Final Fantasy Music


Wheel of Time Stuff

The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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Series with Amazon.com




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Please follow the instructions below carefully. Go through each step first before pressing the below button, or you'll only ruin everything!

  1. Think of a number between 1 and 10.

  2. Multiply the number by 9.

  3. Add the digits of your result.

  4. Subtract 5 from your new number.

  5. Find the letter that corresponds to your number, if 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, etc.

  6. Think of a country that begins with your letter.

  7. Write down the name of that country.

  8. Think of an animal beginning with the second letter of your country.

  9. Think of the color of that animal.

  10. Write down the animal and its color.

  11. Think of an animal that begins with the last letter of your country.

  12. Think of a fruit that begins with the last letter of this second animal.

  13. Write down the fruit and the animal.

When you are finished, touch analyze...


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