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Wheel of Time Stuff

The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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  Thomdril Merrilin  

Allegiance: The Light, Rand al'Thor, His Heart.

Title(s): Gleeman, Court Bard, Gray Fox.

Favorite Saying: I'm getting too old for this.

Tall, lean and long limbed with a stoop in his shoulders, he still moves spryly. Not so much since a Myrddraal left him with a limp. Has shaggy white hair and thick snowy mustaches that sometimes quiver. Blue eyes that drill into a person, below bushy white brows on a gnarled face. He talks quickly and his voice carries, seeming to resinate even outdoors. He was acrobatic and adjile, but is unable to do backflips now. He snores "like a saw cutting an oak knot".

Hard to kill. Hot headed, sometimes saying the worst things at the worst moments. Is reasonably wise and able to play Daes Dae'mar in his sleep. A great performer, he always thought the audience's tastes were not as good as his.

First mentioned as the bard of the young Lady Morgase. Thom helped her to ascend to the throne of Andor, becoming the Court bard and known in every royal court from Tear to Maradon. He killed Taringail before he could carry out his plans to kill Morgase. Thom was at this point Morgase's lover, but soon after Taringail died, Owyn and his problem cropped up.

Too busy in Caemlyn to do anything, he left Owyn until it was too late. When he returned to Caemlyn, Morgase was upset with him for disappearing without a word. Instead of gently brushing aside her temper, as was normal, he told her what he thought: that she was a spoiled child, a puppet of Tar Valon and he shook her physically. He left Caemlyn half a step ahead of the headsman's axe. He continues to blame himself for Owyn.

Thom became a travelling gleeman, entertaining villagers for many years. It was in his profession that he came to Emonds Field for Bel Tine. When Moiraine left the Two Rivers, he left as well, wanting to help Rand, Mat and Perrin, as he had not done for Owyn. When everyone was separated at Shadar Logoth, he, Mat and Rand took refuge on Bayle Domon's ship. Once in Whitebridge he helped Mat and Rand escape by attacking a Myrddraal, giving him a perminant limp.

Making his way around as a gleeman once again, he arrived in Cairhien, performing in the forgate for Seaghan. He fell in love with Dena: a young woman training to be a performer. There he met Rand again and retrieved his flute and harp. Just when things were looking up for Thom, King Galldrian had Dena killed in some obscure Daes Dae'mar plot. Thom then killed Galldrian, plunging Cairhien into civil war.

Feeling very low, he made is way to Tar Valon to help his mood. There he started performing at The Woman of Tanchico and burying his sorrows in drink. Mat found him after escaping from the White Tower, and together they left for Caemlyn and then to Tear to save Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve.

After the stone fell, he took a room in the servant's quarters, helping Rand with Daes Dae'mar and the High Lords. He and Juilin Sandar left Tear with Nynaeve and Elayne helping them hunt the Black Ajah in Tanchico. He and Juilin followed the two to Salidar and then Ebou Dar where they were last seen as the Seanchan were attacking.

During his time in Caemlyn he became good friends with Basel Gill, and still visits him when he can. Thom has no living relatives. He had a brother, whose son was Owyn. Owyn had a wife, also dead.