grim man. Riding to the city, Rand and Aviendha notice Aiel wearing coloured headbands along with the Aes Sedai symbol on their foreheads. The gai'shain are wearing these things too. Aviendha thinks it is because they believe themselves to be siswai'aman, "Spear of the Dragon". The two of them ride by Moiraine, Kadere and the wagons thinking Moiraine will follow, but she doesn't. Rand wants Kadere to leave. Isendre is thought to have escaped.

The Cairhien commoners greet Rand with much enthusiasm until Meilan appears. Rand greets the Tairen high lords and ladies in such a way as to keep them thinking, and thus distracted from plotting against him. He is proud of himself and thinks Thom and Moiraine would be too.

Inside, Rand is offered the Sun Throne but says it is for someone else. He asks for a chair instead. He tells the Cairhienin and the Tairens to stand in rank, not segregated with the Cairhienin to the back as they are presently. The Cairhienin cheer loudly when he says that their flags will fly again above their city. All the lords and ladies swear an oath to him. He has a cold light burning in his eyes as he thinks. This intimidates each of the nobles as they approach him to swear their oath.

Chapter 47 -- The Price of a Ship

Nynaeve and Elayne have been waiting two days for a ship. Nynaeve has had nightmares and Egwene was a part of every one. She learns that Elayne has dreamt of Egwene as well, and that in both dreams she said that Rand had won a great victory at Cairhien. The two of them had agreed not to use the ring unless they had to meet Egwene, but Elayne wants to see if Egwene is in the Stone -- she seemed frightened when she left in mid- sentence during their last visit. Nynaeve refuses, (because she is afraid of Moghedien). Nynaeve reflects on how her goals have changed since she left Emond's Field.

Thom and Juilin have come back from Samara and are injured. There are riots everywhere. Uno arrives and says that their ship has docked but Whitecloaks have taken it. He thinks it will be impossible to get them to it. Nynaeve realizes what she has done just as Galad approaches and says that he has secured a boat for them and has already paid passage.

Luca announces that the menagerie is leaving in an hour because of the riots. He takes Nynaeve aside and proposes to her.

Elayne and Birgitte go to find Cerandin and try to get her to accompany them. She won't go and Elayne tells her her true identity. Birgitte doesn't believe she is heir to a throne.

Chapter 48 -- Leavetakings

While packing, Nynaeve picks up the cuendillar disk and can feel the blackness seeping out of it. Outside, with Thom, Juilin, Birgitte and Galad waiting, many of the performers take a minute to say good-bye. Luca professes his love for Nynaeve in front of everyone and gives her flowers. She gets mad remembering that Lan never gave her flowers.

In order to get to the boat they have to go into Samara. There are fires, corpses and empty streets all about with the sounds of mobs not far off. A mob does attack them and is defeated. All are hurt but Galad who is surrounded by the twenty men he took down.

Agni Neres is the captain of the Riverserpent. With the aid of Uno, Thom, and Juilin, Nynaeve tells Neres that he must take the large group of homeless that has gathered on the docks.

Chapter 49 -- To Boannda

The three women take Neres' cabin. When Nynaeve makes him dump his cargo to make more room on the crowded ship, she finds out that he is a smuggler. The man's hate for women makes Birgitte and Elayne curb their tongues.

Nynaeve catches Elayne channeling wind into the sails, only a few miles from Samara. During the three day voyage to Boannda the everyone's mood lightens. They hear the tragic stories of the homeless and Nynaeve heals many of them. She and Elayne separately give some coin to many of homeless.

Nynaeve takes a liking to three of the women; Nicola, Marigan and her two sons, and Areina. They all remind her of herself.

Nynaeve, Elayne, and Birgitte all wash the colour out of their hair and Birgitte begins to go by her real name.

At Boannda, all the passengers leave except for Nynaeve's three friends who are going to go to Salidar. That night, Nynaeve goes to Tel'aran'rhiod but is too afraid of Moghedien to stay long. Elayne goes with her for moral support. In Elaida's study they find that Elaida is very upset that Davram Bashere and his army can't be found. There are also letters there from Queen Tenobia of Saldaea, and King Easar from Shienar, telling the Tower not to meddle in their affairs.

Elayne is very misty because she is using one of the two ter'angreal that requires a flow of Spirit. Each night, she and Nynaeve go to the Dream World and Nynaeve regains her confidence. They both go to meet Egwene and Amys. Egwene tells them the same thing she told them in their dreams so that they don't reveal her Dreamwalking abilities to Amys. Rand has sent half of the Aiel south but won't even tell the Chiefs why. Moiraine has become very close to him and he pushes himself very hard, practicing, and schooling with scholars and craftsmen. Afterwards, Egwene appears briefly in Sheriam's study simply to yell at them. Wandering about, Elayne learns that Shemerin Sedai has been demoted to Accepted.

Neres drops them off at Salidar.

Chapter 50 -- To Teach, and Learn

Four hours off of the Riverserpent, Nynaeve and Egwene find themselves in Salidar being questioned by Aes Sedai. Siuan and Leane are there too. The Aes Sedai have taken the ter'angreal, the a'dam and the cuendillar disk which is now broken -- that leaves only three still intact. They have made Nynaeve and Elayne tell their tale who are now supposed to continue their training as Accepted. The Aes Sedai question Siuan because of the note that she gave the two younger women before they left the Tower. They know from Elayne and Nynaeve that the Wise Ones can channel and that there are Dreamwalkers among them.

Nynaeve and Elayne are sent away and walk into the crowded common room of the inn where the others are. Faolain comes to take Nicola and Areina away for first testing and she has several harsh words with Nynaeve. Foal in is one of the ones who have molested Siuan and Leane since their arrival. Faolain says only three girls with the spark have been found so far.

Uno, Thom, and Juilin tell the women that they can be in Cairhien in a month and away from these fools who think that they can depose Elaida. Nynaeve says that have to stay, but that the men are free to go; each of them finds an excuse to stay.

Gareth Bryne enters the common room and all but ignores Elayne, who tries to tell him that Morgase will take him back. He and Thom eloquently put their unfriendly past behind them and agree to play Stones.

Siuan comes and takes Nynaeve away. She wants Nynaeve to teach her how to use the ter'angreal ring. Nynaeve wants to study her to see if stilling can be healed. Siuan blackmails Nynaeve with the fact that the Aes Sedai won't be happy to find out that she and Elayne posed as full Aes Sedai. Nynaeve counters knowing that Siuan and Leane still plot behind the Aes Sedai's backs. Nynaeve is proud that she didn't back down to Siuan when she tried to bully her -- the first time that has happened in a while.

Elayne runs after Min who is off to do Gareth Bryne's laundry. Elayne finds it difficult but asks if Min has seen a vision of her falling in love with Rand. Min says that they both love him and will have to share him with a third although they don't know who. They agree not to let this come between them. Elayne is glad Aviendha is looking after Rand. They share their stories with each other.

Chapter 51 -- News Comes to Cairhien

Rand wonders why the weather is still so hot when fall should be near; he thinks it is unnatural. He is taking a break from a meeting and has Selande hanging off of his arm. He has been in Cairhien ten days and there have been many women such as this one flirting with him. He scares her off. He recalls the news he heard that Berelain is coming to Cairhien with a small army. She asked if Perrin was with him.

Rand goes back in to see the nobles. He intimidates them a little more before dismissing them. Lady Colavaere is the one who has been sending the likes of Selande in an effort to tie a string to him for easier manipulation. To thwart her plans he tells her she will dine with him that evening.

Egwene, Moiraine, and Aviendha enter. It has been six days since Egwene has given him any tidbits of information. She tells him that he has been told everything that he needs to know. Moiraine gives him two letters that have arrived for him. The first is addressed to Rand al'Thor and is form Elaida. She indicates that an escort is on its way to Cairhien in order to take him to the Tower for his protection until Tarman Gai'don. The second is to the Lord Dragon Reborn and is from Alviarin. It is much more informal. The Keeper of the Stole claims that she is his servant and asks that she not even show Moiraine the letter. Rand shows both letters to the three women. When Moiraine asks what the letters tell him, Rand says that there must be a rift in the Tower since they cannot be working together and that there must be spies in Cairhien for them to know he is here.

Mat joins them shortly thereafter. He has been leading the army that everyone wants to be a part of ("The Band of the Red Hand", or `Shen an Calhar'). He has been battling Andorans. He tells them that he has heard Morgase is dead. Rand takes it very hard and wonders if Elayne will ever be able to forgive him. Rand wants to go kill Rahvin right now but Moiraine persuades him to wait until tomorrow. The four of them will go with him.

The women leave and Rand tells Mat that he needs the knowledge of battle that is stored in his head. He tells Mat what he wants him to do.

Egwene is very nervous about going after one of the Forsaken.

Mat is in his room reflecting on what Rand told him. He tried to avoid battles in Andor, but it seems like they sought him out. Melindhra comes into his room and Mat tells her he might be going to Tear and mentions Rand going to Caemlyn. Out of nowhere Melindhra attacks him and has him on the floor. She is about to stab him when Mat pulls out a dagger and throws it square at her heart. He bends over her to ask `why'. "Some oaths are more important than others." The foxhead medallion around his neck somehow breaks the blade of the knife about to strike his chest. "You have the Great Lord's own luck." On the hilt of her broken blade are the nine golden bees of Illian. He can't figure out why Sammael would have interest in him, or how he would know that Rand just ordered him to lead Tear against Illian. She is the first woman he has ever killed. He can feel the dice spinning in his head.

Chapter 52 -- Choices

Rand wakes up the next morning. Yesterday he talked to both the Chiefs and the Wise Ones about his plans to go to Caemlyn. They both agreed that he had to go because of ji'e'toh. Aviendha is in his room and is talking to him; she is naked. Last night she had a little `talk' with Lady Colavaere (Rand forgot to show up for dinner). Natael enters and reports the screams that were heard coming from Colavaere's apartment. As a result, all the nobles will be walking lightly for days.

Rand can feel that Asmodean's shield hasn't yet dissipated the way Lanfear said it would. However, the Forsaken wants to accompany Rand to Caemlyn despite his weakness. Rand decides he can come. He considers skimming to Tear or Rhuidean for a sa'angreal but decides against it. Mat comes in and tells about his episode with Melindhra. It is at that point that they realize that there are no Maidens outside Rand's room. Aviendha says it can't be because of what Mat did, so Rand must have done something to upset them.

Moiraine and Egwene arrive. Moiraine gives him two letters - one is for him to think about when he has time, and the other is for Thom. She tells him there is something he must see at the docks and walks away ignoring his protests.

Kadere watches Rand and the others make their way down to him, to the docks. He can tell by the way Aviendha looks at Rand that he beds her. Keille appears behind him and he can't believe she isn't dead in the Waste. Inside the wagon Lanfear reveals her true appearance. She wants to know everything Rand has been up to -- she has been busy. Kadere begins rambling and her face darkens at a very specific point.

Rand and the others have arrived at Kadere's wagon's, where the ter'angreal are. Kadere's personal wagon explodes and Lanfear walks out throwing away Hadnan's skinned body. She is jealous about Rand and Aviendha. Lan and Moiraine are thrown to the side and all of the nearby Aiel are burned by Lanfear. Rand stops the flames and covers the two of them in a bubble. Lanfear tortures Egwene and Aviendha, demanding to know which one is Aviendha. All the while, Rand battles with Lews Therin's memories. Rand denies her and she says he will die. She is slowly defeating him and is cutting away at his link to saidin. He is about to die when Moiraine jumps at Lanfear, throwing both of them into the red ter'angreal doorframe.

Chapter 53 -- Fading Words

Rand sees Moiraine and Lanfear fall through the doorframe. Lan can no longer feel his bond with Moiraine. Egwene is hurt, but Aviendha is still able to go with him to Caemlyn. Rand is upset that Moiraine died because he refused to kill a woman; Lanfear. Rand apologizes to Lan. The warder says that he is still Rand's friend but that has to leave. Moiraine has passed his bond onto another, a Green. He is to be her lover as well as her warder and he can feel her in the west. Rand is to tell Nynaeve that he has found another and that they cannot be together. He salutes Rand, "Tai'Shar Manetheren". "Tai'Shar Malkier.

Rand is already thinking about Rahvin and curses himself for not mourning. He opens Moiraine's letter and it says that she saw this day, the day after news about Morgase arrived, when she was in Rhuidean. There were three possible outcomes 1) Lanfear killed Rand, 2) Lanfear took him away and made him her lover and when they returned Rand called himself Lews Therin or 3) both Moiraine and Lanfear died. She closes her letter by implicitly revealing that she knows Natael is Asmodean. Although she doesn't approve of him as a teacher, she understands, but warns him to be careful; he is the same man he always was.

Sulin finds Rand and wants to know why he has abandoned the Maidens; he did not let them fight and took away their honour. As she talks, she is breaking her spears. Rand explains that he can't bear to see a woman die, but eventually agrees that Maidens can go with him to Caemlyn.

Chapter 54 -- To Caemlyn

Rand overhears Amys hint to the Wise Ones that Aviendha has been more successful with Rand than they know. Rand thinks for a moment that Aviendha may be just like one of Colavaere's women.

He opens a gateway and takes as many Aiel as he can with him to Caemlyn. During the voyage one of the Aiel fall off of the platform into the black of nothingness. Mat comments that this way of traveling is worse than the Ways and Asmodean gives him am astonished look. When they get to Caemlyn, Rand notices that the streets are empty. From out of nowhere Trollocs and Myrddraal attack. Lightning strikes from the sky and Rand puts up a shield around him, but he is too late -- Mat, Aviendha and Asmodean lie dead not far off. Rand makes a doorway that takes him inside the Palace to the throne room. Rahvin is surprised to see him.

Nynaeve is teaching Siuan in Tel'aran'rhiod. Faolain has been raised above Accepted and has abused her authority over Nynaeve. Theodrin has been trying to help Nynaeve get over her block. Nynaeve cried in the woman's arms when she failed to make any progress. Nynaeve and Siuan get into an argument and then a fight. When they are laughing it off, Nynaeve thinks she sees Moghedien in a window. She pushes Siuan out of the Dream World and finds that she is in Jurene, terrified of Moghedien. The Forsaken does appear and Nynaeve is helpless because the ter'angreal she is using renders her channeling useless. Birgitte appears, but Moghedien turns her into a helpless little child. Nynaeve manages to throw an a'dam around Moghedien's neck. The captured woman says that Graendal, Rahvin, Sammael and Lanfear are plotting to have Rand attack Sammael and will all be waiting for him. Birgitte leaves and Nynaeve takes her damane to Caemlyn.

Chapter 55 -- The Thread Burns

Rand has been chasing Rahvin around the Palace and has the Forsaken on the run. The building has been severely damaged in the process. Balefire just misses Rand. Rahvin steps into a gateway and Rand follows into a strange place that resembles the Palace. During the ensuing chase, Rand battles against his body - it is trying to change to what Lews Therin looked like.

Nynaeve and Moghedien just avoid being hit by balefire. Moghedien is terrified and pleads with Nynaeve to leave because the two men are there in the flesh and are much stronger than them.

Rand sees another gateway and goes to see where Rahvin has fled this time. It is a trap. Rand feels himself turning into an animal and can feel saidin slipping away from him.

Nynaeve sees Rahvin around the corner, They sneak up on him and engulf him in flames. He easily douses them. His body is charred but he turns on the two women to kill them.

Rand feels the trap dissolve and sees Rahvin up in the tower. He kills the man with balefire and runs up to make sure he is dead. Nynaeve confirms that he is and tells Rand that he must leave Tel'aran'rhiod because he has entered in the flesh and part of his humanity could disappear. He asks Nynaeve to tell Elayne that he cannot love her because he has found another. He also relays Lan's message. Moghedien comments that Rand is a very remarkable man and very, very dangerous. Nynaeve gives Moghedien some forkroot and says she will see her soon, in Salidar.

Rand returns to Caemlyn to find fighting everywhere. He kills every Shadowspawn he can see. He finds Mat, Aviendha, and Asmodean alive, and is ecstatic. However, he sees Latelle and Pevin lying dead. "Take what you can have. Rejoice what you can save, and do not mourn your losses too long." Rand leaves Bael with the task of hunting down all the Trollocs that have run off into the country side.

Chapter 56 -- Glowing Embers

Rand is in Morgase's throneroom with Mat, Aviendha, Enaila, Somara and Asmodean. Davram Bashere, Marshal-General of Saldaea, presents himself to Rand. He is hunting for Mazrim Taim and has followed him to Andor. Rand says that Taim is his; he is granting amnesty to any man who can channel if they will aid him in Tarman Gai'don. Bashere agrees to follow Rand and has nine thousand cavalry waiting on the Andoran border. Rand intends to see Elayne on the throne.

Asmodean walks away to get some wine. When he opens the door to the pantry he dies. "You! No!"

Morgase, Lini, Tallanvor and the others are in Altara, almost at the Amadician border. Tallanvor calls her simply `Morgase' and she has begun to think of him as a `man'. They kept on riding when Bryne wasn't in Kore Springs. Lini keeps urging her on with saying things like "There's no point letting honey age too long before you eat it." Lini questions if Morgase really wants to do what she is doing. Morgase says she must find her allies wherever she can and trots off toward the border. The others follow.

Summary by Craig Cassar: <>
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