Named: Watcher of the Seals, Flame of Tar Valon, Amyrlin Seat,
Aes Sedai, Joslyn.
Stunningly beautiful. Of a height with Nynaeve, she also has
dark colouring with big brown eyes and waves of dark hair to below her
Head strong, stubborn and proud she is also quite sensitive.
She has the strength and intelligence to do anything, which will help her in her
current job. Whatever she does, she does with her whole heart.
She left Two Rivers with Moiraine, who knew she had the spark
of channeling. Moiraine started teaching her until she left for the White Tower
after the events at the Eye of the World.
She and Perrin were split up from the rest of the group at
Shadar Logoth and made it across the river. They began walking towards Caemlyn,
where they met Elyas Machera. She then watched as Perrin began changing. She
remembers these events, but keeps his secret.
Anaiya Sedai recognised that Egwene may be a dreamer and began
testing her for this. After some time in the White Tower Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne
and Min were led to Falme by Liandrin where Egwene was captured and made into
damane. Her sul'dam was Renna. Nynaeve and Elayne rescued her and they returned
to the tower. Upon returning she was made Accepted and was given a ring to help
with dreaming. She then left to hunt Liandrin and the black ajah.
This led her, Nynaeve and Elayne to Tear where they were
captured and later rescued by Mat. After rescue, she met Amys in Tel'aran'rhoid.
She then went to Ruidean to learn to be a dreamwalker, splitting up with Nynaeve
and Elayne. While in the waste she learned ji'i'toh: honour and obligation. Her
time with the Aiel gave her a strong sense of these and taught her how to do
what must be done.
She figured out Travelling. Elayne and Nynaeve gave her the
a'dam that held Marigan so that she controlled her until she escaped. She
managed to needle out a few more secrets before hand. She also forced Birgitte
to tell her the truth by sheer will.
Her father is Brandelwyn and her mother is Marin. She also has
two sisters. She is as strong a channeler as Elayne, the only woman stronger who
isn't forsaken, is Nynaeve. She is also a dreamwalker of great strength. With
time she may as good as Lanfear, and even Moghedien.